If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?

Ya, I agree ^ In my class we talk about things like child abuse or battered women, and they really seem to bother me - especially when kids are involved.
abuse cases of any kind I'm a really sensitive person I wouldnt want anyone to feel pain like that BUT I'd have a HUGE problem with Sexual abuse
People who are guilty of committing their crimes and they know that we know they did it yet they can still act so sickly innocent! :mad:
:( Okay I would have "issues" with body parts if they were anywhere besides where they are supposed to be, like a decapitated arm, leg, or other body part. Also I would have a problem with seeing bugs of any kind eating the body, yuck!
the main thing that would trouble me is child killers i dont think the other stuff wud bother me good thing really because i want to become a csi
Oooh, good question! I'd be useless at the crime scene. Bodily fluids - I mean, they're called "Bodily fluids" cos that's where they're meant to stay! ;)
I would have issues with 'Decomp' I really don't do too well with smells - I would reach for the nearest bin and be very sick. Having to breath through my mouth would be worse for me! :lol: