If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

oooooh I'd love to interview all of them, but mostly Jorja cause as that person from the Cult times said, I'm sure it will more like talking a friend. An amazing person.
Anyway I'd like to ask(if i won't faint):
-How does she like the character of Sara Sidle and how can she relate to her?

Gooooood I just would looooveee to talk with her.

ok if i get to meet Grissom and Sara I'd ask "Why havn't you called Geico?" :lol:
i donno why...it just popped up in my mind. :lol:
Hmm, well I am majoring in Journalism. Then again, I want to be a music journalist, but I would never pass up an opportunity to interview actors I love. Billy Petersen is my choice.

Question One: I'm sure you have many movies that you love or can look to for influence. If you could star in a re-make of any movie, what would the movie be?

Question Two: Kevin Spacey is my favorite actor, along with you. He also loves theater work. I was wondering if you like his work? And if you could work with him, whether in a play or a movie, what kind of plot or movie would you like it to be?

Question Three: I play guitar albeit badly. Do you play any instruments? If so, would you like to jam?

Question Four: Grissom likes classical music, Pink Floyd, and from what I've seen in two other episodes he at least has a passing interest in The Who and The Beatles. I love all of them especially The Who. What are some of your favorite bands/artists/composers?

Question Five: What advice would you have for someone who is looking to become an actor?

Question Six: I'm not sure how you feel about politics, but if you are willing to discuss what do you think about the current political situation of the United States? If you are not willing to discuss that then how about something sports related. If you could add one player to the Cubs to try and improve their chances of getting to the World Series who would you add?

Hopefully he would answer both in number six, and I kind of cheated with the others but they were progressional questions and very short. :D
Wow,seems that you're serious. :lol: You come up with them in details :D
A stupid question: Though i major in math,but a friend of mine who is a journalist once told me that "the question shouldn't be too long or they'll get impatience",your question seems a little long :lol:
I have only one question and it would be for Billy:

After CSI is over, would you consider another TV series in the future.
Posted by WASSITO:
I have only one question and it would be for Billy:

After CSI is over, would you consider another TV series in the future.
If i were him,i weren't.Cuz "Grissom" is peak of my career :rolleyes:
I have one question for Eric.
Q: Will you marry me (OOPS I forgot I'm already married!)

I know we're talking about the cast of the origional CSI but I have one for David Caruso, Is it true your salary on CSI Miami is being used for acting lessons? If so better fire your instructor because its NOT working!!
(please don't bash me over the head too hard)
Posted by Wojo:
I have one question for Eric.
Q: Will you marry me (OOPS I forgot I'm already married!)

I know we're talking about the cast of the origional CSI but I have one for David Caruso, Is it true your salary on CSI Miami is being used for acting lessons? If so better fire your instructor because its NOT working!!
(please don't bash me over the head too hard)
If you know this is the orginial csi forum why would you interview david from Miami in it? Lets keep this on target please.
Wow. I didn't know Nick was sexually abused. :eek:What episode was that? This post is to Destiny.
Posted by SheCzar:
Wow. I didn't know Nick was sexually abused. :eek:What episode was that? This post is to Destiny.

It was in the Season 2 ep "Overload".

CATHERINE: You're confronting suspects before the evidence is processed. You're flying solo, cutting me out. What's going on?
NICK: (he takes a deep breath) Okay. There are some people you're supposed to be able to trust, you know? I was nine. And she was a last-minute baby-sitter.
(CATHERINE'S stunned.) All I can remember doing afterwards is sitting in my room in the dark, staring at the door waiting for my mom to get home. But I've never told anyone before.
Well you all did well on real-life Josh Berman, so anyone else want to give it a try?
We have some new folks here i thought i would renew this post again, anyone?
Some of this is taken from advice throughout the thread, and put into one.

If you could Interview any star on LV and could only ask "up to" 6 questions what would they be?
(now lets pretend this is real and your seriously interviewing them.)
If the Q is aimed to a specific star on the more then one put in their name, Just like they were right there.

Name The Star:
*Now The Question/s

You can do a group interview, you can do an individual interview, you can do two in one interviews and so on.
Also think about what you already know about them, questions they have been asked, how about something they haven't been asked about?

I always suggest questions (in a clean fashion) that you wonder about, alot of people ask the "Standard" questions, what about the not so standard ones.
Granted you don't want to dig into their personal lives cause they could shut you down, you can ask individual questions or you can try to expand on the question a bit for example.

George, So i understand you have a dog maverick, so let me ask have you had him since a pup? and is he trained? any other animals that you like? or one day plan to get? lets get silly whats the strangest animal if you could own it would you have?
So in one ep your character admitted to being sexually assulted as a child, men don't normally admit to that, so what was it like do you think for your character to admit that? how did it affect you yourself when you learned this about your character? as an actor would you say that what they say is true about it being harder for a man to admit sexual abuse or is there no line there?

I always say Pretend the star is right there with you, sometimes learning about a person is just more then the whole picture, its the little things about a person that makes them interesting.

LOL Folks did i fail to mention that by doing the interview questions, there is a distinct possiblity that at any time should this site interview one of the stars listed, that they could use your questions?

Always remember to set up everything before you start, that is what we have learned from this show. ;)
Let's Begin/Keep Going!
Good ones. :) Of course, I would interview Billy.

1. Will you ever allow Grissom to reveal himself to us?

2. I read that High Horse Productions has acquired the rights to Clandestine by James Ellroy. Do you plan to produce and star in this film post CSI?

3. We all assume you'll return to Chicago after your contract with CBS is played out. Will you keep your home in CA or leave and never look back?

4. Once back home, will you take a well-deserved break or embark on some theater projects right away?

5. Because I love dogs, this question is a 2 parter:

a. I heard your lovely boxer is a rescue, is that true and did you get him/her as a puppy?

b. What is his/her name?

6. Your thoughts about Bill Holden, the Cubs fan who walked 2,100 miles from AZ to Wrigley Field to raise $$ for Ron Santo's Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation?

7. Bonus question... what does your Mom think of your phenomenal success with CSI?

Of course all of this would be followed by an audible ::sigh:: as I gave him a hug and watched him walk away. :rolleyes: