In Between the Scene: Going Under

When the dogs ran into the den, Horatio yelled......"SIT". Sure enough those dogs sat, and didn't move. "Good job "H", said Ryan, they're learning". "Hey Calleigh...who's playing S.A.N.T.A. this year, Frank spelled out. "It seems my dad, as soon as he gets here". "Gandpa coming mama"? "Yes he is love, tonight". "So is Santa, right mama". "Yes he is love". "To bing me pesents right"? "Yes love to bring you and your brother presents". Clapping EmerAngel ran over to Horatio and said....."Santa come tonight ittle "H", he bing us pesents". Little "H" smiled excitedly, and kicked his little legs.

*Ding,dong*. "I get it mama", said Emer as she ran to the door. "Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas little Emer". "Santa, oh mommy, it's Santa, he is ere". Coming to the door, Calleigh invited Santa in. "Oh Santa, ou bing me pesents"? "Ho, ho, yes I did, little EmerAngel, have you been a good girl"? "I has, mama said so". "She did, well then, shall we go sit, and we will see what Santa has for you, and your brother"?

Running ahead of Santa, Emer tripped over Ernie. "Owww...Ernie, no lay in the middle of da floor". Getting up, Ernie licked Emer's face. "Ernie, sop now, Ernie, daddy elp, Ernie not let me up". Walking over Horatio pulled Ernie, off Emer. "Ank ou dada". "You are welcome my Angel". As Emer waited excitedly, Santa sat down. "Ho, ho ho, Eric, Ryan, Frank, and "H", how are you, have you all been good"? Ryan howled, he couldn't get over it. "Shut up Ryan, whispered Frank.

"Uncle Yan, why ou augh at Santa, not nice ou know, ou get no pesent if ou not be good". "I'm sorry Emerald, and sorry to you too Santa". "No worries Ryan, okay, who is first"? " irst Santa, I's the oldest". "Okay Emer, come sit on Santa's lap". Now...seeing Santa, was fine, but Emer was not to sure about sitting on his lap. "Go on sweetheart, Santa is waiting", said Calleigh. "I sanged my mind, ittle Laura go irst". Everyone laughed, getting up, Eric placed little Laura in Santa's lap.

Well that did it, little Laura screamed. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaa, he cried. "Ho, ho, hey now, it's okay little Laura, Santa not hurt you, I have a gift for you". Pulling a present out of the sack, he passed it to Eric, along with little Laura. "Thank you Santa". "Ho, ho, you are welcome". Looking over at Emer, he said..."Ho, ho, your turn now Emer"? Shaking her head in fear, she said..."uhuh, ittle "H" irst, I ait". Ryan laughed, "Emer, Santa won't hurt you". "I know's dat, I's not eady et".

As Horatio took over little "H" to Santa, and sat him on his knee, little "H" looked wide eyed, kicked his feet, and gave a deep gurgle of laughter. "See Emer, your brother likes Santa", said Ryan. Digging in his bag, Santa pulled out the gift for little "H". "Ho, ho, there you go, little one, Merry Christmas". Lifting little "H" back to Horatio, Emer walked towards Santa. "Ho, ho, hello Emer, are you ready to sit on Santa's lap"? Shaking her head yes, her Granpa picked her up, and sat her on his knee.

"Hi there Emerald, what would you like for christmas"? Now Emer knew what she wanted, but she couldn't remember, cause Santa was distracting her. "Uh...I not member". "Hmmm... didn't you ask Santa to bring you a Malibu Barbie"? Shaking her head, Emer said..."Uhuh... did you bing it Santa"? "I did, here you go love, and Merry Christmas". "Ank ou Santa, said Emer climbing off his knee. Getting up, Santa said "good bye, see you all tonight, while you are sleeping".

Turning out the room, Santa waved and disappeared out the door. Not more than 5 minutes later, Emer's Grandpa showed up. *Knock, knock*. "I get it daddy". Running to the door, with her Barbie, she opened it and yelled, "Papa....ou is ere, ook wat Santa bought me". "Wow, that's beautiful EmerAngel, did you thank Santa"? "I did Papa, is ou coming in"? "I am Emer", said Grandpa as he picked her up". "Hi dad, winked Calleigh, how are you"? Kissing his daughter on the cheek, he said...."great Lambchop".

