In Between the Scene: Going Under

*squee* What an adorable family!! :) I'm LOLing at Timothy throwing up over Emerald!! :lol: :lol: Nice name, btw! Great suggestion, Mel!! :) And H and Cal are such good parents!! :D :D

I'm always smiling when I read this story. :) Can't wait to read more!! :)
Later in the evening, Horatio heard the sound of the footsteps. As he got out of bed to have a look, he seen the dogs where they were supposed to be. Still feeling uneasy, he grabbed his gun, and quietly walked the length of the hall, and that's when he heard the talking.

"I'm telling ya man, we got the wrong house, and I don't see any large screen Tv, or Multi stereo DVD suuroundsound system". "Just shut your bloody mouth, and keep looking". Making his way down the stairs, Horatio signaled Ernie and Bert, as they followed, they heard the talking.

"Grrrr....grrrr". Turning around the suspects seen the dogs. "I told you we had the wrong place, RUN!!!! trying to escape out the window, Ernie and Bert tackled them to the ground. "Auuuuuuuuuuuugh....auuuuuuuuuuuugh...we give up man, call them off, call them off". Picking up the phone, "H" called Miami-Dade.

When they arrived, they took the crooks into custody, as Calleigh came down the stairs. "Handsom, what's going on"? "It's okay love, we caught a couple robber's, they hit the wrong house, Ernie and Bert tackled them". "Oh..such smart dogs, aren't you, how about a nice big steak"? "Woof, wooof". Taking the dogs into the kitchen, Calleigh cooked them a huge steak.

The following morning, when Calleigh awoke, she heard Emerald talking to Timothy. "I's ells ou Timity, Ernie is a bad og, and whens ou get bigger, hes jumps all ovr ou, but i's gonna potect ou fom im, I pomise". Smiling at her daughter, she watched and listened, as Emer played big sister.

"Emer....where is daddy"? "E's dessing Oreo". "Oh...and are you all ready for school"? "I's is mama, I's ant to spend ome time with Timity". "Emerald...let's go love", called her daddy. "Oming daddy", kissing her brother and mommy good bye, she ran down the stairs.

Getting up, Calleigh nestled Timothy. "Hey little handsom, don't you think you have such a wonderful big sister, such a lucky boy you are, for not only that, you have the wonderful name, of a great friend who was always strong, smart, sensitive, and carefree, and I can see you being just like your Uncle Speedle, yes, I can".

Baring her breast, Calleigh thought back to the days, Tim was alive, and how he filled their scenes, with his light hearted sarcasm. "God Speedle I miss you, cried Calleigh, as she caressed her sons cheek, while he fed. "Sweetheart... you okay"? "Yeah, just thinking back to the old days, with Speed, it's still so hard to believe he's not here". "I know love, I know, I feel it at times myself, but then I think, he's never really left, he's here, watching over all of his team".

Smiling between her tears, Calleigh whole heartedly agreed. "Here love, I'll take him for a while, you go ahead and have a shower, we'll be fine". Kissing her husband, and her son, she walked into the washroom. "Such a wonderful, beautiful mommy you have, you know Timmy, I loved your mom since forever, I knew way back, that she would one day be my wife, unfortunetly, it took her almost dying, to figure that out, but now, now our love is so strong, and filled with so much joy and love, from you children, we are truely blessed Timothy.

While Timothy continued to sleep, his daddy went on and on, about how his Calleigh, changed his life.

During the morning, Horatio had to return to the lab, while Calleigh, decided to come along, and show Timothy to the rest of the team. "Hi Calleigh...oh look at him, said Alexx, hello Timothy, how are you"? Holding him in her arms, brought back memories for Alexx, memeories of her children, when they were that young.

"Calleigh...he is so handsom, I can see timmy watching and smiling, with pride, from the name". "I know Alexx, I can feel him too". " that the new baby"? "Hey Frank, yes it is, this is Timothy, and timothy, this is your Uncle Frank". Passing the baby to Frank, Alexx told calleigh, she'd see her later.

