I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe what Roos just sad :eek:
i am sneaker freak too, how could you! :p you betrayed all sneaker fans! :lol:

i can't believe i wanna go sleep at 18:10pm :p
i can't believe i didn't eat much today :D
I can't believe that my sister is going back to school already.
I can't believe that I'm going back to school on Friday.
I can't believe that the summer's over, I had a great summer and I don't want it to end so soon.
I can't believe that my dog tried to eat her own poo this afternoon. :eek: It was gross, I ran out to the garden screaming 'Nooooooooo don't do that'. God knows what my neighbours thought. :rolleyes:
I can't believe I shopped for 9 hours!
I can't believe my hair dresser knows I'm gay :lol:
I can't believe my filling fell out...AGAIN!!
i cant beleive steve irwen (crock hunter from australia 'CRICKEY' guy) just died... damn... i was beginning to think he was invisinsable....
I can't believe some kiddo I teach had a major problem with my age :eek: I kicked her out of the classroom :devil:

I can't believe I lied to mum.. she thought I was at home, while I was actually at my girlfriend's.

I can't believe she believed me when I said that, while in the background you could here the sound of the till of the videostore :p

I can't believe my employer said for the fourth time that he thinks I am a very good teacher :D
I can't believe I am starting a whole new daily healthy regime :D I'm going to be so proud of myself if I stick to it! And majorly angry at myself if I don't
I can't believe the crocodile hunter died! Rest In Peace, and my condolences to his family.

I can't believe I'm finally going back to school tomorrow.
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