howmany/what langueges do you speak?

Wow! Y'all are amazing! I only speak English and a fair amount of french. I'm currently in French 3 Honors in school, but I'm one of the most advanced in my class.
i used to be really good at french in high school, but havent taken it in 3 years so i have forgotten almost everything. its amazing how much you forget if you dont use it. i would love to be fluent in french though. two of my friends are taking it in university and and almost fluent, im jealous. :D
I speak German (obviously), English, some French and errr Latin :rolleyes:....
I understand Spanish and Italian when I hear it but I don't speak it...
I'm learning Jappanese. And since my father speeks Spanish, I'm learning that too. French is comming next with my mum.
i used to be really good at french in high school, but havent taken it in 3 years so i have forgotten almost everything. its amazing how much you forget if you dont use it. i would love to be fluent in french though. two of my friends are taking it in university and and almost fluent, im jealous. :D
I'm the same way but I'm told if You go visit France everything You learned will come back to you *shrugs* I havent had the opportunity to test that theory out
I am teaching myself russian, pretty far along with it I gues you could say. I'm facinated with that language, I'm told I do really well at it.

I also know spanish, I can say hello, excuse me, and goodbye in french, and I'm teaching myself german, and wanna learn arabic and japanese...korean. *I'm languge girl, here, sooo...:D*
Spanish (of course,as I'm Spanish).
English (too bad as you see,always trying to improve it).
French (I'm in my 5 year and last one in the School of Languages,so I can talk a little).
And I understand Italian (quite similar to Spanish) but can't speak it.
I'd also studied Latin for 3 years at High School but I can't remember anything...
well lol
i speak french (of course im french lol)
english (yeah i can post here hourra lol)
spanish (thanks to my teacher at school lol)
italian (just few words)
arabic( have marrocon origins)
dutch (thanks to michelle :p and my cousins)
and i think that' all for the moment but i REALLY WANNA LEARN CHINESE dunno why :lol:

oh and i learned latin at school but ir eally dont think it's usefull now ahahahah :lol:
I speak English, french, German, Italian and I am able to speak a little Latin thanks to an old teacher of mine..