If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

Ahem. *walks out onto stage*

"Hello, and welcome to Kaye's Random World of Questions! Later today, we will have here with us author Mrs Mary Downing Hahn and artist Ms Amy Dalley who will be performing for us! Right now, however, we have a very special guest. He's a star on the hit drama series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. He plays everybody's favorite Texan and has an accent women could die for... Everybody, welcome Mr George Eads!"

[Applause, cheers, screams, and George Eads walks out onto stage with that famous grin and wave.]

"Welcome, George, welcome! It's good to have you here. Now, you just ended Season Five with a spectacular season finale that had, I think, just about every single person sitting on the edge of their seat. And you were the reason--you were the victim. What do you think about the season finale being such a big hit?--I mean, 35 million viewers by the second hour!"

[insert answer here]

"Sticking on the subject of the season finale--Quentin Tarantino directed the episode. Quentin Tarantino! That's big stuff. And he described your character as the "bastard stepchild". What are your thoughts on that? Did you ever see Nick Stokes as being so misplaced?"

[insert answer here]

"Now we all know that Nick Stokes is not just going bounce back from being buried alive... Can you tell us all what to expect from your character in the following season? Should we be prepared for the unthinkable?--or should we just be ready for a lot of angst?"

[insert answer here]

"Getting off the subject of the season finale, let's just talk about your character in general. I've often heard of your character being described as having catlike qualities. I mean, he obviously has nine live, he can be jumpy and startled-easily, and every time you see him you just want to pet him--oh wait, maybe not that one. [laughs] But... you're a dog person! You have a dog, Maverick, correct? So did you mean to give Nick these type of characteristics, or did it just happen that way?"

[insert answer here]

"I've got to ask--I've seen the original character description for Nick Stokes, and truthfully, you don't fit that description at all! So, how did you even get cast as Nick? Did you just walk into CSI one day and say, 'Hey! I'd like to audition for a guy that I look nothing like!' and hope for the best?"

[insert answer here]

"Well, either way, I'm sure I can safely say that I am not the only peson who is very pleased with how the casting turned out. We're almost out of time, so one more question before we go... Once the CSI project dries up, can we expect to see you in more TV or in film or... what would you like to do after all of this is over?"

[insert answer here]

"It was a pleasure having you here with us, George! I only hate to see it end so soon... hopefully we'll be seeing you again sometime. Good luck on season six, and thank you from all us CSI fans for making Nick Stokes such an interesting character."

Ta-da. *walks off stage*
Marg Helgenberger

1. Who inspired you to become and actresses
2. Why did you take the role for Catherine Willows
3. What's the most challenging part of being apart of CSI
4. What was your favourite storyline
Very nice guys, thats the spirit and with all the interviews and chats going on with the stars of the other shows, (though i don't know if or when one would be done with this show) some of these questions Might be used, again you never know. ;)
George Eads:
1) Nick has been through an awful lot in his life - do you think it is time he looked at the Feng Shui of his house?
2) Assuming you have a SAG Card, what was your first job that got you your card?
3) Come on, tell us the truth, you and Jorja, you got a THAAANG going?
4) If you could emulate one actors career, who would it be?
5) When you go back home to Belton, how are you treated, like a big star or the little kid that grew up there?
6) Will you be resigning your contract after season 7?

PS: If you do interview George, tell him I lust him!! Don't know him well enought to love him yet.
No Hesitation. Billy Petersen.

1. Has your daughter had to reprimand you for trying to slip a toddler-sized baseball glove into your grandson's crib?

2. Have you ever coached baseball?

3. Do you ever have moments when you wish you could go back to the privacy and freedom that you had pre CSI?

4. Define a life well lived. How do you hope to see yours when you look back from the age of 75 or 80?

5. Do you have a favorite Shakespearean Play or Character?

6. For Gina. The move must've been an adjustment. Does she miss teaching in Chicago? LA is akin to another planet. Does she ever get homesick?

7. Favorite music genre?

8. What do you like to read when you get the time?
i would interview Marg Helgenberger

Q1- What would you have done as a career instead of acting?
Q2- What is it like being able to work with William Petersen?
Q3- What do you like to do in your spare time?
Q4-How does it feel to be on one of the highest rated TV shows?
Q5- What do you think you will do after CSI?
Q6- What advice do you have to young actors trying to make it in hollywood?

but thats just off the top of my head...im sure i could come up with better ones. but i would just love to meet anyone from the show
ok, so my questions could really be directed at any cast member but i would PREFER marg helgenberger or william petersen.

1)what direction do you see your character moving in during season 6?

2)what was the last book you read and why?

3)if you could play any character in a remake of a classic film, who would it be and why?

4)what would your answers to the bernard pivot questionnaire be? (hey, only way i could get all 10 questions in)

5)choose one: beer burgers or grilled chicken

and just because it's late, my brain's fried and i don't follow directions well...

6)what's the last infomercial you watched?
Very nice guys, you all are keeping the questions diversed and choosing to go with the show and real-life, this is awesome, and who knows if this site does interview someone from the show then you're question might be asked. ;)
i think i would interveiw Marg Helgenberger

Q.1: What or Who inspired you to become an actress

Q.2: What is it like being reffered to as Catherine Willows and not your actuall name (we all do it!)

Q.3: How do you raise a son and balance your career

Q.4: Would you ever consider becoming a producer for CSI instead of an actress

Q.5: Who do you think your character should be paired with

Q.6: Have you ever been bored with any of CSI's plots

Those are like really good questions! lol
Yes they are, and who knows if this site every does an interview with any of the stars from this show, depending on who it is, if it were marg then one of those questions could end up being asked. ;)

Right now we are doing it because its fun and its things we would like to know simply put, but there is another reason behind it (as explained above), better to be safe and ready then sorry and rushing to get the questions in, when or if asked for questions, if you have posted in here for that person then you have you're references right there for you. :)
Okay, this probably isn't what you're looking for, but I can't resist my fantasy interview of Gary Dourdan

It would consist of one question.

"Gary would you please turn around and put your hands behind your back?"

Once I convince him to do this, I whip out my handy-dandy handcuffs, and sadly, Warrick Brown must be written off the show because Gary is never to be seen again,......except in my bedroom.
sorry, couldn't resist!
Re: Krisi

I would like to interview Eric Szmanda:

Q1.Which are your favourite movies?
Q2.Do you like Greg as a caracter?
Q3.Anything that you don`t like in Greg?
Q4.What would you do after CSI?
Q5.Who you like more-Brown or Stokes?
Q6.Favourite color?
I would interview William Petersen and I'm afraid my questions can't be posted on a PG-13 forum. lol jk

Question Number 1: Dogs or cats?
Question Number 2: Boxers or briefs?
Question Number 3: Will you make anymore movies after CSI is over? (when he stars in a movie it always ends up good)
Question Number 4: Would you still like to be the mayor of Chicago some day?
Question Number 5: Why do you like the Cubs (he said it somewhere, but I want more questions so I can talk to him longer)
Question Number 6: Will you give me a hug? (just to see if he's as nice as they say ^.^)