If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

i agree i dont want peterson to leave, the one - liners keep me laughing.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I don't know, while I like Grissom, the thing is the show is an ensemble its about the overall cast not just one character *hold up hand* I understand everyone has their favorites, and some just like the overall team (that would be me), IMO I wouldn't quit watching if any of the characters left. Because there are the others who helpped make up the show as well.

Which brings me to the other thing, this is something that William feels he wants to do, he has done the show for 7 yrs, he wants to move on, which in some respects I get when an actor wants to make a cut off for whatever reason be it to do something more that they love, to not be type casted to the point they are only known for that part and have problems with other work.

But in his case he is doing it because he feels the need and want to do stage, and for that I respect his decision, they get into the business because its what they love to do, and they want to fulfill their goals that they set. It's a shame they build their character to be loveable but they have to do what they need to do. So if he really does intend to leave as reported, while I will miss him, I will support his decision and wish him well, grissom will always be associated with the show no matter what and with repeats.

Again Just My Opinion. :)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I'll definatly miss Grissom but i can totally understand why WP wants to work on different projects and I respect him for that. It will be sad to see him go, but I just love the show as whole so much that i'll keep watching no matter what ends up happening.

But, if Greg ended up leaving, I might hafta rethink that statement.... *hides*
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I am so devastated at the thought of no Grissom. He is the reason I watch the show.

I do love the plots but if you don't care so much about the 'detective' then it doesn't work. Catherine irritates me - sorry folks - she is too bossy and aggressive (clearly becaus eof an inferiority complex - quite right too! A striper is not the same as 6 years of PhD study!) I am sick of smart women being portrayed as so aggressive on TV!

Anyway I don't think that she could hold the show.

Paul G is a fantastic actor I truely admire his skills and many of the others, they are sexy too - but bless them they don't have the 'star' charisma. It is something weird that only a few actors have really. They can stand in the background and you are still watching them!

WP has it. I don't think any of the others do.(maybe Warrick) Fine actors they maybe.

If Grissom leaves then the show will just 'jump the shark'.....

sob, sob, sob :( :( :( :(
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Im kinda hopeful that we might see Grissom in Season 8 albeit not in every episode, CBS offered him a whooping deal to stay that included more creative control and the ability to do projects outside CSI too, which he briefly touches on in the Tribune article.

I honestly feel he'll see how he goes with the play this christmas before he wholeheartedly decides to stay or not.

I'd like the see the entire cast finish the show together though.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Do you think the show will go downhill if Grissom leaves?
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

puppypower76 said:
I honestly feel he'll see how he goes with the play this christmas before he wholeheartedly decides to stay or not.

I'd like the see the entire cast finish the show together though.
Hard to imagine his return to theatre being anything but a smashing success. Heaven knows he'll have the support of a huge percentage of his fandom there to cheer him on. :rolleyes:

ITA about the cast finishing together... I really hate the thought of carrying CSI on without Grissom, although I know some disagree. IMO it would be most desirable to end the series as a team while the show still has it's ardent followers. Like they say in the biz, always leave 'em wanting more.

Oh... and Bob's your uncle. ;)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

It's amazing how many posts I've read where someone is positive that this is his last season. That's not what I gathered reading the Trib article. It doesn't appear his leaving the show is set in stone yet.

"There may be stuff I do (on CSI) next year. I just know I want to do a play in Chicago next year," says Petersen.

I'll be very happy is he signs on for S8, even if it's not the full season. I'll take what I can get. Besides, Chicago is only an hour flight for me.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

also on the grissomsararomance.com site there is a clip about him supposedly leaving (bear in mind this was last year) and he said " im not going anywhere unless they want me too" so that suggests to me he still wants to be a part of the show but maybe not week in week out any ideas??
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Grissom leaving...it wouldn't be nice, but as long as Sara's in, I'm in. And y'know, even if they both left, I'd still watch anyway.
I am 100% sure that Marg Helgenberger is able to carry these show as a front woman. She is not a new face, so people will accept her. Eventhough I have my dislikings for the Catherine character, Marg really can satisfy the audience.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I've read an article where he said that he wanted to return to the theatre but I think he might still be involved with CSI but just not in every episode.
What I'm thinking is that Grissom might not be directly involved with the cases but he might take over a case if it requires his entomology expertise.
I also think that if even if he does decide to leave, it would be very disappointing, but I would continue watching because I love the whole cast and not just individual characters.
But it might be better at that point, that they end the series so that it won't end up like some shows that go on forever and end up being just another has-been show.
It's better to end on a high note than to be cancelled cuz noone watches it anymore.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

if he'll leave....csi won't be the same without Grissom....and I hope he'll won't leave the show...the fans love him!!!
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

If William Peterson does decide to leave the show, which is a fair enough decision; he has been part of it for seven years after all- I doubt the writers will dare bring in a new character- infact I wouldn't be suprised if Catherine takes over the lab.

As a viewer, yes, I love Grissom and all his fantastic oddness, but I don't think the show would suffer without him. There have been episodes throughout the series where we don't see him or where he isn't referred to- and hell, they're still good episodes.

I think the show can still be a massive sucsess without Griss. Think about it- the show doesn't revolve solely around him at all. It's an ensemble show. I'd be saying the exact opposite if David "Sun Glasses" Caruso was to leave Miami... that's the CSI show that won't cope as well.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I like Billy Petersen, but he's a bit of a fickle guy. This is a guy who accepted then turned down a pivotal role in the movie Platoo(if memory serves) because he didn't want to travel to the country it was being filmed in. He seems to change his mind alot.

I'm sort of tired of this "I'm leaving, I'm not leaving." C'mon Billy just give us the goods.

Being fickle though, I think he'll change his mind and come back. He might not be back part-time due to health reasons which is understandable he does a family to think about it-and there he's pretty solid in his decision-making. As for CSI, I think he'll change his mind and come back.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I'm not sure if it's whether he can't decide, I think there are a lot more factors involved, so it's not as easy for him to say "Yes I'm going" or "Yes I'm staying" at the moment while these other things come into play and he's just answering the questions as best he can. His contract does officially expire end of this season, and whether he accepts the new deal to stick around for S8, will really depend on the other things he has going on, professionally and personally.

myfuturecsi said:

I'm sort of tired of this "I'm leaving, I'm not leaving." C'mon Billy just give us the goods.

Being fickle though, I think he'll change his mind and come back. He might not be back part-time due to health reasons which is understandable he does a family to think about it-and there he's pretty solid in his decision-making. As for CSI, I think he'll change his mind and come back.
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