I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe that I have not done yet with my drug study
I can't believe that its 1:25 pm and I'm still here posting (my duty starts at 2pm)
I can't believe its friday ( to go home at last from the dorm..)
I can't believe that CSI season 6 has ended on AXN
I can't believe that CSI:Miami season 4 will start on Aug 2 at AXN
I can't believe that I'm going to miss it since I'll be staying at the dorm
I can't believe that I'm in a hurry today
I can't believe I'm handing in my prefinal today :)
I can't believe it's actually thundering.. it never thunders in the morning :eek:
I can't believe how lazy mum is, she's still in bed.
I can't believe I might be having a room in Doet today :D
I can't believe the TV won't shut up about Lance Bass coming out of the closet. And that I lost the remote. Dammit!
It's not like the entire planet didn't know he was gay. :rolleyes: I mean..HIS NAME IS LANCE. :p

I can't believe I made fun of the name Lance. Isn't that mean?

I can't believe it's friday and I have nothing to do but I get pizza today.

I can't believe it took me 5 hours to fall asleep.
I can't believe I'm back in my dear beloved Holland.

I can't believe a thunder almost hit me yesterday.

I can't believe I only slept for 3 hours last night.

I can't believe my iPod is kinda dead. (and that means hell to me)
I can't believe I have like this huuuuuge headache.
I can't believe I get to share a friggin' cool apartment/house with 2 nice girls in the centre of Doetinchem-city.. and my bedroom window overlooks one of the shopping streets :) and we have this huge balcony for parties, and they're teachers too, and we have this huge living room and kitchen, and the cutest bathroom ever, and the ugly girl has a boyfriend, which I just cannot believe either :p and I can't believe they haven't thought of internet, but that's ok.
I can't believe a thunder almost hit me yesterday.

:eek: :eek:

I can't believe I get to share a friggin' cool apartment/house with 2 nice girls in the centre of Doetinchem-city.. and my bedroom window overlooks one of the shopping streets and we have this huge balcony for parties, and they're teachers too, and we have this huge living room and kitchen, and the cutest bathroom ever, and the ugly girl has a boyfriend, which I just cannot believe either and I can't believe they haven't thought of internet, but that's ok.

That sounds sooo bad :lol: :D
I can't believe how pissed off I am right now
I can't believe how rude some people can be
I can't believe a piece of glass won't come out of my foot
I can't beleive how fast I type when I'm mad
I can't believe im kind of sort of jeoulous of my best friend's boyfriend cause she's out with him tonight and not me :rolleyes:
I can't believe that the patient of my classmate is dead
I can't believe that one week had ended
I can't believe that we're going to have our recolection tomorrow
I can't believe I actually think I'll be bored by the end of the day.. because I have nothing left to do.. hmmm. I might start packing or something :rolleyes:

I can't believe last week past by as if nothing happened. Normally I'm in Ireland that week, and this was the first week I wasn't there and I only realised it yesterday :eek:

I can't believe that normally I would have a hangover at this exact same day.. every single year..
I can't believe I don't have to go to school on Monday! Woohoo! :D

I can't believe I've suddenly gotten myself obsessed with Chinese Music. I've always been against Chinese Pop. How strange.
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