I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe i was in school...summer is really over? :( NOO!

I can't believe my first day in school and i got remark from teacher! :lol:

i can't believe i am here... what i am doing here..?.. :p
i can't believe my friend was 6h in supermarket! :eek:
I can't believe that I ordered a pizza from Domino's and they gave me someone's half eaten pizza!!!!! :mad: I called them and then took it back and got two large pizza's and a free two liter of coke and some free brownie bites, plus the pizza's I had ordered!!!! :lol:
I can't believe Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray :(
I just can't believe he's dead...and of all the ways he could have died *cries*
I can't believe I have school tomorrow and they're going to screw up my schedule once again.

I can't believe I have fourty soda cans on my desk. I can't see my desk. :eek:
i can't believe i have 2 math lessons today and 2 language lessons! i will go insane... :rolleyes:

i can't believe mum is argueing with me about my clothes :mad:
I can't believe how much fun I had today!
I can't believe I start University on Wedensday
I can't believe that being my regular stupid self cheers my friend up...it's quite odd actually :p
I can't believe it's one in the morning and my sister had to break her ankle and scream at ONE IN THE MORNING. :mad: I can't believe it.
I can't believe I have control over my 2A class.

I can't believe I'm in love with my 1B.. I just want to hug them all.. but I don't want to be caught for sexual harassment, so can't do :p

I can't believe city hall is only opened till 3pm.. wtf.. people work during the day! I'm never able to get there! :mad:
I can't believe how much pain I feel right now! And I thought having my cheek frozen was bad, nop, I'd rather have that right now!

I can't believe it hurts so bad I'm almost crying.

I can't believe how disorginized I am, I have NO clue what's going on tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon, CatherineWillows! ;) You know were to find me, if you need to talk...

I can't believe it's 7:40 a.m. and it's already so hot...
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