How many non-US peeps here?

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And yet another Brit here!! Scotland to be more accurate. We do get around us Brits don't we?

Hello to my fellow UK'ers (yeah, I'm aware that's not actually a word... humour me) and all other peeps from across the globe.


I'm watching the first of season 4 on channel five on Saturdays, the middle of season 3 on channel US five on Fridays and the end of season one on channel US five on Sundays.

Confused yet?? I know I sure as heck am, it doesn't take much though :) I'm not complaining... I just can't get enough of CSI New York.

Sorry to all you guys that are still on season 2, that sucks like a toothless granny on a piece of toffee. Mind you, you have LOADS of amazing episodes to come.


WOW! Sorry, I bored even me there! :) I look forward to chatting with you all.

Cheery for now
Hey hairy0haggis I wouldn't have guessed you were a scot :p But I think i'll call you haggis! I don't like using full names :lol:

Sorry to all you guys that are still on season 2, that sucks like a toothless granny on a piece of toffee. Mind you, you have LOADS of amazing episodes to come.

:lol: :lol: I think you'll fit in here :D
Och! Just slap me please! I forgot to say that Don Flack is my absolute favourite character of all time.

He's funny as hell, loyal to co-workers, good natured, hard working... and (here comes the shallow bit) he's a guinness drinker like myself! I jest of course... the guinness only makes up for 65.5% of the vote ( again with the sarcasm... sorry about that).

His dress sense cracks me up... those damn ties are getting worse I swear :D

So, in my usual, long, boring and quite frankly over drawn out answer that no one actually requires... Flack makes CSI without a question.

Eddie Cahill better get an award soon or I'll be over there and verbally beating those awards people with my tiny wee fists of fury... and then covering it up with the tips I learned on CSI!

Good grief, I'm so aggressive that I scared me there... do you think it'll work on the award people? :)
Cheers Natty (I'm no one for full names either my friend!). After FINALLY reading the posts through (took me some time I can tell you... I had to move my lips and everything :D) I'm in total agreement with you, I think I'm really going to like it here.

No scary arsed 'watch you while you sleep and brush hair away from your face' mentalist fans that take things WAY too far. I like the people's sense of humour on here and I 'hope' my sarcasm and wit comes across okay and doesn't offend anyone. I love a good laugh, just not at other people's expense.

I do love all the CSI's but I REALLY love New York for many reasons (BIG NY Rangers hockey fan but that's redundant... bit like me :) ) but I find it hard to go on a lot of fan sites due to the crazed 'fan girl, stalkerazi, 'I'm the biggest fan ever and I sleep with a lock of *inset actors name here* hair under my speically made for me CSI duvet cover and matching pillow'' type people on there. There seems to be a massive lack of those arse clenchingly embarrassing baffons here, thank all things sane! Don't get me wrong, I'm as obsessed as the next CSI fan, I just don't spend 24/7 writing porn based fan fiction about the characters and then adding myself as the hero/victim/both (or all three, what with their split personalities and all :)) Right *AHEM* enough bleathering for now. Good to 'meet' you, look forward to being a member... as long as I'm not banned for offending over half the members on here during this post :D
I have to say i'm a Danny/Flack fan with a hint of Lindsay.

Danny well its the character, the whole package and the accent, yep I'm a freak i like accents. I love how he gets freaked out easily and so confused when its something futuristic like second life he just doesnt quite understand. I like his emotions to he has some of the best lines.

Flack.... after thing about this its the British part of me that likes him (actually i'm all british but here it out) as his sense of humour is soo dry and sarcastic and its i am sarcastic when i wanna be its a bad habit and sacrasm is a british trait i think makes me crack up... and teh fact he is gettin more good looking *drools at the thought of saturdays ep*

I like lindsay to cos she's quirky if thats the right word she gets so excited about stuff its soo nice to see.

ahhh i like em all really if i had to say.
Oh well I love all the CSI men :D Especially Mac :D Ok and Flack, Danny, Adam (You get the picture!)

