How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

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Posted by Charisma:
off topic for a sec.*

If you mean off the orginial topic we didn't that along time ago, and the orginial poster didn't have a problem with it, or did you mean you were going off topic the already off topic subject? cause i think were already doing that.

Anyone else now confused raise your hand? *raises hand*
Dang confused myself agains

You lost me at the bakery.
Posted by KiraGrissom:
You lost me at the bakery.
:lol: can you think of a better place to be lost at, think about it, your lost, confused, maybe even dazed, and hey they serve donuts. :D
Posted by Destiny:
Anyone else now confused raise your hand? *raises hand*
Dang confused myself agains :lol:
*raises hand* Perhaps you should lie down before you hurt yourself...? :rolleyes:
Posted by Cat:
*raises hand* Perhaps you should lie down before you hurt yourself...? :rolleyes:

LOL you have seen me Non-Confused :D so umm well like that will help. :lol: Meow those eyes are gonna hurt after a while if they keep rolling ;)
Posted by Destiny:
Posted by Cat:
*raises hand* Perhaps you should lie down before you hurt yourself...? :rolleyes:

LOL you have seen me Non-Confused :D so umm well like that will help. :lol: Meow those eyes are gonna hurt after a while if they keep rolling ;)
:lol: Sorry, i'll try and pause my eyes until you turn your back. :D
Posted by DaWacko:
Posted by CSIlev3:
Most CSI fans are teenagers, why doesn't that surprise me?

But here's also us, OLDER fans.
It doesn't matter how old you are, you're always as old as you feel.
And you'll always be a teenager, no matter how old you are.
Posted by Cat:
Posted by DaWacko:
Posted by CSIlev3:
Most CSI fans are teenagers, why doesn't that surprise me?

But here's also us, OLDER fans.
It doesn't matter how old you are, you're always as old as you feel.
And you'll always be a teenager, no matter how old you are.

That's true... I feel more like, I'm 5 yrs old sometimes.
I know, I know...I was promised on 8th grade that I don't have to grow up [Hey Peter Pan, where the heck are you?]
Okay thats it ladies Freak out the parents :lol:
I can see them now "YOUR WHAT?" :eek: :eek: :eek:
Posted by DaWacko:
That's true... I feel more like, I'm 5 yrs old sometimes.
I know, I know...I was promised on 8th grade that I don't have to grow up [Hey Peter Pan, where the heck are you?]
Yes, i know how you feel. :D Especially while i'm talking to really juvenile people.
Posted by Destiny:
Okay thats it ladies Freak out the parents :lol:
I can see them now "YOUR WHAT?" :eek: :eek: :eek:

Destiny. Sleep perhaps? :p
I feel very young every time it snows. I go to jump to snow, make snow angels and throw showballs at my friends, laugh and run away and keep pushing them to snow etc.etc. :D
I also adore Winnie the Pooh and everytime we walk near where cereals are, I point my finger at Winnie the Pooh cereals and say quiet "ääääää" (which little kids do when they see something they want) or the I just take WInnie the Pooh cereals, and walk to mom's cart and hold the pack with this big smile on my face and put it to cart.
No, I don't fall on the floor and start crying...
Posted by DaWacko:
Destiny. Sleep perhaps? :p
:lol: Sorry Destiny! I think i may have cause the lack... :rolleyes:
Anyways... I can be quite childish at times... especially while in toy shops! :D :D I just HAVE to visit the soft toy aisle! They are always so cute! :D
:lol: sleep sure soon, i get these points where i get sleepy but then i wake right up and usually by the third time i am ready for nite nite, lol i am at 2 so were good for a bit longer.
Now i was thinking of reminding (the older ones) your parents what it was like as a teenager, all the stuff you went through, all hell they went through, i mean love they gave you :D
okay not to be rude but DaWacko you cannot show up at my house lol, i now have so much snow, when i let the dog out one more time, she is a medium height dog, and it came up half way up her chest almost to her collar, so i went out to stomp down snow so she could, yeah anyway, and i sunk and it was up just past my knees and i am 5'5.
She did what she had to do poor puppy she looked around like yeah where and how lady :lol:
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