In Between the Scene: Going Under

"Are you ready for your story Emer"? "I's eady daddy". Moving over, so daddy could lay down beside her, Ernie jumped on the bed, spreading himself across Horatio's legs. "Ernie down, come on, get down". Pulling on his collar, Ernie growled low. "Stop that, get down".

"Ou soudn't ell at him daddy, mommy says he potects me, come on Ernie". Jumping back up on the bed, Horatio realized he lost this round. "Once upon a time, there were three bears, a mommy bear, a baby bear, and a great big papa bear". "Daddy, do nears eally alk"? "No Emer, this is just a fairytale".

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh......handsome, hurry, the baby, it's coming. Running from the room, with Emer not far behind, Horatio seen her fluid on the carpet. "Oh christ, I'll call 911". "Oh chist, I elps daddy". "EmerAngel, don't swear". "Orry mama, I's try and isten ater, I's gots to call the ospital".

Calleigh couldn't help but laugh between her pain. "Okay love, thay are on their way, and Eric's on his way over, shouldn't be long, just hold on love". "Hold on, damn it Horatio, never again, this is all your fault". " it daddy, is all our fult". "Emer, stop that cursing". "Orry mommy, but daddy needs to ear it".

Hearing the siren's, Emer ran downstairs, and let them in. "Mama is uptairs, shes aving a baby". "She is, well aren't you a lucky girl, to hava a new brother or sister". "I's want a sister, I's ready have a bother, and he's pest". The EMT's laughed, as they headed upstairs.

When they reached the room, the dogs growled...."Grrrr... grrrr...". "Ernie, bert, out". Leaving the room, the EMT's loaded Calleigh onto the stretcher, as Eric ran in. "I'm here, did she have it yet"? "No Eric, Emer needs to go too bed, Horatio is already sleeping, and please make sure, Bert is in Horatio's room, where he should be". "Sure "H", just go".

"Well Emer, let's get you into bed". "Dams it Uncle Eric, I's want to sees the baby". Laughing at the curse, Eric picked her up, carried her to her room, tucked her in, kissed her cheek, and said...."sleep now Angel, school in the morning". Emer fell asleep dreaming about her new school, forgetting all about the baby.

Arriving at the hospital, they took Calleigh up to Maternity, while "H" filled out the papers. "Damn you Horatio, where the hell are you, Hooooooooooooooooratio", she screamed, at the top of her lungs. The people in the elevator heard the screams. "Sorry...that's my wife, she's haivng our baby, stepping off, he ran to the room.

"I'm here love, I'm here, just breathe". "I am breathing, auuuuuuugh....God why does it hurt so much"? "I'm not sure love, just keep breathing, I'll find the OBYGN". "Don't you dare leave me again, get back here Horatio, now". Turning around Horatio took her hand, as she squeezed. " are you, all ready to deliver"?

Giving her OBGYN the nastiest look, she said...."what do you think, I'm in pain, get this baby out now". "Patients Calleigh, it's going to be fine, you are about seven centemeter's dilated, it won't be long now". "Auuuuugh....I said now.....". Pushing hard, the nurse bared down on her tummy, helping the baby out.

"Auuuuuuuugh...huff, huff, puff,puff, oh God, this isn't right, something is wrong". "Nothing is wrong Calleigh, I can see the baby's crown, just bare down, breathe deep, and push". "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh......pushing down, the baby slid out, right into the doctor's arms. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,waaaaaaaaaaa,waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....".

"It's a boy, a beautiful healthy little boy, and look at all that red hair". Passing the child to Horatio, he held him, with tears in his eyes. "Calleigh...thank you sweetheart, thank you for giving us, another son". Crying Calleigh said...."Emer's going to be angry, he's not a girl". Kissing his son, he said...."she'll be fine love, you'll see, she'll be fine".

Watching Horatio with his new son, Calleigh realized the true test would be, when they got the new baby home.

