How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

  • Total voters
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I think I may be the oldest here I Just turned 53 last month and I've been a fan of CSI since it started and a fan of Billys for a long time.
Posted by KiraGrisson
I think I may be the oldest here I Just turned 53 last month
I turned 53 in November, so I have a couple of months more than you. Maybe there are older members who just have not posted in this poll.
Hiya, i'm quite knew to this but i was suprised by the number of people who said that they fell in the 11-20 age group. i'm 15 and i only know a couple other people my age that watch CSI, & one of those collects the new magazine (its not available in the US is it?)
I'm 15... and I have loved CSI since it first came on air. I want to get a job in Forensics anyway :)
I know someone who did do a course in forensics science but I think I would prefer to work with live people rather then dead ones!
I was pondering it... There's a Uni quite near to me that does a degree in Criminalistics, and part of the course is to go into a house that's been set up as a crime scene and you have to test your CSI skills. That'd be COOL. But then I thought that I know myself, and I know I get obsessed with stuff, so I'm going to give it a few years and pay off my credit card and then enroll if I still wanna do it! :D I hope I do!!
I'm 16 and I love the show!!! WOOO!!! It teaches me stuff, and I've actually used some things in school, My teacher askedthe pelvic bone tells you about a person, and thanks to CSI, i was able to tell him that the answer was whether the person was male or female, and I got 10 extra points on a test! lol Woooooo CSI! :lol:
CSI doesn't really help me with plant stuff at the moment in bio, but I don't have to worry about missing out on other topics because CSI is like watching the discovery channel only its more exciting and fun!! :p
Fourteen and loving it. :D

I don't think anyone under 10 should be watching CSI. If they can handle it and the parents are supervising, maybe. But it just seems way too gritty and scary for them. My mom won't even watch at times!
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