"He's very handsome Cal, another great job by "H". "Hey... I had a hand in it too you know". "I know, but I can't help but see Horatio from top to bottom". Laughing Calleigh said...."GO away frank, don't you have something to do". After Frank left, Calleigh searched the lab for her husband.

"Hey see Horatio"? "No...I thought he wasn't coming in this morning"? "Hmmm...he told me you called him, and needed him down here". "Cal...why would I need "H", we have no case, or unsolved's". Calleigh was confused, she couldn't find her husband anywhere. "I don't get it, strange".

As she headed towards the lunchroom, she heard talking. Bracing her hand on the door, she opened it, and everyone yelled....."SURPRISE". "Oh guys, awww". Calleigh was in tears, for they had the whole baby shower set up, without her knowing.

"Congrat's Calleigh....and welcome to the family Timothy, yelled the gang.

Aww!! So nice!! :) I loved it when the whole team is cooing over baby Timothy! :D :) And what a cool surprise!! Nice job once again!! :)
After the shower, Horatio, Calleigh, and Timothy, headed out to pick up Emer, and Horatio. "You're not to tired, are you love"? "No...not really handsom, though it will be nice to relax". Horatio knew she was tired, but he loved her all the more, for putting up with her team.

Arriving at the school, Emer, came running out, "Timity, Timity, I's ere, I's ove ou Timity". Jumping in her car seat beside Timothy, Emerald kissed his cheek. "Hi mama, daddy, I's ad un today, we colored, and I made a icture of our famiy". "You did, that's wonderful". "Uhuh...I even gots to alk bout timity".

While Emerald talked on about her day, Horatio ran into the daycare center, and grabbed Horatio Jr. "I dada...". "Hello son, did you have a good day"? "Ummm..yup, he giggled". Strapping him in his car seat, the Caine family headed home, with Emer still talking away.

Unlocking the door, like a big girl, Emer held it open for her mommy. "Oh mama....ere's all the pesents ome fom"? "They came from our family at work, they had a shower for mommy, and Timothy". "Did ou have ake"? "We did, and you know what"? "Wat mama..."? "I brought some goodies home, for you and Horatio". "Yeah.....ou ere at Oreo, we gets oodies".

While Horatio put Timothy down, Calleigh and Emer started supper. "I's our the auce now mama"? "NOt yet love, you have to wait till the pasta drains of all it's water". Waiting patiently, Emer snuck a finger full of icing, from the shower cake. "Emer....not till after supper". "Orry mama, its ood, I's ove cocolate".

"I know you do, now...let's stir in the sauce". After pouring the sauce on top of the spaghetti, Emer ran to get daddy, and Oreo. "Daddy, Oreo, upper eady, I elped". Picking his daughter up in his arms, Horatio kissed her pretty lips. "Well than Emerangel, I'm sure it will taste perfect".

While eating dinner, Emer seen Oreo was having trouble eating his spaghetti. "Ere Oreo, I's elp ou, ou ave to twil it on the fok". Lifting the fork up to her brother's mouth, he ate it. "Is tat ood Oreo, don't I's make ood sketti"? Smiling at his sister, Oreo said..."ovs ou Emer". "I's ove ou too".

"Mama...we's ave ake now"? "Yes you may, would you like to help mommy serve it"? "Es pease mama". Getting up from the table, Emer cut the cake into huge slices. "Oh Emer love, those are a little big, how bout we cut them smaller". "K mama...tat better"? "Mhmm...take it to Daddy, and I'll bring mine and Horatio's".

After eating their cake, Emer got the washcloth, and cleaned the icing from her brother's face. "Ere's ou go Oreo, all clean". While their parents watched, they were proud of their Emer, for she was such a wonderful sister. "Okay...who's first for their bath"? "Oreo can go irst daddy, I's elp mama wit dises". "You are such a big girl Emer". "I's know daddy, buts mama had a baby, se's needs mys elp".