In the morning, Horatio dressed Emer for school. "Daddy, did mama ave the baby"? "She did love, you have a new brother". "A boter, I's anted a sister". "I know you did, but mommy had a little boy". "Its not air daddy, who's Is ave to pay wit"? "Well love, you'll be able to play with Horatio soon, he's just started walking now". "I's want a girl to pay wit".

Placing Horatio in his car seat, then Emer in her belt, she complained all the way to school, leaving Horatio with a headache. "Here we are Emer, your new school, shall we go inside"? "Es daddy, urry, I's don't ant to be ate". Running ahead of her daddy, Emer seen all the kids playing in the classroom.

"Ooooh....ook daddy, ook at all the kids". "I see them love, looks like you will have lots of new friends". "Hi I's Emer, whats our name"? "I'm suzy, and dis is Carrie, ou want to go and pay"? "Can I daddy"? "Of course you can, see you later Emer".

" must be Horatio Caine, and I take it that is Emerald"? "Yes, we've just registered". "Very good, my name is Mrs.Dukes, and I'll be Emer's teacher, if you have any questions, let me know, okay"? "I will, thank you, Emer, daddy's going to leave now". "K daddy, see ou onight". "Okay love, have fun". "I's will daddy".

Heading back to the car with Horatio, his cell phone rang. "Caine". "Horatio, it's Eric, we need you down at the lab, we've misplaced the evidence from the Dabber case". ""? "We're not sure, Ryan had it, placed it on the table, but when he went back for it, it was gone". "Okay Eric, I'll be right there, keep looking, without that evidence, Dabber goes free".

Great work on this story!! :) I'm soo glad they caught that bad guy, that Dana is safe, and now H and Cal have a new baby boy!! :D So cute!! I was laughing my heart out when Emerald was swearing!! :lol: :lol: It was like the child in 'Meet the Fockers' saying a bad word!! :lol: :lol:

And Mel, I fell over at the bath-tub image!! :devil: Don't give me ideas!! ;) :lol:
Thanks Emer, I thought it would be funny, I remember when my daughter was Emer's age, she'd mimic what was being said. :lol: :lol:
With Emer in school, and Horatio at daycare, it gave Horatio time, to pick up Calleigh, and their new son. "Excuse me, Lt.Caine, we need a name for your child before we can release your wife, after all we can't have baby Caine on our records". "Hmm...guess not, give me five minutes to talk it over with Calleigh". "Sure, take your time".

Entering the room, Horatio seen Calleigh, with their son, ready to go. "Morning love, you ready to go"? "I am, I can hardly wait to get home". "Okay...but before we leave, we need to give the hospital our son's name". "Oh my, that's right, I haven't even realized". "Do you have one sweetheart"?

Thinking about different names, Calleigh blurted out..."I know, how about Timothy Michael Caine"? "Timothy, I like that, let me inform the nurse, and we will be on our way". "Do we have a name Lt"? "WE do, we do...Timothy Michael Caine". "Wonderful name, we will log it, and you take care of that family of yours". "I will, I will".

With Timothy buckled in his carseat, Horatio took his new addition home. "Here we are Timothy, welcome home", smiled Calleigh. Placing him in the cradle, Calleigh took off her coat, laid down on the bed, and fell asleep. "Calleigh, sweetheart, I'm going to pick up Emer, and Horatio, I'll be back soon". "Mmm...okay handsome, drive careful". "I will love, I will".

Arriving at the school, Emer seen her daddy, and ran to the car. "Daddy, daddy, is mommy ome wit the baby"? "She is Emer, and your new brothers name is Timothy". "OOOOhhh... I ike that name daddy, but is ou's ure is not a girl". "I'm positive sweetheart, he's a boy". Buckling Emer in, she asked an endless amount of questions, about her new brother.

After picking up Horatio, they headed home, and as Horatio parked the car, Emer ran out into the house. "Mama.. I'm ome, ee is Imothy"? "In here Emer, come see your new brother". Running into the room, Emer seen how tiny he was. "Oh mama...e's so tiny, I's old im". "Yes you can, hop up beside mommy". Placing her new son, in Emer's arms, she admired how sweet her daughter looked, holding the new baby.

