If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Where do you hear that Jorja is leaving? I don't heard anything about she's leaving. I know William Petersen is leaving. Jorja say in the interveiw, she will stay on the show along it good.

Now, back to William, I know he want to leave but I hope not, I'm not sure if I want Catherine being a boss.

Anyway, the gangs' contract not up yet 'till March or May, I'm not sure which month it is.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

As much as I love CSI and all the team I just couldn't watch without Grissom. For me he is the glue that holds everything together. I'm sure the show would go on without him but for me it just wouldn't be the same.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

grissom leaving would suck with a capital SUCK. even though he's not necessarily my favorite character, the show is incomplete without him. so he better not leave cuz then i'll go EMO.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I won't go as far as to say I will boycott the show. I think I will give it a chance if Grissom is not there. Granted, I don't think the show will be as top notch without him.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I would like it if he was chosing to leave that he would only be part-time instead of full-time. We dont need him in every episode (although i love it when he is in them), just in moderation. Come on Billy, stay on a little longer.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

allmaple said:
i know we all have our favourites, but for me at least, i dont think one particular character makes the show. yes, im partial to nick, but that doesnt mean i enjoy episode any less if he isnt in them. a good episode is a good episode. if the writers can keep it up i can see the show going at least 10 seasons, with or without grissom. look at gum drops, probably the best episode of the season. the rest of the cast proved they could hold their own without grissom. it was good writing and good acting by all.
I totally agree. CSI isn't about one character. It's about the whole ensemble, and truthfully the other 5-6 major actors are GREAT enough to hold the show. Come on... we got George (hello Grave Danger/Gum Drops anyone), Marg (wonderful wonderful actress), Jorja(who specifically said she'd stay as long as the show would have her), Gary(probably underestimated but great nonetheless), Paul(who can steal any scene he's in)...

Also, the show is still about the plotlines. So if the writers do great then the show will definitely succeed even without WP.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

cofi_shot, I don't really agree. I mean, in my opinion, Grissom is the rock of pretty much all of the other CSI's, and they mean lots to him.
Here's to praying that Billy decides to stay. :(
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I would probably stop watching if Jorja left, but if Billy left and they ended GSR I would be very very sad, but would probably still watch. I think the show will suffer in his absence, though, because its hard to see the team dynamic without Grissom at the helm. It would be a big challenge for the writers to keep the same feel of the show without Billy.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

i will be faithful and watch it until i graduate from college and can't afford cable anymore...
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I wouldn't stop watching, for me its more then just about one actor on the show its about the whole cast, imo the group is what makes the show, while individually they are a piece that makes up the group, its the overall whole for me.

Now if one should leave, while I would miss that character there are still others on the show that make it good as well and that I think could carry it. Course as I have mentioned in many of the other "is WP leaving" threads this isn't his first go around with this, I think I am just going to wait and see.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I totally agree. CSI isn't about one character. It's about the whole ensemble, and truthfully the other 5-6 major actors are GREAT enough to hold the show.

ITA. Even if one of my favorites left the show I'd keep watching, the cast is so strong as a whole. The "starting lineup" are, as you observed, all terrific, and even the sorta-regulars who aren't in the opening credits are top flight - I mean if I were casting a show and had a chance to hire the likes of Gerald McCullouch, Archie Kao, Marc Vann and Wallace Langham, I'd be a happy, happy camper.

"NYPD Blue" survived losing David Caruso, "ER" likewise with George Clooney, there's been other shows with strong casts where a principal has left, whether temporarily or permanently. IF WP decides he's had enough, lord love him for what he's given the show, and I'll keep watching. Of course, if he stays on, I'll be thrilled too. The show stands on its own merits now, one of those merits being a strong ensemble, not just isolated stars.
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