If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I really hope he doesn't leave entirely, but if he does, I would hate it if CBS tried to replace Grissom with some other character. If he leaves they should continue with the cast they have now because of the great chemistry they have together, or they should stop the show altogether. Seven seasons is quite a run anyways. I just don't think the episodes with less Grissom are all that great. Gum Drops was one of the better eps of S6, but they can't keep coming out with episodes like that every week.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I reckon they'll just promote another CSI to supervisor (which I don't want to happen.) I want one of three things to happen:
1. They bring in a completely new actor and character (boring, but then we'll have new eye candy)
2. Brass will be put back to nightshift supervisor (thats what he was in the pilot wasn't he)
3. They will bring heaps of controversy into the show and bring in Ecklie from dayshift, just coz he doesnt get along with the characters.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I hope not Ecklie...just, eww.

I saw Early Rollout tonight and was intrigued by Cath and Gris's talk...I still say they'll tap her to run the lab unless she says no 'cause it'll take too much time from Lindsay.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I can respect WP for his work on CSI and film, but if the workload of doing a weekly series is affecting his health to such an extent he has to cut back on his hours, the man obviously needs time off to recuperate and then work in a fashion we may not always get to enjoy but at least he'll still be alive and able to work. I'm not saying that anyone here would want him to stay on CSI if it was truly endangering his health; we all just feel sad at his choice to leave, even if we do understand his reasons for doing so. :(
Personally, I'm as bummed as anyone else here about his decision, but ultimately it is his decision to make and likely as not I'd imagine his wife Gina is, like any wife, very worried about his health. If he were your man wouldn't you want to make sure he is happy and healthy? I know I would! ;)
CSI will be different without WP/Grissom, to me, his character is the glue that holds the team together and that will be a very tough 8th season for the rest of the cast, all of whom I respect and enjoy in their work too. CSI is a wonderful example of a great group of actors who genuinely like each other and it shows in the work that they do.
I'll miss ya Billy, but ya better take care of yourself, you hear? ;)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Mel23 said:
I hope not Ecklie...just, eww.

I saw Early Rollout tonight and was intrigued by Cath and Gris's talk...I still say they'll tap her to run the lab unless she says no 'cause it'll take too much time from Lindsay.

I wonder though what may happen to Lindsay in this week's episode? The preview gave a hint that she may be in immenent danger from what was shown. Not gonna post a spoiler even when I'm not sure what I saw. ;)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Grissom will only be gone for a short while because William Petersen will be going to the East Coast to act in a play.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

If Grissom leaves after 2007 then the entire show will not be far after. Grissom makes this show!!!!!!!!!
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

right now-id say id stop watching if he left. a massive void would be left and i think it would start the donwfall of the show. but if Jorja stayed, i would, though i think they'll go together, so i dunno. id probably keep watching cause of greg if they both left, but it wouldnt be the same, and id feel kinda sad watching it without him.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

If Grissom leaves, honestly that'd be okay with me. My only request is that before (and if) he does leave, I would love to see another Grissom/Heather scene like the almost kiss in Lady Heather's Box. I'd be a happy ex-fan if that happened. :D
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I think the show would be able to continue without Grissom by just revolving the storylines around the other 4. It might seem a bit strange to begin with but I think it would survive because of the quality of the show.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Isn't he one of the Exec Producers? I could have sworn I saw that on the credits. Exec Producers usually have a vested interest (financial) in the show don't they?
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Look I've read nearly everybodys opinion and I can say that It will be devastating if Grissom leaves but I like the show for it's main substance Forensics and I would want to become one but reality differs from the show.So from my POV I will continue watching every CSI show either it's New York or LV or MIAMI and no matter who decides to step off.I like the show.Sure many characters will be missed if they decide to leave for their own unique way of contributing to it but I will always be up for it as long as the writers have imagination.And anyway you can't have Grissom for eternity he's eventually gonna get old(no offence since he was the reason I started watching the show)but that's the way it is.

I'm with allmaple(he says that if Grissom is to be retired I'd at least want him to appear in some more episodes and be kind of SUPER GUEST STAR and certainly since the show started with him it should end with him if that's ok with him).
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I would be really sad, is he did. I also heard that Gary Dourdan hadn't renewed his contract, so if he goes, than that will also be sad.

At first thought, I was going to boycott the show for a while if he did leave. But after thinking about if for a while and watching some of the eppies without him, I kinow the show can survive. Yes, he is part of it, and some of us will be sad and upset. But life goes on and the same team staying together for 7 years, is a little bit unreal.

Realism would be nice. I will be sad if he leaves. I will most probably be a nervous wreck for a few days (maybe). But I will get over it and move on.

I, personally, love Sara and Catherine the most. I will watch it for thema dn all the other really good characters that come with CSI: Las Vegas!
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

babygirl2667 said:
I must say that I'm really disappointed with the suppossed fans of the show who would jump the ship in WP leaves. What about the other people on the show? Do you watch it only for one character? The show on the whole is great and it really slaps down the other actors who all do a great job. It seems unfair to the other actors that fans would not watch the show because Grissom leaves. I'll wait and see what happens and I will continue to watch until the overall quality of the show just falls.
Not meant to offend anyone-just my opinion.


You made a really good point. The TPTB have responsibiltly for more than only William Petersens Job. There are the other actors+actress, writers ,.... but also a lot of (more) people behind the cameras. This people need a job to feed their familys. I think, this includes more than 100 Jobs.

Will CSI work without WP ? Only time can tell, if he decide to leave the show. On some shows it worked out and on other not.

I think the people should give the show (if WP leaves) at least a chance. SO far the crew did a good job. So I think they derve this chance, if their come up. It is not that fair to judge some thing, without seeing/watching it.

This is my opion. I will watch CSI without WP. There wer several fanastic episodes , where WP has less or no screen time. Gum Drops is one of my over all favrorites

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