"Hey Papa....ere is my iss"? "Your kiss, well, your kiss is right here", said her Grandpa, as he kissed her little cheek. "Come on dad, let's go see your grandson".

Aww! I loved that!! :) :) Little Emer is the most adorable girl ever!! :) I love this family, they're the best!! :D :D Great job, it was really cute!! :) :) Now I'm in the Christmas mood!! :D
Okay guy's sorry, screwed up the name again of Eric's child, it's Laura Delko.

"Hey dad, Merry Christmas, said Horatio". "You too son, now where is my grandson"? Walking over Kenwall picked up Horatio, and snuggled him in his arms. "Would you like anything to drink dad"? "No thanks son, I'm fine right now". "Daddy....ou is gonna ead da oght befoe chistmas"? "I am my Angel, if you want to sit with mommy, I'll start the story".

"Twas the night before christmas".....Horatio started to chant from memory, as everyone listened, and snuggled together on the couches, by the tree. "When all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

Emer, Horatio, and Laura, were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads". "Daddy....interrupted Emer, "what are urger pums"? "Sugar plums are, giant grapes, with sugar on them". "Ohhh..k daddy, ead ore". " And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter".

"eww...ere comes Santa mama". "Shhh....quiet love, let daddy finish". " Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name; "Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!dash away! dash away! dash away all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my hand, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

"appy istmas ou all, and to all a ood-ight"clapped and yelled Emer.

With the story complete, everyone laughed. "Awww....come here my EmerAngel", smiled her daddy. Running into her daddy's arms, Emerald kissed him..."I ove ou dada". "I love you too my Angel, and on that note, it's time for all little Angel's to go too bed". "So Santa can come"? "That's right my EmerAngel, now give everyone kisses good night". Making her rounds, Emer kissed all her Uncle's, her Aunt, and her Papa, than taking her daddy and mommy by the hand, they walked upstairs with li'l Laura, and Horatio".

While Calleigh got li'l Eric, and Horatio ready for bed, Horatio dealt with his Angel. "Daddy...I's not ired, I's tay up"? "No love, Santa needs you to sleep, how about I tell you a special story"? "Ohh....ease daddy, wat it bout"? "Well my's about "The little christmas Angel, who couldn't sleep". "Ust ike me daddy", Emer said with excitement. "That's right love, shall I begin"? "Oh ease daddy".

"Once upon a Christmas Eve, all the Angel's were getting ready for bed, all but one li'l Angel, the smallest Angel, who had beautiful emerald eyes, and pretty blonde hair, who decided this year she would wait for Santa", as Horatio looked over, he could see his Emer trying hard not to close her eyes. "Oh my smallest Christmas Angel, why are you still awake"? asked the Mother of all Angel's. "I'm waiting for Santa, I want to see his reindeer, and give him my letter".

"Oh...I see my littlest Angel, shall I get your pillow, and blanket, that way you can snuggle up under the tree". "Oh, yes please, I would like that". As Calleigh watched from the door, her tears filled her eyes, for she had known long ago, Horatio was the one that had made her life complete. "Handsome.....she's sleeping". Looking over at his beautiful wife, he smiled, got up, and walked towards his wife.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart", said Horatio, as he wiped her tears, with his thumb. "Merry Christmas to you too handsom". Leaning down towards his wife's lovely lips, he whispered...."I need to feel your passion burn me within love, please don't make me wait". With that said, Calleigh deeply, and passionately kissed her husband, as he picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom. "Handsom....she whispered, our company". "Don't worry love, they are fine, we won't be missed".

Placing her on the prestine white sheets, he softly caressed her golden skin. "Please handsome.... she sighed, as she pulled his head down, towards her lips. Knowing his lovely wife, needed what he needed, Horatio linked their hands, took himself, and Calleigh into a world of their own, and as the passion's flame burst within them, all that could be heard, was their whispered words of love.

