If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

I would like to interview both girls on the show but not about the usual stuff... something more funny not formal.
AS much as I would love to interview Billy and talk to him about how times have changed from his first movie till now. I think Marg would get my interview and I would talk to her about her and Alan's fight for Brest Cancer. As her mother is a brest Cancer survivour I think that it is great that this is getting reconized and fought for by one great actress who beleives in the fight. People do not give this enough attention and millions die from it every year. SO my hat goes off to her. Many may hate the character of CAtherine.. but Marg is one terrific lady. I would love to talk to about the fund raising and the reserch and the charity benifits her and Alan do for it. Guess it is the nurse in me.
Posted by squirt:
AS much as I would love to interview Billy and talk to him about how times have changed from his first movie till now. I think Marg would get my interview and I would talk to her about her and Alan's fight for Brest Cancer. As her mother is a brest Cancer survivour I think that it is great that this is getting reconized and fought for by one great actress who beleives in the fight. People do not give this enough attention and millions die from it every year. SO my hat goes off to her. Many may hate the character of CAtherine.. but Marg is one terrific lady. I would love to talk to about the fund raising and the reserch and the charity benifits her and Alan do for it. Guess it is the nurse in me.

Wow, best suggestion yet! :)
Obviously, I'd love to interview George Eads, but I'd feel too stupid b/c I'm a fan, so... probably Jorja Fox because she seems pretty down to earth. She'd probably be cool to hang out with.
LOL Folks did i fail to mention that by doing the interview questions, there is a distinct possiblity that at any time should this site interview one of the stars listed, that they could use your questions?

Its great to know who you would love and what you think about asking them, but how about forming questions to, lets hear them, your the interviewer in this thread, so nothing is considered just pretend if you have to that their sitting there and your interviewing them.

I have given to types of ways to try this ;) come on... heck all you chatter bugs :D don't start going shy on us now, or i will think your all not feeling well. :lol:
Here is what I would ask the stars of LV:

William Petersen : So, what do you think of the Cubs' chances this year, after the Red Sox broke their curse?(Petersen is a diehard Cubs fan)

Marg Helgenberger : Which role do you like better, Catherine Willows or K.C. Koloski?

Gary Dourdan : Will you explore your music talent more on the show?

George Eads: So how much ribbing do you get at work for the "Evel Kneivel" travesty? :lol:

Jorja Fox : How many times do you consider firing your hair stylist? :lol:

Eric Szmanda: As the youngest person on the show, are you the one considered the clown prince, or are you usually the target of the castmate pranks?

Paul Guilfoyle: Do you have a hand in writing your sardonic quips on the show, as you seem to deliver them perfectly?
:lol: CaptainMiracle51 you are bad :D
:lol: i can't stop laughing on the jorja & George one.
By the way nice questions. :)
Hey, I try to keep my humor clean. Interestingly, I could ask William Petersen about anything, and I would talk to him about baseball.
Simply hilarious, CaptainMiracle51! :lol:
Umm, i'd just ask Eric Szmanda a question: As you are one of the younger of the cast, do you feel that you are judged by what you say and given less respect than any other member of the cast? :confused:
Posted by Cat:
Umm, i'd just ask Eric Szmanda a question: As you are one of the younger of the cast, do you feel that you are judged by what you say and given less respect than any other member of the cast? :confused:
Good question Cat. ;)
george eads he seems dead funny
i would ask
1. do u see a woman in the future for nick?
2.wot do u think about the sara and grissom relationship?
3.if u were ice cream wot flavour would u be? lol :D :p
Some of this is taken from advice throughout the thread, and put into one.

If you could Interview any star on LV and could only ask "up to" 6 questions what would they be?
(now lets pretend this is real and your seriously interviewing them.)
If the Q is aimed to a specific star on the more then one put in their name, Just like they were right there.

Name The Star:
*Now The Question/s

You can do a group interview, you can do an individual interview, you can do two in one interviews and so on.
Also think about what you already know about them, questions they have been asked, how about something they haven't been asked about?

I always suggest questions (in a clean fashion) that you wonder about, alot of people ask the "Standard" questions, what about the not so standard ones.
Granted you don't want to dig into their personal lives cause they could shut you down, you can ask individual questions or you can try to expand on the question a bit for example.

George, So i understand you have a dog maverick, so let me ask have you had him since a pup? and is he trained? any other animals that you like? or one day plan to get? lets get silly whats the strangest animal if you could own it would you have?
So in one ep your character admitted to being sexually assulted as a child, men don't normally admit to that, so what was it like do you think for your character to admit that? how did it affect you yourself when you learned this about your character? as an actor would you say that what they say is true about it being harder for a man to admit sexual abuse or is there no line there?

I always say Pretend the star is right there with you, sometimes learning about a person is just more then the whole picture, its the little things about a person that makes them interesting.

LOL Folks did i fail to mention that by doing the interview questions, there is a distinct possiblity that at any time should this site interview one of the stars listed, that they could use your questions?

Always remember to set up everything before you start, that is what we have learned from this show. ;)
Let's Begin/Keep Going!
I'm not even posting what I would ask George. :lol:

Seriously, all the cast seem like amazing people, and I would love to interview any one of them. I know what I wouldn't be asking them, though! I have a feeling that if I asked anyone "So, the show's kind of graphic... do you ever get nauseous?" they'd probably beat my head in with a flashlight.

I'd actually really like to interview the writers, too... I have a whole bunch of stupid, analytical questions from all the seasons that I'm very interested in and would love to ask about. Damn my obsessive analytical nature! In particular, I'm interested as to when the started developing Sara's current backstory.
I wouldn't be able to interview any of them, i would be in too much wonder and shock to even open my mouth. :D