Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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You could also try changing the text type. For example, if you set it to 'Strong' it'll be a bit thicker than, say if you set it to 'Smooth'. But I'm pretty sure Mania's way will do the trick.
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
how in the hell do people get the wee hearts?!

i'm so clueless :confused:

You can try what cofi_shot suggested.. or try this..
1. Click on the Custom shape tool..

2. The menu bar above will change and show the custom shapes available on Photoshop, so just select any shape you want. HERE is a screencap so that you could understand it better. :D

cinegirl said:
Hi guys! Just a question about animations: how can I improve the quality of them? So that they don't look so "pixely" if you understand...

If you're caps are already on Imageready.. jump to photoshop..

And go to Image >> Adjustments >> Auto levels , Auto Contrast, Auto Color.. You need to add the same effects for each cap.. (Yup I know! Its tiring.. :eek: ) You can also try this moving icon tutorial: Tutorial here . Follow her step number 2 on how to improve caps. (its still tiring lol!)
Thanks a lot, Hotty_Cath! I'll try the hints and the link you gave me, though the work might be tireing! :D
Thanks again!
Hi i have a question about animated icons. I am making my first one and i got it to go from one frame to another but it's going way to fast, does anyone know how to make it go slower?
if you're using Ulead GIF Animator just press twice on the minimalized frame down on the screen, which you want to go slower, and change the number of miliseconds.
^^For Adobe Imageready, you click the frame delay time option under the caps/thumbnail.. like so..

And for the glow, you set a red-orangey color to Screen, sometimes Hard Light and Overlay works too. :D Hope that helps.
Thank you that helps alot :)
Now heres the other problem, i want to add aa new frame but when ever i do it just duplicates the first frame? does anyone know how to fix that?
Just click the first frame and click the eye to make the layer invisible on that frame, and go to the frame you want it to show and re-click the eye to make it visible again.

I hope that made sense.
i've got quite a problem. i don't know how to smoothen/soften the icon, so it would look ... icon-ish more than just like a bettered picture. i use Ulead PhotoImpact XL and have Corel Photo-Paint as well. i guess a need a tip which would fit to most simple programs. (i'll already say that YES i tried to put layers, and "soft light" option but it's not enough. i can't find the screen option anywhere though). i'd appreciate any help ;)
Rissa, me doesn't get it. When I do the Screen-thingie, the whole image gets red. Not just a little glowy thing.
^^Oops sorry for not making that clear, lol.. :D Roos make a new transparent layer. Then on that transparent layer, use any brush that you prefer and set it to screen. For example - I used a blurry rounded brush using the color #FE3C00.
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