How You Discovered CSI

I can't remember how I discovered the first two CSI's, but I remember how I discovered NY. I read an article that there would be another spin-off. I am a huge Gary Sinise fan, so that is what drew me to start watching the show. Eventually I became familar with the other characters and liked them just as much, the rest is history...
I discovered CSI: LV when it first aired....since then, I was hooked....but I am not a big fan of the other two spin-offs...I am not saying they are bad, I just find it REALLY hard to get into a show when its like 2-3 seasons in.
So really, its just a personal, oh well!!
The first CSI episode I saw was Cross-Jurisdictions, my mother used to watch it, and she told me that it was a great show...later, I bought a CSI LV DVD pack and I got hooked on... My mother was Right!!!
When I would hear about CSI, I wasn't very interested because I thought it would be too gory. I had already been watching crime dramas for years but then in 2005, my mom passed away and I stopped watching them because I was afraid I'd get mad at the actors portraying the corpses. I knew it wasn't supposed to be realistic, but my mind didn't see that.

Anyway, sometime last year, I had Netflix for a while and I was actually looking up an actor from a television show I watched and he happened to be on an episode of CSI. Of course, he played the victim but I rented it anyway and even though I had four episodes, I only watched that one. It was the one where the kid is stabbed in the stomach at a park and he ends up almost being hit by a cab. I liked the episode and it took me a little while before watching CSI on Spike. I remember I must have thought Marg H. looked familiar and it looked interesting so I began to watch it. Surprisingly, it didn't freak me out seeing the corpses and I actually laughed to myself when I saw one where Sara finds that a victim is in the process of being cremated. Not funny, I know, but it helped me realize that I was okay now watching these shows.

I didn't really get into CSI: Miami much even though I do watch it on rare occasions and I do try to catch CSI: NY even though it only seems to be on when I'm supposed to be sleeping! I do watch CSI every single night on Spike and I'm glad they are in order now so I can figure out what's going on.
My dad used to watch the reruns of Las Vegas on spike tv every night, but I didn't know what it was,so I started to sit and watch it with him. Unfortunately my dad has he habit of flipping to a different channel every 30 seconds, so it was hard to keep up with him. I went and found my own tv to watch it on, and I quickly became obsessed with watching it at every opportunity.

I started to watch Miami because I saw the preview for the season 4 episode Nailed and thought "wow that guy (Ryan) is really cute", so I started watching it.

I had read all of the CSI and CSI: Miami books, so I bought one of the New York books. I really liked all of the charcters so I started watching it too.

I have no life....
I think it was 2004, right after one of those hurricanes that hit Central Florida. My power had been off for a week and when it finally came back on, I watched one of Spike's CSI MArathons.

The first episode of CSI: Miami I watched was Lost Son. The only reason I watched it was because I was bored.

The first episode of CSI: NY I watched was the Miami-Ny xover. I didnt really like it at first but I got hooked this season (Love Run Cold, I think. The one with the ice)
I was watching TV with my Dad one night and while channel surfing we came upon the Vegas episode where they recreate the scene in the plane. After that I caught bits and pieces until I got hooked. It wasn't until season five that I was religiously watching every episode.

I thought I could never like another CSI nearly as much as Vegas after a year or so of watching it, but I happened to find a disk of season 2 of CSI Miami at the library one day and decided to give it a go. I was instantly hooked. This was a can't eat, can't sleep until I see every episode type thing. Now Miami is my favorite.

Just a few months ago I was bored in my dorm at night and happened to turn the TV on and found a new episode of NY on. I had tried the show before, but hadn't liked it. I watched that episode and loved the whole Danny/Lindsay thing that was going on, so now I watch that one too.

My sisters joke that I have Togo Time on Mondays, a Date with Danny on Wednesdays, and Great Time with Greg on Thursdays.
My older brother told me about the show cos he liked it so i channel surfed that night n i found a episode from Vegas series 5 called Ch Ch Changes, and i got hooked straight away it took me quite a while to get into miami n new york but now i love them all the same
My parents started watching CSI long before I did. I was only eight when LV came out, so I wasn't allowed to watch it with them. I started watching it casually sometime in season four, but the first episode I remember watching was Bloodlines. I went to school the next day and told everyone how you could have two types of DNA (I was only eleven, what could you expect?). After the start of season five, I was completely hooked on the show.
lol cool i was 12 wen series 1 start n i didnt know nething bout the show until its 5th season but now i av caught up with virtually every episode
Over here they air CSI on a channel called AXN, and every Sunday they have what they call CSI: Supreme Sunday, where all three CSIs are aired in a row. I don't do anything on Sunday afternoons and so started watching it out of boredom. Soon enough, I was hooked!
with me-it's funny, cause at first, when in my country 1. CSI season had aired, i thought- 'what a boring thing!'-so i didn't watch it *stupid woman*. and maybe 2 years later i rediscovered it and i'm in love with it since then. now i can't live without it...
I have seen an episode of LV and was totally hooked. I dont remember which one it was but I was hooked. and then Miami & NY came and I was curious and now I watch all 3 shows on 2 different channels in 2 languages