Filling the sink with soap, Emer washed while mommy dried. "Thank you for all your help angel". "Ou's elcome mommy, can I's pay with Timity now"? Sure love, see if he's awake, than let mommy know, okay"? "K mama". Heading over to the cradle, Emer seen her brother sleeping. "Mama..e's eeping ". "Well then love, why don't you have your bath, than by the time you our done, he'll be awake for his feeding".

Heading upstairs for her bath, Ernie followed her. "No's tip me Ernie, ou's be ice". Giving Emer that tilted look, as if to say "who me"...he kept walking beside her. "Hi daddy, I's eady for my bath". Running her water with bubbles, Emer didn't think her daddy had put enough in, so taking the Mr.Bubble's she poured almost half.

Running from the bathroom, to get her towel and nightie, she forgot all about the tub. "Emer you have everything you need"? asked her daddy, as he passed her in the hall. "Es daddy, I's be right tere". Entering the washroom, Horatio seen the bubbles, coming from the door.

"Oh Christ....running in not realizing how slippery the floor was, Horatio fell on his bum, "damn it, Emer, come here". Running into the washroom, Emer seen the bubbles, "oh's no daddy, wats did ou do"? " did it Emer, you used to many bubble's". "I's orry daddy, I's not know".

"Mama....mama...elp, daddy's feld and can'ts get up". Running up the stairs with the dogs behind, they slid into the washroom, right on top of Horatio. "ERNIE...BERT....OUT!! he yelled, get those damn dogs out of here". Pulling the dogs back, Emer tried to help her daddy up. "I's orry daddy, so orry". "It's okay Emer, don't cry, I'm okay".

When Horatio was up, he left the room soaking wet. Poor Calleigh was trying desperately not to laugh. "Not a word love, not a word".

:lol: :lol: That was hilarious!! Poor Horatio fell on his bottom!! :lol: And who doesn't love a big bubble bath? :D :) That part with Emerald and Horatio JR. was so sweet!! :) Great work! :)
Watching daddy leave, Emer seen mommy laugh, making her laugh. "Daddy unny mama...he's falls and ooks ike he's peepee his pants". Still laughing Calleigh couldn't catch her breath. "Is you okay mama"? giggled Emer. "Yes love, I'm fine". "Waa...waa..waa...

"Oh's no mama, Timity wake, I's go ee him". Running down the hall, Emer went into the nursery. "Is okay Timity, I's ere, no cry, mama oming". Waiting for her mommy, Emer began singing "Old MacDonald's Farm"....."oh Aconald, ad a arm, eeyeeyeeoh, and on at arm, he ad a pig, eeyeeeyeoh".

"Mama....Timity on't top cying". "I know Emerangel, he's hungry, mommy needs to feed him". "I elp mama"? "You can't love, it's your bed time, and daddy's waiting for you". "K mama...night Timity, as she kissed his cheek, night mama". "Night my angel, sleep tight". "I's ill mama".

When Emer got to her room, she seen daddy pulling back her covers. "Hop up baby angel". Running to the bed, Emer jumped up, right into the bed. "K's daddy, I's eady for my tory". "Once upon a time, there was a Princess named Emerald, she lived in a castle, with her mommy, daddy, and two brothers. Now Emer, loved to play in the magic garden, with her dolls, everyday they would have tea parties, with the faeries and elves, who lived there".

"Daddy...ell me bout the faerie king". "I'm getting there love, be patient. "Now one day, Emer was playing, when a special little elf came up to her, and asked her to join him, in his magic garden, agreeing to his invitation, Emerald wandered off with him".

When they arrived at the magic kingdom, Emerald smiled.....". Looking down, Horatio seen she was asleep, taking the cover's he snuggled her in, kissed her cheek, and left the room. "Night my EmerAngel, Ernie...come". Wandering into Emer's room, Ernie laid down, at the foot of her bed.