Haggis (I love the name :lol:) a little tip... Double posting is considered spamming so within 24 hours you can use the 'edit' button (top right of your post box) :D
hairy0haggis said:
I do love all the CSI's but I REALLY love New York for many reasons (BIG NY Rangers hockey fan but that's redundant... bit like me :) ) but I find it hard to go on a lot of fan sites due to the crazed 'fan girl, stalkerazi, 'I'm the biggest fan ever and I sleep with a lock of *inset actors name here* hair under my speically made for me CSI duvet cover and matching pillow'' type people on there. There seems to be a massive lack of those arse clenchingly embarrassing baffons here, thank all things sane! Don't get me wrong, I'm as obsessed as the next CSI fan, I just don't spend 24/7 writing porn based fan fiction about the characters and then adding myself as the hero/victim/both (or all three, what with their split personalities and all :)) Right *AHEM* enough bleathering for now. Good to 'meet' you, look forward to being a member... as long as I'm not banned for offending over half the members on here during this post :D

Definitely one of the nicest things about this forum. Crazy fans who get obsessive can be off-putting for the rest of us who just want to talk about the show and the characters and actors and whatever else. Luckily at TalkCSI, you'll find the latter. :) Welcome, hairy0haggis! :)
HI im from norway. and it seems like im the only one :lol:
Im sooo Special :cool: :p ohh im just having a laugh! Its way to early for me LOL
nattybatty55 said:
Oh well I love all the CSI men :D Especially Mac :D Ok and Flack, Danny, Adam (You get the picture!)

Haggis (I love the name :lol:) a little tip... Double posting is considered spamming so within 24 hours you can use the 'edit' button (top right of your post box) :D

I'm REALLY sorry about the double posting thing Natty, I had no idea it was considered spamming. I just forgot to add the other info. Sorry anyway, won't happen again :eek: I truely am a 'puter tard so I'll have to wait until later for my long suffering husband to give me a hand to delete the post. Thanks for the compliment on the name. It was going to be hormonal haggis... but I was just too damn lazy to type that everytime :lol:

Thank you for the welcome Top 41 (I bet I got your name wrong, sorry... my memory is like jelly on a grill, everything just falls straight through!)

I'm loving this website, the people are true fans... and for once the fans are sane :D
Hey kinehelene nice banner ;) But I think that CSI_Andersen is also from your way :D

Haggis don't apologise- you should have seen all the rules I broke before I got the hand of it :D I read your post in the welcome thread and laughed at the morphine part (I hope you dont mind) but you said you like making people laugh and you do that in each post :) I hope my buddie Jools gets her butt in here- I think she'll love you :D :lol:
kinehelene... beautiful banner! hawt Danny. -fans self-

Welcome aboard, haggis!

'for once the fans are sane'
Who, us??? :lol: Don't be too sure...

Season four is supposed to premier in Malaysia in April but I fear that the writer's strike might get it postponed... geez... hope not. I can't live on Spoilers alone.


I forgot to check out the lastest episode review!! How in the world could I have forgotten????!!!!
-hits self on head with heavy Chemistry -uncomplete homework- textbook-
Gotta go and check it out now! Buh-bye!!!

Sane... ehehehe... haggis, you were saying? :p

Oh, and thanks for the birthday wish, Natty! ;)
Hey hey, I'm from Germany....and this board is really, really great. I'm a big fan of CSI : NY my fave Characters are: Flack, Danny, Stella and a lil bit Lindsay ^^
Hello again and Welcome to our thread Jay :D

We are the 'GoodoldBrits-Scots-Aussies-Kiwis-Canucks-Irish-Dutch...Oh what the hell- Non Us peeps' :D of the CSI NY fans :lol:

^ Haggis, I thinked I've nicked your morphine :lol:
Yeah... you're right DanNSfreak... you're all a bunch of mentalists! Fan-bloody-tastic! It makes me happy to see other crazies out there... and also slightly frightened to leave the house :D

Hiya Alexis, I have a friend in Southhampton called Alxis... it's obviously not you though. I think even my drug fried mind would have picked up on that. Plus she's a TV snob and only watches documentaries... my how I mock her for that. Anyway, I digress... as ever... good to meet you :)

And you NAtty, ya wee bastard ya! I bloody KNEW I was short a couple of pills. What kind of scum of the universe, freakazoid, bafoon, muppet...errr (help me, I'm running out of insults)... steals from a dying woman. It's not big and it's not clever... bit like me :D Anyway, I knew it was you. I had the CSI gang dust down for prints and you can expect Danny at your door any minute with cuffs... and I even tied a bow on his widget for ya. Don't say the HAggis is not good to you! The HAggis is very good to you, the Haggis is not above mocking her own illness to get laughs, the HAggis is quite happy to sit here high as a kite and type absolute bollocks rather that go to bed where she must endure the eternal snoring of the husnad, the HAggis has confused herself by talking in thrid person again. Damn me and my lack of brain cells!
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