How You Discovered CSI

Let me tell you my story:
In 2001 I was on the third year of university, but it was the first year living out of my parents home. All mondays, one of my roomates used to see a stupid singers competition, at the same time CSI was running in another station, so, although my brother told me to watch it beacuse I would love it, I couldn´t because she was adicted to that stupid competition.
When we were in exams, she stopped sleeping at our apartament, so the boyfriend of my other roomate and me started seeing it. We got hooked with only one episode, and after that, we won the competition to see it every week.
Afer I finished at the university, I watched it at home with my brother. Then It came Miami, and I really loved it. We even got my father to watch it. After that my brather got married and left, and I started working overtime in a newspaper. I stopped watching television because I had no time, so when I quit the job I started to watch it again and discoveres NY, which is the one I like more.
My mom is really into Forensic science shows. CSI was one of them. I never really got into CSI, but I watch it from time to time. I'm hooked on Miami. Thanks, Mom. :D
My mom nfluenced me..

She likes to watch this kind of shows.. (Crime Solving Shows) She told me it would be cool if i would be a CSi. I was like "What?! Spending all your time in a lab, opening up dead people stuff like that.. Count me OUT" Then she told me i dont know what i was saying. So, i watched a couple of episodes (of CSI LV) with her. and loved it. NOW, i am addicted!!
i was flipping thru the channels and there was nothing on and i saw something that looked really good and it was csi miami and then i saw new york and stated to watch it. i watched las vegas at first but now i don't watch it anyone i watch miami and new york now
My friend showed me the wonderful world of CSI. I have started to watch CSI on 20 DECEMBER, 2006 and now I am on 7 season. My first Csi was Las Vegas and thats definetly is my favourite CSI. No doubt of it.
I don't remember when I first started to watch CSI but I think it was in the early second or third season when I watched it for the first time. I know a little to late but better later than never..
BTW my mom watched it with me because she likes that kind of shows and we have the same faible and so I became a CSI watcher. From that day on I learn to love the awesome CSI world and so far as I remember never missed an episode of the shows. When my mind's not wrong..
But my favourite CSI is definetly NY. :)
I dicovered CSI after my best friend told me about it. As I didn't have a T.V. then (and still don't) I had to find out what I could from the internet and I read a synposis of an episode and thought that it was quite good and so went to my local libary and found a crime novel of CSI called 'Double Dealer' (which I recommend) and I was hooked. After that I read as many of the books as I could and found the DVDs. The very first episode I ever saw of CSI was from Season 6- Shooting Stars- and then I watched Miami and New York and was hooked to all three. I saved up my money and bought all the DVDs. I am known as the CSI geek, and to be honest I am relly proud of it.
Actually, I don't really remember first watching CSI. There is a good chance that I first watched it because I liked the theme song (The Who is one of the few bands I know) and stuck around for the actual show.
newsradio was one of my favorite shows and khandi alexander was in it and i saw that she was on miami so i decided to watch, that and i love crossing jordan and a&e always played miami after crossing jordan. kind of a gateway type of effect for me. after watching it a few times i became hooked. :D now i honestly do not go 24 hours without watching csi miami. god i love reruns.
Two words: Marg Helgenberger.

I've been a fan of Marg's since first seeing her on Ryan's Hope. When I found out she was returning to TV, I had to watch. It was just a bonus CSI was a good show. I scheduled my time around watching it on Friday nights. I almost quit bowling when it was moved to Thursday nights.
I started watching it when my brother downloaded it off the internet. but I think it was CSI that My mum flicked onto and because I was younger I didn't like it.
I don't remember exactly how long ago I got to watch CSI for the first time, but I got hooked from the first episode I've seen. I loved the idea, the way it was filmed, I loved the characters.
As I am a very analytic person too, interested in criminal psichology, special serial killers, I loved watching it so much and seeing how they discovered step by step all the evidences.
I remember I was stucked in front of the TV each friday evening, when the television who had the rights used to put CSI LV on.
Right now I got few series on DVD but I can't find the first 2 series.
I discovered CSI really late.

I found Vegas first, then Miami and then NY but all three of them within the space of a week last err August :eek:

I knew of the show and one saturday night I was flicking and found it and said to myself I would give it a go. The episode I first saw, I don't think I could tell you the name of it but the plot was a kid was murdered in a park and it turned out his younger brother had done it. and I remember Sara photographing a trail of blood drops :lol: at least I think that was the jist. I'll have a look on the episode list to see if I can find it anywhere.

The 1st Miami episode I saw was Felony Flight and then straight after that Manhatten Manhunt aired so that was my 1st NY episode I saw.

I got hooked onto NY first through my Gary Sinise love! Then after catching old re runs of CSI Miami that became my new favourite because I fell in love with Rory Cochrane.

I have now seen every episode aired in the UK of Miami and NY, I'm still slacking on LV though, Its taken me a while to get into it properly but I'm getting there :lol:
i found LV when i subscribed to the magazine with the first four seasons and the mag that tells you about the episodes
One night, a few years back, I was watching tv and I came across this sexy, tough looking, gap toothed brunette with a cute smile.. and they called her Sara Sidle.
I know it sounded stupid but that's how it happened :)

So, I checked the show, watched it since it was on and never stopped watching since. I've seen every possible rerun and I am freaking out when it seems like I am gonna miss 5 minutes of the newest episodes..