~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

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I can't believe I had a nightmare last night. :eek: I was so freaked out that I woke up at about 1.30am. I then heard a loud bang, which I thought was downstairs. :eek: I was too frightened to go downstairs, so I stood at the top of the stairs and listened for about 10 minutes - I heard nothing, so I went back to bed, then I heard a lot of shouting and realized that it was coming from workmen on the train tracks. :lol: I wouldn't have been so freaked out if I hadn't of had that dream before hand. :eek:
I can't believe I had a nightmare too, it was very, very weird!

I can't believe I have so much to do, while it's holiday. :eek:
I can't believe that Tink and Roos also had nightmares last night! :eek: I had a really awful one, where someone very close to me was going to be executed in a foreign country for a crime they didn't commit :eek:
Wow, so many nightmares, poor guys!

As for sleeping...
I can't believe I can't sleep well for 2 days :mad:

I can't believe I'm going to get home at midnight or later tomorrow!

I can't believe how funny my chemistry test was! :lol: We were cheating our a$$ off :lol:
I can't believe how "normal" my teachers speak... I mean, they don't user pretty, political correct words :eek:

I can't believe in my dear DC and Adam Rodriguez weresmoking while chatting with Khandi and Jack Mannion was in the city near me and I apologised something... :lol:

Perhaps I should cut down watching copshows ;)
I cant believe that I had the wrost thunderstorm ever, it was so loud overhead. Struck my house and everything was cut out...except for my router who perished :( so it's now dead cos its fuse ratign was way too low..Most appliacnes here are like 3A, 5A and 15A..the router was 0.5A..Frigging stupid manufacturers. :rolleyes:
I can't believe how addicted to Pride & Prejudice I am at the minute, as soon as I go back to school, I'm renting the book!

I also can't believe one of my friend's friends had a dream about me where I was kissing a spiky haired boy! That's never happened before in real life let alone someone I don't really know witnessing it. :lol:
I can't believe how much fun I had.

I can't believe how much my tummy hurts.

I can't believe I'll have to go to the dental surgeon tomorrow.
I can't believe Gwen Stefani's new album is coming out December 5th :D. I'm so excited & I wanna get it as soon as it comes out.
I can't believe today I'm finally going to
get this for my dad's birthday.
I can't believe he's gonna be 51 on Saturday :eek:.
I can't believe how fast this month is going by!
I can't believe I was just turning on the TV in order to watch CSI and they f**ing show NY. I mean it's wednesday, right? That's CSI night. I can't believe they're screwing up my whole schedule. Argh.
I can't believe that it's the 25th of October

I can't believe that I don't have any christmas presents yet, I normally have them all by now.
wibble said:
I can't believe that Tink and Roos also had nightmares last night! :eek:
Wow, bad night for nightmares. :eek: In my nightmare I came home from work to find a dead girl in my wardrobe - she was staring staight at me. *shudders* :eek:

I can't believe my sister stole all the hot water. I really fancied having a bath. :( She doesn't even live here anymore. :mad:
I can't believe what a relaxing day I had.
I can't believe I was so productive today
I can't believe I can be productive and relaxed in the same day!
I can't believe I how green kiwis are.
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