Aww Christmas Love :)

Merry Christmas
"Well, well, what took you two so long"? asked Eric. "Smiling Calleigh said..."Emer was giving her daddy fits". "Uhuh....with a smile like that, I think not", said Eric. Laughing Horatio said... okay Eric, let's get those gifts out of the car". Heading outside, Eric grabbed a huge box, full of gifts, while Horatio grabbed the other. "Wow...enough gifts "H", what did you do, rob a toy store"? "Funny Eric, some of these are yours, Frank's and Ryan's". " what did you get Calleigh"? "You'll see, it's something she's been wanting for a while".

Carting the gift's into the house, they placed them under the tree. "Lambchop, I'm going to get going now, I have another place to visit before morning". Calleigh knew in her heart, where her dad was going, but she just smiled, and said...."Okay dad, you have a great christmas". "You too Lambchop, bye ya'll". "Bye, see you later", said the gang. "Calleigh....sweetheart, you okay"? "I'll be fine handsom, don't worry". "I do worry love, all the time". Caressing her husbands face, Calleigh smiled and kissed his lips.

Later when the house was quiet, and everyone was asleep, Calleigh came back donwstairs, and sat infront of the fireplace, with her arms, wrapped around her knees. "Sweetheart, what are you doing down here"? "Hey handsom, I was just enjoying the fire". Taking his wife by the hand, Horatio lead her to the couch, and sat her between his leg, resting her head on his chest. "What are you thinking about love"? "Just about morning, and how I can't wait to see our children faces, when they open their gifts".

" know what I'm thinking of love"? "No...what handsom"? "I'm thinking of touching your body, every inch with my fingertips, until I have you passionately writhering in my arms", he whispered in her ear. Sighing Calleigh snuggled in closer, causing Horatio to moan. With fingertip caresses, Horatio caressed her skin, starting at her arms, and down her thigh's, and as he whispered, "open for me love", she did, and he ignited the fire, the heat, that burned her in the eternal love, of her husbands soul.

Not wanting the feeling to end, Horatio picked her up, and carried her to the fireplace, where he laid her down on the rug. "Horatio.....she sighed". "Calleigh, I can see the heated passion in your eyes, the need, the want, of our desire we have shared throughout our lives". With each heated word, Calleigh became more dominant, and flipping her husband over, she covered his body, as her shone like a curtain between them. "Now my handsom husband, I'm going to show, how you make me feel, every touch, every caress, you force me to feel, each time we make love".

"Mommy....said EmerAngel, as she stood over her mommy and daddy. "Emer love, what is it sweetheart"? "I ant seep, I eed daddy". "Okay love, okay....said Horatio, as he got up and carried his Emer back to bed. "I'll be back my love". "I shall be waiting handsom". When he got Emer back into bed, he snuggled her in, and laid down beside her. "Go to sleep love, it will soon be morning". "I et ou open my pesents"? "You do love, but all little Angel's need their sleep". Closing her eyes, Emer fell back into a deep sleep.

When Horatio got back downstairs, he found his beautiful wife sound asleep. Picking her up in his arms, he carried her upstairs, pulled her into his arms, and fell asleep. In the morning, Horatio and Calleigh awoke to Emer jumping on their bed. "Ake up daddy, is chistmas", she yelled, waking up the house. "Quiet in there....yelled Eric smiling. "Uncle eric, yous wake". "We are now Emer". Running into Uncle Eric, and Aunt Cher's room, Emer kissed his cheek. "Is chistmas, ime ou get up".

Running downstairs ,Emer seen all the presents under the tree. "Ooooh....ook at all the pesents, Ernie and ert, ou see em all". Knocking Emer down, they began licking her face. "Daddy...elp daddy, Ernie and Ert ave me". Coming into the den Ryan helped Emer up. "How about we put your dogs outside Emer"? asked Ryan. "K...I's elp". Once they had the dogs outside, Ryan started coffee, while Frank did breakfast. "Merry Christmas everyone", said Calleigh.

"Merry christmas back", said Ryan. "Mommy....I's open pesents ow"? "After breakfast love, okay"? "ease mama, just one"? "One little one, said Calleigh, as she walked her daughter into the den. "Dis one mama"? "No...that's a big one, mommy said a little one". Picking up the little box, Emer opened it and said...."ook mama, ocks, why ou give me ocks, it ould be oys". "No Emer, not all present's are toy's". "Why not mama"? "Well....if they were all toy's, what would you wear"? "My old tings mama, I ave ot's of old tings". Laughing Calleigh said...."come on Emer, let's go have some breakfast".

During breakfast, Emer looked at her burnt bacon, and scrunched up her face, than taking a piece, she threw it at Ernie, and as he gobbled it down, Bert barked. "Shh...quiet Ert, said Emer. "EmerAngel, are you feeding Ernie and Bert again"? asked her daddy. "I's orry daddy, I no ike it, is urnt". "Then tell mommy or daddy, and we will not make you eat it, but I told you before, no feeding the dog's". "K daddy, I's orry".

When they were finished breakfast, they headed into the den, and opened their gifts. "Daddy...I's open un ow"? "Yes sweetheart, you may open your gift's". While Emer opened her gift's Horatio helped Horatio Jr with his, while Eric helped Laura. "Ook daddy, I got a arbie Deam Ouse". "Wow...look at that, it's very beautiful Emer, what else did Santa bring you love"? "Ore olly's and eddy ears". "Who got you the teddy bear Emer"? asked her mommy. "Uncle Yan, it pays music, ee".

With all her present's opened, Emer helped her brother openhis. "Ook Horatio, ou ot Ickle me Ernie, e's unny, isten". As Emer pushed Ernie's tummy, it began to laugh, which made Horatio, give out deep gurgle's of laughter from the tummy. Getting his camera, Horatio filmed his son and daughter, playing with the "Tickle me Ernie". "Daddy....Oreo ikes it". "I know he does love, press the tummy again". When Horatio heard Ernie laugh, he laughed again with it. "Oh sweetheart, these are going to make some beautiful cards, for next year".

After all the gift's had been opened, Emer fell asleep, laying her head on Bert's tummy, while Horatio and Laura, were put down for their naps. "Hard to believe another year is almost over, eh "H". " is Eric, it is". When Calleigh entered the room, she brought in Champagne, and glasses. "Here love, let me help you". Serving their family their drinks, they raised their glasses and said...."Merry Christmas from all of us, to you and yours, have a healthy and happy New Year".


Thanks to HCrazy for the H/C pic
After all their guest's left, Horatio and Calleigh put their children to bed, and had some quiet time to themselves. "Well handsom, did you get everything you wanted this year"? "Almost love, almost". "Almost, what's missing"? "Our romantic christmas night". "Awww..I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night". "It's okay love, you spent the last two day's baking, cooking, and making everything perfect".

" know handsom, we can cozy in front of the fire now, and leave off from yesterday", she winked. "Sound's good to me sweetheart", as he picked Calleigh up off the couch, and laid her in front of the fireplace rug. "Now...where were we"? "I think...we...were...right.. here", she whispered, as she kissed him seductively.

*Pm edition**

With their passionate flames cooled, Horatio picked up his lovely wife, and carried her up the stairs, like Rhett did in "Gone with the Wind". Reaching their room, Horatio laid her naked body upon the sheets, snuggled in beside her, pulled her into his arms, and fell asleep.

Over at Eric and Cher's, they had just gotten Laura down, and decided to spend some "Delko time", with his lovely wife. "Taking her in his arms, he kissed her passionately, and said..."I don't think we are going to make it upstairs Cher". "That's okay can take me right here". Laughing Eric laid Cher on the couch, and seductively seduced her senses.

" more, please, love me now", she cried. Laying upon her, Eric softly kissed her lips, and as they erotically loved each other into the night, the only sound that could be heard, were their whisper's of love.
