If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Very disapointing if William/Grissom leaves. He is a big part of the show. I heard that Paul/Brass is leaving too. Did anyone else hear this?
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I think i would watch for abit and see what it was like but for me if Billy leaves then the show is over. I know there are some great actors but he makes the programme what it is and they should just stop the whole show rather than let him leave and carry it on. Go out on a high so to speak.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I have to kinda agree with Grissom4ever. If it does happen, they've no reason to not be happy....most shows are lucky to last a season, let alone seven years.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

No way the network would pull CSI until they had milked all the money they could out of the franchise.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I have to agree with zupa_fly. Even if Petersen leaves, CSI will carry on. CBS would need a suitable replacement show waiting in the wings and right now, they don't have it. I can see them keeping CSI around as long as TPTB want to make it. Look what NBC has done with ER. Sure ER has lost what it had along with just about every lead character they started with but it's still got some breath left and it's not like NBC has anything to replace it with.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

CSI is an ensemble show. It works well as a group, and it will continue to do so if William Peterson leaves. Yes he is an important part of the group, but he is not their beginning or end.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I'd still watch CSI once William Petersen leaves, he wasn't really the reason why I got involved anyway, sure he's great but when one door closes one has to open...
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

i agree. grissom is great, but i don't watch the show for him. i like other things about it. it is an ensemble show, so it will go on.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Jezabel said:
Very disapointing if William/Grissom leaves. He is a big part of the show. I heard that Paul/Brass is leaving too. Did anyone else hear this?
I think PG is contracted through the end of S7 but I do remember a rumor about his wanting to leave/cut back on hours.

Hmmm. Billy leaving. I love CSI, but to see it knowing Grissom is gone would be too sad. When Billy is on hiatus doing theatre at least I know he'll be back. Once he's gone for good, I may be a sometimes/casual viewer, but without my favorite element it's no longer "must see TV" for me. :(
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

My understanding is that PG is contracted through S8--he signed an extension after the JF, GE firings. Whether that's true or not, he did mention in one of the many radio interviews he did before the Season Finale that he was in it for the long haul. That doesn't mean he couldn't change his mind at some point but he didn't make it sound like he wanted to leave any time soon.

ETA: PG said he was in it for as long as TPTB let him be in it, whether it was the end of S6 or beyond. He then made a joke about ghosts and the movie by the same name--as in he'd come back as a ghost.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

What's with the JF, GE thing? Firings? I'm confused....they didn't say Nick or Sara were leaving...'cept for the comment about Sara and Billy going together. (no not *that* way, keep it clean....lol)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Mel23 said:
What's with the JF, GE thing? Firings? I'm confused....they didn't say Nick or Sara were leaving...'cept for the comment about Sara and Billy going together. (no not *that* way, keep it clean....lol)
Here are some links to posts

why did GE and JF get fired last summer?

Sarah and Nick Fired?

News From CSI Files:
Breaking News: CBS Fires Fox, Eads

Search Results From Yahoo For all CSI File Stories On Firings

Hope this will answer your questions.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Yes it does, thanks.

*Also noticed the WP comments and hopes Billy's heart is doing better now so we don't lose him anytime soon*
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

He has changed his life, working less, eatting better, exercising, though he has become a vegitarian, its rumored that he has started smoking again. But it's also rumored that he has stopped again too, guess it depends.

But from what I understand he is doing much better, and has the great love and support of his family and friends and good thoughts from his fans. :)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

This show will not do as good at all without Grissom. Just like That 70's Show. I was a big fan of that show, but when two main characters left like that, it was just not a very good show anymore.
I hope that CSI wouldn't be like that, but it could be. Grissom is really the main character, he's the boss, he's the expert, and they all look up to him, I just don't the show would be the same. I hope the actor doesn't quit, and he thinks about what he's doing to the show by doing that and decides not to.
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