How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

  • Total voters
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Posted by Destiny:
*meow, meow, meow, eow, me, meow*
Yes i try to stay current :D
meooow! meow meow, me-ow
You sure that you're not procrastinating too? :lol:
Posted by DaWacko:
Ok...first we teach evil laugh, now meowing.
I'd say meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ow.
Yes, we are a multi-lingual society, here on Talk.CSIfiles :D
Posted by Dynamo1:
Woof woof arf. (I learned a foreign language.)
Oh dear, i'm not very fluent in canine... but i'll have a go at it for you, love!
roof! arf, woof woof, roof, bark!
"when i let the dog out one more time" Me too Destiny,except its not snowing here <South Ga.> We have had a few nights where it has been down to the 20's and teens,and I have to bring my dog in. You would think he wouldn't mind the cold,being part Malamute,but as soon as the sun goes down,he starts wanting in!!!!
I hope you were asking how old we are, not how old we expect the average viewer to be, because that's what I answered. CSI has a pretty wide demographic. Internet message boards do too, but tend to attract younger posters, especially teenagers who have more free time. (I know, you don't believe me, but you do.)

I'm 23, and I watch CSI with my mom, so add a 55-year-old into the numbers.

Yes, this is my first post. I read almost the entire favorite line thread a couple weeks ago, and decided I'd join.

SpinLizard: That is a VERY cool pic. Is that you? (I'm not asking in a "age" "stats" sort of way. I'm female and totally straight. I'd love to know what make-up was used and how the flower was kept so fresh.)
Posted by Nik:
I hope you were asking how old we are, not how old we expect the average viewer to be, because that's what I answered.
Yep its based on the age bracket You fall into.
I'm actually under the age bracket of cool. It's only just been recently added by Stats Canada.
Posted by Nik:
Thanks Wacko.

*looks at handles* I didn't know Grissom had a girl. ;)

lol yea.. i'm not even a real big Grissom fan ( sorry to say! ).. it was just the first thing that popped up into my head.. and i can't change it because my e-mail address won't take e-mails from here ( to confirm ) and then if i use my moms or my sisters then they'll know i come on here.. and let's just say that's not a good thing.. after i got this one an e-mail was sent to my sisters screen name and my mom found out and she thought i was REALY weird. she already thinks i obsess over my shows too much. WHICH IS NOT TRUE.. ok maybe it is.... ;) ;)
The swedish way of... meowing and barking...
"Mjau" for cats and "Voff" for dogs.
But the sound of the pig is so strange in writing, I mean, what's up with the English "oink" or the Swedish "nöff"? I'd say, you can't really put words on animal sounds... and... err... I think I lost my point? No, got it - I'm going 20 in July.
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