When I would hear about CSI, I wasn't very interested because I thought it would be too gory. I had already been watching crime dramas for years but then in 2005, my mom passed away and I stopped watching them because I was afraid I'd get mad at the actors portraying the corpses. I knew it wasn't supposed to be realistic, but my mind didn't see that.
Anyway, sometime last year, I had Netflix for a while and I was actually looking up an actor from a television show I watched and he happened to be on an episode of CSI. Of course, he played the victim but I rented it anyway and even though I had four episodes, I only watched that one. It was the one where the kid is stabbed in the stomach at a park and he ends up almost being hit by a cab. I liked the episode and it took me a little while before watching CSI on Spike. I remember I must have thought Marg H. looked familiar and it looked interesting so I began to watch it. Surprisingly, it didn't freak me out seeing the corpses and I actually laughed to myself when I saw one where Sara finds that a victim is in the process of being cremated. Not funny, I know, but it helped me realize that I was okay now watching these shows.
I didn't really get into CSI: Miami much even though I do watch it on rare occasions and I do try to catch CSI: NY even though it only seems to be on when I'm supposed to be sleeping! I do watch CSI every single night on Spike and I'm glad they are in order now so I can figure out what's going on.