Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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O.k. I have a question, and I am sure there is a verry simple answer for this, but i am not smart enough to figure it out: I am having issues with text(I am using Paint Shop Pro 11 btw) evry time i enter text, the color i want it to be comes out as a small colored border with a white inside.
Like this:


And I cant figure out how to change it so the text is one color with no border around it.
Please help. :confused:
^ i use Paint Shop Pro 7, and when u open "Text Entry" option ur text color have two styles : Stroke - this one is the color for the text border and Fill - this one is for the color inside the text letter. if u make these two option with one color, ur problem have to be solve...

hope this info will help u, if u still have questions just ask ;)
ur welcome :)

and don`t say that ur s..d please ;) whole life everyone of us learn new things. ok lets make it this way, u own me the first ava that u make with this new "text option" :lol:
I want to say thank you to you guys. I'm basically a lurker in this thread, and I'm using GIMP, which is not that popular. But a lot of tutorials can be translated, and I'm getting into the wonderful world of icon-making. It's fun :)
I need some advice,I installed photoshop cs2 v9.0 and it comes with image ready,I wanna know if that program is any useful or everything you can make with image ready you can make it also with photoshop so I can uninstall it.
Thanks. :)
Hormiga said:
I need some advice,I installed photoshop cs2 v9.0 and it comes with image ready,I wanna know if that program is any useful or everything you can make with image ready you can make it also with photoshop so I can uninstall it.
Thanks. :)

Image ready is very useful :) Image ready is esp. used with making animation icons. :D I love image ready and use it esp. for making mini movie icons :)
Help.. I've problem..I've been trying to put some raster layers to my icons (following some tuts) and I can't.. I mean I can but it doesn't affect my image is like I haven't put it :s
this what I did:

At first I thought it will affect it when I finish with the icon but it didn't affect it at all
Thanks in advance!
Okay, I don't have this program and this is just a guess, but it looks for me, that the picture is locked (see the little lock rightmost), which means (as far as I know from my own experience) that you can't change the picture. You have to unlock the lock ( :p ), there has to be the option for it somewhere (just try to click on the symbol)
But: all just a guess :confused:
Andreina, all you need to do is click on the lock and it should change to having a red 'x' across it or be blue if it is anything like mine. Once it is like that you should be able to add all the touches to the raster layer. The lock means that it has locked the transparency of the layer, so you can see all the other layers beneath it. You need to unlock it so that you can see the parts that are being added through all the layers, you can also do this by going into the layer properties and click the 'lock transparency' on the right hand side to deselect it. It is only something that is relevant in raster layers I think. :) Hopefully that might work for you, although it does depend what software you are using and it is different from mine so something similar should work. ;)
This may be a very stupid question.. but how do you rotate brushes in Photoshop? I'm used to Paint Shop Pro and there you could simply select the angle you want your brush and I don't see how I can do that with PS...
(I have CS 2 version 9)
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