How old are most CSI fans?

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Hey Destiny: If 22-23 is older, what does that make you? *L* I know what you meant, older than a teenager, but I had to pick.

Actually, if you look at it on the section screan it says "How old are most CSI fans? / 1,2,3,4,all" I'm the two year old, who's 1, 3 and 4?
:lol: i don't mind to me age is relative your as old or as young as you feel. ;)
^^^ Hmmm... well today I feel 65 then! :(

Got a bad haircut (it's just like Sara Sidle's hair, actually... and I HATE her hair right now. I wish she'd grow out those lame side layers... Oh wait! Now I have them too! Grrrrr...) and I picked up my cool new glasses and there's something wrong with them. Something's slightly off, and everything looks too... intense. I can't figure it out.

Sigh. What a crappy day. :lol:
Posted by Destiny:
18-24 bracket, wild card guess 22-23, or if not you seem mature enough to be considered older.
(which didn't sound it but was a compliment). :lol:

18-24 bracket is correct !
Congratulations Destiny !
You did overshoot my exact age by 4-5 years , but that , for me , IS a compliment .
Thank you .
YAY ME :D :lol: cool, hey like i said age is relative.
really i had you being like 23 or so see tricky little thing age is, but glad it was a compliment for ya and not an insult, sometimes its hard to tell how it will be taken.

Awww Baba new glasses will do that to you for like the first 24 hrs, heck i can't even switch shades without an effect and their not prescriptions.
LOL bad hair days is when a little fire comes up and forces you to get a new hair style, *raises hand* well it was either that or serious burns to the face and the cut looks good.. lol but i do my own hair, i use to have layers like that, they drove me nuts :) just remember if they drive you crazy they grow out.
Thanks... I know itt will grow out, but it was at a length I wanted; I just wanted the ends cleaned up and the stupid wench took 3 inches off! ARG!

And my prescription didn't change, just needed new glassed b/c mine were scratched tto hell... I'm going somewhere else tomorrow to get a second opinion.

Thanks anyhoo!
Baba no problem, but i think you solved your own, could it be you got use to the scratches so much that the clearness is odd? had an aunt who had a similar case, couldn't figure out what was wrong, so i asked and now she is good. :lol:

OUCH, on the hair, this is so why i don't do salons, i seriously won't, i went to one once, and they totally destroyed it, I had waist length hair all around, but it was really thin in the sense i couldn't put in clips cause they would slide out lol, so i went for a clean shorter Shoulder cut, the screwed that up, so i ended up with tight to the head short in the back, talk about being ticked off.

From that point on through trial and error i have learned to not only do my own hair, but i have found some awesome styles, just by what i would have thought would be error, turned out YAY.
I did the layered look as i said, and it was cool for a while, till it starts fanning, OMG i hated that part, so i kept trimming back a bit tiny trims to keep it from doing that and yet it grew out longer for a clean layered look minus fanning.
Posted by BabaOReilly:
Thanks... I know itt will grow out, but it was at a length I wanted; I just wanted the ends cleaned up and the stupid wench took 3 inches off! ARG!

I know how you feel... haircuts. I've decided not to cut my hair anymore. I want longer hair. I mean longer than it is now. before Xmas I had tu cut 3inches off and I felt so...naked after that.

But yeah, it will grow back.
Posted by BabaOReilly:
^^^ Hmmm... well today I feel 65 then! :(

Got a bad haircut (it's just like Sara Sidle's hair, actually... and I HATE her hair right now. I wish she'd grow out those lame side layers... Oh wait! Now I have them too! Grrrrr...) and I picked up my cool new glasses and there's something wrong with them. Something's slightly off, and everything looks too... intense. I can't figure it out.

Sigh. What a crappy day. :lol:

What did you ask for that you wound up with that?

I almost did worse. I almost copied her eyebrows last night. Then, I realized, I didn't wanna look like a Vulcan. *L* Vulcan works, on her, but you know she's really pretty when she can pull that off. And, it does go with the sciency feel of the character.
Yeah, and you know it's a bad hair cut when it even looks bad on her! :eek:

All I said was, I just need to clean up the ends a bit... it's been a while since I got it cut... I really don't like layers that much, so try to just go with the ones that are already there, yada yada... so she says, about and inch off the ends? I say cool... and the next thing I know, I've got the nasty Sidle special, only I'm nowhere NEAR as pretty as her! ARRRRRRRRRRG!!!! :mad:

And it was at a really nice, long length that actually suited me for a change... sigh.

Sorry to go on about this, but c'mon. You don't mess with a woman's hair! :eek:

The good thing is, I took my glasses somewhere for a second opinion, and they made the slightest of adjustments (for free, no less- how nice is that?) and bada bing, bada boom... I can SEE! It's a whole new world. :cool: :D
In which season does Sara hair look so bad that it is discussed on a forum? I haven't really noticed if it is as bad as you say it is... Though I liked it in season 1-2. Darker hair suits her (highlights does to, but not in that reddish tone).
Actually, I have to admit, I could talk about hairstyles and clothes for ages.
Short as in shoulderlength? Hasn't she always had that length?

OT: DaWacko, I heard somewhere that some finnish children learn swedish at school? Do you know some words?
I think it looked good longer- like season 2, part of 3 too...

And wardrobe... don't get me started on wardrobe! Those extra short sleeved t-shirts she wears are so unflattering with her broad shoulders. What are they thinking? :lol:
I k n o w! She ought to wear something that would make her neck look longer. Low-cuts, though not unflattering ones. Black is to prefer, but she would probalby look good in green, but no patterns! Less is more. And I always observe the two CSI-women's necklaces... strange design-items, they are rather discrete in their dressing ways, though Catherine sure has got some style (but in real life, I doubt that you would wear a mini-top at a crime scene. There was an english movie about a murder-mystery from current time, and those criminal investigators would wear big coats and masks in front of their mouths.)
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