hairy0haggis said:
Yeah... you're right DanNSfreak... you're all a bunch of mentalists! Fan-bloody-tastic! It makes me happy to see other crazies out there... and also slightly frightened to leave the house
Hiya Alexis, I have a friend in Southhampton called Alxis... it's obviously not you though. I think even my drug fried mind would have picked up on that. Plus she's a TV snob and only watches documentaries... my how I mock her for that. Anyway, I digress... as ever... good to meet you
And you NAtty, ya wee bastard ya! I bloody KNEW I was short a couple of pills. What kind of scum of the universe, freakazoid, bafoon, muppet...errr (help me, I'm running out of insults)... steals from a dying woman. It's not big and it's not clever... bit like me

Anyway, I knew it was you. I had the CSI gang dust down for prints and you can expect Danny at your door any minute with cuffs... and I even tied a bow on his widget for ya. Don't say the HAggis is not good to you! The HAggis is very good to you, the Haggis is not above mocking her own illness to get laughs, the HAggis is quite happy to sit here high as a kite and type absolute bollocks rather that go to bed where she must endure the eternal snoring of the husnad, the HAggis has confused herself by talking in thrid person again. Damn me and my lack of brain cells!