How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

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    Votes: 17 31.5%
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    Votes: 11 20.4%
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    Votes: 26 48.1%

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Posted by propeller:
I'd say, you can't really put words on animal sounds... and... err...
Putting a word to describe a sound is called:
The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
Basically it was probably invented by someone saying, "oh! I need some way to describe what noise a pig makes!"
Thus, came about such words as oink and nöff.
i am 19, i started watching CSI: about 2 years ago and have watched CSI: Miami from season 1. i live for monday and thursday nights. :D
Posted by propeller:
The swedish way of... meowing and barking...
"Mjau" for cats and "Voff" for dogs.
But the sound of the pig is so strange in writing, I mean, what's up with the English "oink" or the Swedish "nöff"? I'd say, you can't really put words on animal sounds... and... err... I think I lost my point? No, got it - I'm going 20 in July.

:eek: Finnish pigs say nöff too :p and cows say muuuuuuuu or ammuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Ok, how did we get into this?
Posted by SpinLizard:

YEAH! MacGyver! I truly think that show is the reason I have Physics degree... I really wanted to be MacGyver... it was funny.

I watched MacGyver when I was like 10. I loved that show!!! And since we are on the topic of how old we are....I am 22 and have been addicted for over a year.
Meow to that! :lol: You are so evil when you don't even try, Destiny.;) :devil:
I think here's lots of 15 yrs old, 20-22 yrs old and then those... over 30 yrs old :rolleyes:

Cat...what you have done to Destiny?
Posted by DaWacko:
Cat...what you have done to Destiny?
I confuzzled her a little bit. ;) Along with David. :D
I got a few tips from iMat and followed them home the other night. They didn't want to keep me so i hypnotized them. :rolleyes: :p
How old I am , no one will ever know - unless you want to take a guess and I'll tell you if you're right .

I've been watching CSI for two years . . . I think .

I'm , um , well . . . . OBSESSED !

I think about CSI 24-7 .

That , and Star Trek (TOS TNG DS9) , Gilligan's Island , I Love Lucy , Monk , My Favorite Martian , Sherlock Holmes ,
The Munsters , Upstairs Downstairs , and many more .

I'm a TV show freak , even though I only have a DVD player .

As to Macgyver , I used to watch it - 11 years ago - and am looking forward to seeing it now that it's on DVD .
I guess I just put you to the group "over 30" :p

Ah it doesn't matter, we have a few near 50...right?
*wonders does she remember right*
forty! :lol:
Or are you in the over fifties group like some of our other members? :confused:
18-24 bracket, wild card guess 22-23, or if not you seem mature enough to be considered older.
(which didn't sound it but was a compliment). :lol:
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