I Can't Believe It #4

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*hopes jorja fans date is going ok* :p

I can't believe I'm up at 1:17 in the morning and I have work in the morning :p
^ :lol: I can't believe how boring my date went. I had to do all the talking.

I can't believe my date smokes. Ewwwww!!!!!
Sushi... *drools*
I can't believe I accidentally took one of my friend's books home on Friday, and we're having a test based on one of the chapters in that book tomorrow. XD
Tinkerbell said:
I can't believe I've gotten about an hours sleep last night, thanks to a stupid cat who meowed all through the night. :eek: I'm not talking about a normal cat meow, it was like the cat was in pain or something. :( Come 4am my neighbors had decided that they’d had enough and went into the street to try and find it. There it was sitting happily under a car, with apparently no sign of injury. :lol: :eek:
That sounds as a female cat that was on heat.
I can't believe I got up at 11.15 :eek:

I can't believe mum is cleaning out beneath my bed :rolleyes: now I have to sneak to Talk to post.. she thinks I'm working on thesis.. *whistles*

I can't believe I have to wait another week.
I can't believe our neighbour dares to give so little water to her cows!

I need to vent. Our neighbour is weird but ok. She's these people who live... you know, growing cows and plants and veggies without any... factory product, I mean... it's all natural. Anyways, no she seems to have 5 cows and one calf. Two Angnus and one Charolais (beefcattle) and two Northern FInncattle. And FFS!? How much water they have outside? Probably 80litres and the other bucket is ALWAYS on its side so there is no water! Hello? A cow can drink up to 150l per day. Man, our 5 calves have more water than they do!
I wish our town vet would have some phone where you could call anonymous and let them know :(
I can't believe your story DaWacko!
poor cows! :(
a cow can be really thirsty. My dad, mom or I check the water buckets several times. ;)
DaWacko, I'd try to call the police then. Seriously. You can't allow that stupid woman to afflict her cows. Not even when the weather is this hot. :mad:
I agree that you should tell someone DaWacko because that is just pure animal cruelty - she shouldn't have cows if she doesn't know/isn't going to treat them right.

I can't believe I am off to Party in the Park in less than an hour (big music concert). I am going with a boy from school! :D
I just read the law about animals and thought I print it and put it in her mailbox :p
The thing that bugs me is the fact that she works with cows, she works in other farms and I still can't believe she is like that! She came to buy food for them from my dad in May. I don't know what the heck she feeds then with during the winter. But they are not skinny, that much I've been wathching. *sighs*
Weather isn't that hot in here, tho one vet told that one heifer had died because it didn't go to drink. *mumbles* we shall see, I try to dig info.

I can't believe I have a flu
I can't believe my other cat still hasn't got kittens.
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