Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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Macayla . Many thanks for the advice, although the layout looks a little different on psp, I have now found the quality setting, and it worked brilliantly! :D

I will now set about learning how to make icons! Maybe one day I will even dare to post one! :)
Hey there. Anyone willing to explain the basics of Paint Shop Pro 9? And when I say basics I mean basics. That prog totally drives me nuts. I've come as far as cropping and using the brush to paint lines across the pics. How can you guys actually work with that? I'm starting to feel very, very stupid, it's nagging on my confidence... I mean I've spent hours with it. It can't possibly be that hard, or can it?
Does anyone have a tutorial for video into an icon (like csikicksurass's icon)? I just want to make a 3 second video icon of Danny and Lindsay..
The programs I have are: Photoshop 7, Image Ready, a bunch of converters.
Thanks =)
hey all. i decided to write the first tutorial in my life so please be kind, lol. and since i know that many people don't have fancy graphic programs like PSPs (including me), i decided to write a tutorial that would fit to all the less expensive and easy programs. it's pretty general and more understandable for the beginners. believe me, you don't have to have PSP to make nice icons :)

how to go from

1. Go to "overall exposure" or "brightness/contrast" option in your program and set the "thumbnail variation" on 10. add more contrast and more brightness as much as you like it (but not too much, so the pic won't look unnatural)
2. Go to "color cast" option and set the "thumbnail variation" on 5 and add blue color 3 times (or as you like if you don't have the t.v. option).
3. Go to "color saturation" and saturate the image 3 times with "t.v" on 10.
4. Go to "sharpen" or "focus" and sharpen it (remember not too much).
5. Go to your tools and pick "smudge", set it on shape 10 (pretty small) and level 30%. Delicately smoothen the image by yourself.
6. Go to "saturation" in your tools, set it's shape on 5 (even smaller, as big as a pupil of the character on your icon) and click a couple of times on each eye, so the eye color is saturated enough.
7. Now, duplicate the image twice and set both layers on 100% Soft Light.
8. Add text, I used "Blood" font. Set the text as a normal, covering layer but 35%.

And there you go. To do this icon i used Ulead Photoimpact XL.
^ Ver nice coloring tut! I'm about to go and try it out on an icon! :D

Does anyone have a tutorial for video into an icon (like csikicksurass's icon)? I just want to make a 3 second video icon of Danny and Lindsay..
The programs I have are: Photoshop 7, Image Ready, a bunch of converters.
Thanks =)
I'm in the middle of making a tut for that. Like my banner or these two icons I made of Marilyn Monroe:

Or this other banner I made for her:
Macayla, Adzix and GregisHott those are fab tutorials. :D

Lauw said:
These tutorials are really helpful, thanks :)

This is an icon I just made...
Hi Lauw! Welcome to the boards.

That's actually a nice icon you have made. Though next time it would be better to post it at the CSI icons thread to avoid confusion. This thread is for icon tutorials and for asking about icon stuff. Feel free to PM me if you got questions. Many thanks. :)
^ Okay, thanks for that. I just wanted to show what I came up with with all the tuts I've read in this thread.. :$
Well, Im a complete beginner to making icons and Im using Reebles Tutorial:

Reeble said:
I don't have a website to put this tutorial on, so I'll just post it here. It's for Adobe Photoshop, but I'm sure in can be translated.

1. First off, pick a picture to use and crop it however you like. The effect works better if the cap is a darker one, but it really doesn't matter.

I found a beautiful cap of Sara and decided to crop it like this.

2. Duplicate the layer twice and set the blending mode to Screen for both layers.


3. Press ctrl+shift+E to merge down all existing layers. Then duplicate the background twice and set both of the blending modes to Soft Light.


4. Merge all of the layers again. Once you've done that, duplicate the background again and set it to Screen. Adjust the opacity until it doesn't look to bright. Mine is set to 20%.

5. Then go to Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen. If it looks too sharpened, click Edit>Fade Sharpen and drag the bar until it is set to your liking. I put mine to 24%.

6. Add text and any other additions you want and voila!


But the problem I have is...WTF is a blending mode? And how do I set it to soft light? I may be being sooooo stupid, but any help would be appreciated!
Thank You!!!! :) Im now making hundreds of icons (not very well, but, hey! Im making them!) and bothering mum by emailing them to her going, "does this look OK??????" I will have to bother you guys later with some, lol :lol: But right now, Im off to make more icons, and find more pictures!!! But, can I ask a question? Where do you guys get your fonts and textures and brushes and things from? If anyone could help me, Id really appreciate it!

*scurries off to find more pictures, and attack the photos!* :lol:
Thanks for the tutorials i've saved some to my computer so i can try them while i'm offline, i'm always looking for easy tutorials for PSP i need practice with my icons.
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