Currently, we are one of the highest priced cities (Milwaukee) in the United States at $3.69.
According to, Wisconsin is currently averaging $3.61.1 for the state with 14 states averaging more. Milwaukee area prices range from $3.57 in Oak Creek (reported Thurs morning) to $3.89 at First and Pierce in the Milwaukee South area (reported Friday morning). Several at $3.79.
Around here (Charleston, WV), other than one at $3.75 and one at $3.79, most are from $3.61 to $3.65. The one at $3.79 is usually one of the highest because it is closest to the airport and tries to catch the people who rent cars when filling up to return them to the agencies.
Philly gas station sells 76-cent fuel in honor of 76ers
Apr 25, 10:08 PM (ET)
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Philadelphia 76ers are in the playoffs for the first time in three years, but motorists were the ones celebrating on Friday.
For 76 minutes starting at noon, a gas station offered fuel for 76 cents a gallon in a promotion tied to the playoff series with the Detroit Pistons.
Hundreds of drivers began lining up around 6:30 a.m., some sleeping in their cars. About 100 cars made it through before the line was cut off.
"If gas keeps going up, I'm going to have to get used to walking," said JoAnne Baker, who was seventh in line. She drove from another part of the city - and bought $2 in gas just to make the drive - so she could wait in line for the cheap fuel.
Before the price drop, regular unleaded at the station was a fraction under $3.69.