If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

If i could ever have the chance to interview an Actor, i woudl be soeechless, i wuoldn;t know what to say.! But it would be Totally AWSOME!! :D
firts of all if i got to interview anyone from CSI i would be totally speechless, i would be in such awe. if i couldinterview anyone from the show i would interview my fave people on TV George Eads and Jorja Fox.

Questions for Jorja Fox:
Q1- How do you like the direction the writers are taking Sara in this season (5)
Q2- How would you like to see Sara end up in future episodes?
Q3- What was it like working on ER?
Q4- You, George Eads and Marg Helgenberger were all on ER at one point. Have you all ever talked about what it was like to work on the show?
Q5- Who or what inspired you to go into acting?
Q6- I play the drums and i know that you play the guitar, do you think maybe sometime we could jam together? (lol)

Questions for George Eads:
Q1- Can i touch your muscles and rub your head? (lol)
Q2- What was it like working on ER?
Q3- What is your favorite CSI episode?
Q4- Who is your favorite superhero?
Q5- Who would you like to star in a movie with?
Q6- Would you like to see Nick date Catherine or Sara on CSI?

i'd have soo many other questions to ask them especially Jorja Fox since she's done a lot more movies and TV shows than George Eads. i would like pass out with excitement if i ever got to meet them, it would be a dream come true! :)
okay so basically we will have to stock up on Smelling salts to revive people got it. ;)
I would ask Eric Szmanda:

1. Who do you like to work with the most on CSI?
2. Do you relate to Greg at all? his outlook on life and his funny attitude?
3. HOw many times have you dyed your hair?
Wow the dyed hair hmmm then what response question do you have if he refuses to admit he dyed it?

Okay good questions everyone, but come on, you did one interview don't you want to do another with someone else,
You can do a group interview, you can do an individual interview, you can do two in one interviews and so on.

And remember this is all serious, who knows if they interview someone from the show one of the questions asked could be used (no guarentees).

Also think about what you already know about them, questions they have been asked, how about something they haven't been asked about? hmm usually they don't do much in personal life questions, but never stops an interviewer from asking, just remember the star can cut you off and refuse the question. ;)

It fun! what do you want to know, if you could interview and actor, what would you ask them?
Anyone else want to give it a try? remember you never know when your questions might be included in an interview, with one of the stars. ;)
Well then Destiny ...If you want to keep this going. Since I've already "interviewed" William Petersen, how 'bout Marg Helgenberger?

1. Your character (Catherine) has been through so much since the first season? Is there anything that has happened to her that you would have rather not happened? (Like finding out Sam Braun was her father or Eddie dying)

2. Since you grew up in the Midwest, do you instill some of those Midwestern values in your current family life?

3. Would you like to see things turn romantic for Warrick and Catherine?

4. How do you feel about the crew 'split' on the show?

And my interview questions for Eric Szmanda.

1. What do you like doing better: theater, television or movies?

2. Have you ready any of the fanfiction about your character and if so, what do you think about it?

3. Your character has had an ever changing wardrobe? Anything that you didn't like Greg wearing?? Do you get to keep the clothes?

4. After CSI, is there any chance you'll take the place of your great-uncle and become the Menards pitchman??
jerispencerlvl3 who said it had to stop, all i ask is you make sure you don't ask the person the same question twice. ;)

Like i said you never know when or if the site interviews one of the stars they may come in and look at the questions for those stars to ask them. :)
:D definitely eric!!! Although I'd probably be tongue tied if I ever got to actually talk to him!
Posted by Destiny:
(okay this isn't a real/official interview question thread i just got this idea from one lol)..

If you could Interview any star on LV and could only ask up to 6 questions what would they be?
(now lets pretend this is real and your seriously interviewing them.)
You can interview 1-2 more (if the Q is aimed to a specific star on the more then one put in their name) Just like they were right in front of you.

Name The Star:
*Question 1
*Question 2
*Question 3
*Question 4
*Question 5
*Question 6

Let's Begin
Just pointing out, your interviewing in here, so questions to the stars would be good :D ;)
Posted by Destiny:
jerispencerlvl3 who said it had to stop, all i ask is you make sure you don't ask the person the same question twice. ;)

Like i said you never know when or if the site interviews one of the stars they may come in and look at the questions for those stars to ask them. :)

I never said it had to stop..Heck, I love this thread too. I'd be tickled pink if any of my questions were asked to the stars!!
i meant "who says it has to stop" in the free spirited way :D (like who says it ever has to end) :lol:
I am glad you love this thread, and you can interview one star at a time, or gather them as a group.


Heck if people want to do a small commentary about it before had like.
Tonight were interviewing <name> who plays <name> on CSI, Welcome! then ask the questions as if the star is sitting there.

I always suggest questions (in a clean fashion) that you wonder about, alot of people ask the "Standard" questions, what about the not so standard ones.
Granted you don't want to dig into their personal lives cause they could shut you down, but ask them questions for instance using George..
George, So i understand you have a dog maverick, so let me ask have you had him since a pup? and is he trained? any other animals that you like? or one day plan to get? lets get silly whats the strangest animal if you could own it would you have?

so on and so on you learn a lot not using the standard questions, alot of times they don't want to just discuss the show or the character and if they do, notice alot of times they repeat alot of the same answers, off beat the questions again using George.

So in one ep your character admitted to being sexually assulted as a child, men don't normally admit to that, so what was it like do you think for your character to admit that? how did it affect you yourself when you learned this about your character? as an actor would you say that what they say is true about it being harder for a man to admit sexual abuse or is there no line there?

See you going from whats it like to play so and so, which is a good question and you can ask them to be insightful, but you learn a little bit more about them or the character if you us questions that aren't standard.
Granted the way i put them like that. is in one form, first question went to his dog, the second to his character,
There are times mini questions arise from that.

I always say Pretend the star is right there with you and you are asking them, maybe you can hear the answers in your head, maybe not, but sometimes learning about a person is just more then the whole picture, its the little things about a person that makes them interesting. :) but thats my thoughts on it.
Maybe the poster can pretend he or she is filling in for vacationing Jay Leno or Oprah Winfrey. How would the questions be asked on their shows? They can do the whole bit, from introducing the guest to promoting their shows or other projects.

Example: "I hear you have a new movie coming out this Friday. Did you bring a clip? What type of character are you playing?"
Well, I'd actually like to interview all of them, but I think I'll stick to Billy for now

1) Are you anything like your character?
2) What was Grissom like as a kid?
3) Do you plan to shave off your beard sometime soon?
4) Who do you think is the hottest CSI?
5) How many more seasons do you plan to do?
6) If you were Grissom, who would you hook up with?

and.. that's all for me.
Posted by ladyemerald:
Well, I'd actually like to interview all of them, but I think I'll stick to Billy for now
Take your time gather your questions, isn't that one thing we learn with this show. ;) when your ready to interview another proceed. :)