In Between the Scene: Going Under

While Calleigh was cuddling Laura, Emer walked in. "Hi mama, wo's baby"? "This is Laura, your Uncle Eric, and Aunt Cher's daughter". "She pretty, ook at her air". "I know, she has very dark hair". "Mama...why I no have ark air"? "Well...because you have mommy's and daddy's hair, a beautiful strawberry blonde". "But I like this air, can I tade"? "No love, you can't trade your hair, as this is the hair you were born with". "Ow come Oreo has red hair, he's from you and daddy"? "Horatio has red hair, because he got more of daddy's looks, and you got more of my looks".

"I not know mama, she shrugged. "I'll tell you what sweetheart....when you get a little older, mommy will explain it to you, how's that"? "K mama, can I old her"? "Sure you can, you sit up beside mommy, and I'll put Laura on your knee". When Emer was settled, Calleigh placed Laura in her arms. "Oh....she smell nice mama". "She does, doesn't she", said Calleigh, as Horatio, Eric and Cher walked in.

"You like your new cousin Emer"? aksed Eric. "Uhuh... she's petty, and has lots ah air". "She does, would you like me to take her now"? "No I got er Uncle Eric". Sitting beside her with Calleigh, they watched Emer play with Laura's toes. "Emer...come on love, we need to take Ernie and Bert for their walk". "K daddy, I coming". As Eric took his daughter, Emer got up, kissed her little head, and ran out of the room, to put on her shoes.

"Hey Cal....what time are Frank and Ryan coming"? "Should be soon, Frank said before 6". "Hmmm...cutting it close, aren't they"? "Just a little, said Calleigh, as she picked up her son, who was crawling towards her on his knees. "Hi sweetie, where are you going"? Horatio smiled, with his little tooth, causing Eric and Cher to smile. "Geez... he looks so much like "H", all the way down to the mouth". "I know, he even went out yesterday, and bought them matching baseball caps, and with them on, they look like twins", laughed Calleigh.

lol they're all cute

It'd be so funny if she overheard someone talking about hair dye and started in "I want dye my hair" lol
Update on children :)

H/Cal = Emerald Angel, Horatio Jr, and their dogs, Ernie and Bert and one new addition on the way.

Eric/Cher = Laura Delko
When the doorbell rang, Frank and Ryan, had their hands full of presents. "Ho, ho, ho....said Ryan. "Hey Ryan, Frank, come on in", said Calleigh. "Uncle ank, Uncle iyan, you are ere". "Yes we are Emer, and how are you"? "I's fine, ou bing me pesents"? "Hmmm...I don't know, have you been a good girl"? "Uhuh...mama said I was".

"Then I guess we have present's for you". "Oh yah...I open now"? "Nope...not till christmas", said Ryan. "Frank, Ryan, how are you too doing"? asked "H". "Great, we brought the dessert, for tonight, is everything ready". "Almost, Calleigh is just finishing up on the baking". " that's what I smell", said Frank.

Walking into the den, Frank seen Eric and Cher. "Where's that gorgeous baby of yours"? asked Frank. "Taking a nap with Horatio, so how's it going Ryan"? "Good, it should be a great night, if all stays quiet". Laughing Eric said.... that will be a first".

Uncle Eric...uppy pease". Picking up Emer, he sat her on his knee. "What's up squirt"? "I's no sqirt, what's a sqirt"? "A squirt is a little itty bitty thing, like you". "I's not itty bitty, you's is rude", said Emer climbing off his knee, as everyone laughed.

"Is not funny, you's all mean", said Emer running out of the room. "Emer....come here sweetheart", said "H". "No..I not come back, I go see Ernie and Ert outside". Grabbing his daughter, Horatio brought her back in, and sat her on his lap. "Emer, Uncle Eric is sorry, I just thought it was a cute name for you, you forgive me"? Walking over, Emer kissed his cheek and said...."K, I forgive ou Uncle Eric".

During dinner Ernie and Bert sat quietly waiting for some food to drop. "Ernie, Bert, go lie down", said "H". As the dogs obeyed, Emer threw them her meat. " know you don't feed Ernie and Bert our food", said Calleigh. "But daddy does, if they isten, daddy trows dem food". "Horatio, do ya"? "Of course not love, I give them treats for being good". Calleigh looked at Horatio, and said..."I hope so, for our table food is not good for them". "I know love, I know".

"Well Calleigh, that was simply wonderful, you make a mean mushroom steak", said Frank. "Thanks, ya'll just wait for my special dessert, it's a wonderful recipe". Rubbing his hands together, Frank said...."Mmm...can't wait Calleigh, so the rest of you, hurry up". Laughing Eric said...."nevr did have much patients, did ya Frank". "Nope, not when it comes to great cooking".

"Daddy....I get down now"? "Not yet love, you have to finish your potaoes". "But I no ike em, ease daddy". "Listen sweetheart, no potatoes, no dessert". As everyone left the table, Emer gave her potaoes to Ernie and Bert. "Shhh....don't ell daddy". Digging into the leftovers, Ernie and Bert enjoyed their treat.

A short time later, Horatio came back into the kitchen. "All done Emerangel"? "Es daddy, I all done, I ave ake now"? "Of course love, daddy will get you a piece". Walking over to the counter, Horatio cut Emer her piece of chocolate cake. "Ank ou daddy". "You are welcome sweetheart, when you are done, you come into the den, so we can decorate the tree". "K daddy, ove ou". "I love you too Emerald".

Digging into the cake, Ernie and Bert watched excitedly. "No, no, ou can't ave my ake, table food no good for ou". Laying back down in the corner, Ernie and Bert waited for Emer to drop some crumbs.

When Emer was done her dessert, she waltzed her way into the den. "Daddy, I's all done". "You are, and look at that face, how about you wash up". "Okay daddy, I be right back". Heading out to the washroom, Calleigh went with her, to help her clean up. "Mommy, when will Santa come"? "Tonight love, when you are sound asleep". "How come he comes when we seep"? "Well...because he doesn't want you to see your presents before the morning". "Why not mama"? "Because if you did, you'd have no special surprises, and christmas day would be no fun". "Ohhh.... okay mama, I tim the tee now"? "Yes baby, we can trim the tree now".

When they got back to the den, Horatio showed Emer how to hang the ornaments, that is until Ernie and Bert decided to help themselves. "Ernie....yelled Horatio, put that bulb down". As Horatio, Eric, and Frank chased Ernie, Bert decided to get in on the fun, and nipping the bulb from Emer, he began to run with it. ", no, said Emer, as she followed Bert out to the kitchen. *CRASH*.....down went the tree, as Ernie crashed into it. "Auuuuuuuuuuugh.. screamed Calleigh, not the tree".

When the tree fell on Ernie, he freaked, and getting stuck in the garland, Horatio finally caught him, pulled him by the collar, and put him outside. "Bert....he yelled, OUT", sure enough, Bert knew he had done wrong, and followed his brother out the door. Laughing Ryan said...."oh my God, did you see him howl, when that tree fell on him, too much". Horatio looked at Ryan, with that look that said..."not another word". "Shut the hell up Ryan, said Eric, and help clean this mess up".

Once they had the mess cleaned up, Horatio, and Eric, replaced the tree in it's stand. "Daddy, Ernie and Ert not gonna get pesents fom Santa, cause they is bad". "That's right Emer, no special treats for them this year". With the tree finally decorated, Emer left the room, headed out back, and let the dogs back in. "Ou be good Ernie and Ert, or Santa bing no pesents to ou". Turning their heads to the side, they looked at Emer with sad eyes. "Woof, woof".

"Emer....did you let those dogs in"? yelled her daddy.

"No daddy, Santa did, shhh....she whispered to the dogs.

Aw, another great installment luvin'!!! :D And Bert and Ernie? Love it!!! :lol: Merry Christmas friend!!! :) ***Huge Christmas Angel hugs***
:D :D :) :) I love this Christmas scenario!!! Absolutely perfect!! Emer is soo cute!! :D Bad dogs!! *shakes lecturing finger* Horatio and Calleigh's kids are so sweet!! :)

Fab job on this so far, can't wait for Christmas day!! What will Santa bring I wonder? :D Well done again!! *huge hugs*