"Ooooh mama, e's so petty, I's oves im". "You do, well you know what, your new brother loves you too". Bending down, Emer kissed her brother's cheek, as he crinkled his little nose.

I love it, thankies Melly :)

Later in the evening, Calleigh spent some time with Emer, finding out, how her first day of kindergrden went.

"How was your first day Emer"? "It was un mama, I's made new iends, and we gots to color pictures, and pay with olls". "You did, and what is your new teacher like"? "She's petty mommy, but not as petty as you are". "Aww..thanks love, you're very pretty too". "I's know mama, daddy ells me alls the time".

"Emer....bath time sweetheart". "Oming daddy, bye mama, ee ou soon". Running to the bathroom, Ernie tackled her. "Ernie, no, no, ou's not ice, top that". Picking his daughter up off the floor again, he told Ernie to go lay down. "Daddy, why oes Ernie do that alls the ime". "He doesn't mean to love, he just thinks you are playing, not realizing how hard he tackles you".

During her bath time, Ernie was crawling along the ground, making his way towards Emer, while her daddy was reading his paper. *SPLASH*....". "ERNIE"....yelled Emer. "Shoot, Ernie, get out, OUT!!! yelled "H". Running out of the room, Calleigh seen Ernie soaking wet, dripping all over the new carpet. "Handsom.... what happened"?

"Ernie decided he needed a bath, so he jumped in with our daughter". "Crazy dog, Ernie get outside". Slopping down the stairs, Ernie went out the doggy door, with Bert. "Daddy, I's et out now, I's ant to see Timoty". "Sure sweetheart, fluffing his daughter dry, Horatio helped her into her nightgown, combed her hair, and kissed her pretty cheek. "There you go love, now you can go see Timothy".

"Mama...I's see Timoty efore ed". "Of course you can, come on in". Climbing up beside her mom, Emer watched her brother drink. "Mama...why Timoty ake ose faces"? "Well love, he has some gas, so mommy puts him over her shoulder and helps him burp, by rubbing his back". "Ooooww...ewwww, he's threw up mama, all over ou". Lifting Timothy from her shoulder, Horatio helped her clean it off.

"Waaaaaaaaaa...Daaaaaaaaaadaaaaa". "Sounds like Horatio's awake, I'll grab him, five more minutes Emer, than it's bed time". "K daddy, I omise, I's old im now mama"? Placing her brother in her lap, Emer cooed and talked to him. "I's ove ou Timoty, I's our sister Emer, I's ake ood are of ou". Smiling Calleigh had to agree, Emer was making a wonderful, big sister.

Little Horatio is just a little over two years.

Walking into Horatio's room, he picked him up, and carried him into their room. "Mama....". Stretching his arms to be held, Calleigh took him, and felt he was fevered. "Handsome, grab me the Tylenol, he has a bit of a fever". " oreo ick"? "I don't know love, he could have a cold, but he'll be okay".

After giving him the Tylenol, he feel asleep. "Here sweetheart, I'll carry him back to bed, and Emer, you come too, school in the motrning". Climbing down from the bed, Emer took her daddy's hand. "Here we go EmerAngel, sleep sweet honey". " I's a good big ister"? "You are sweetheart, sleep now".

With the house quiet, Horatio picked up Timothy. "You are going to spoil him". " love, he's to young for that". Laughing...."we'll see, look what happened with Emer, and Horatio". "Aww..that's your fault love, I told you to stop picking them up", he winked. Kissing his son on the head, he laid him back down.

"Do you need anything sweethert"? "No, I'm fine". Laying down beside his wife, he held her in his arms, while watching his son sleep. "He's not going to disappear". "I know love, he's just so tiny". "He'll grow, before we know it, he'll be running around with Emer, and Horatio". Closing his eyes, Horatio tried to picture, the next ten years of his life".
