How many non-US peeps here?

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Yeah i watched on FiveUS for a while tho mu tv upstairs is being rather annoying and lost reception to it so it will be the DVD's i'll be resulting to.

Lol i gave into spoilers a while ago a very very bad idea. I've seen all the episodes so far, i just like them on TV for some reason then i'm like yay even tho i will have seen em rewatching is always fun.
Hi can someone please tell me when the new season (S4) will air in the uk? BTW im from the uk but am currently visiting my mum in the usa and am finding it really hard to not watch any of the csi episodes.
I was cheking out th AXN website and according to it S4 of CSI:NY will start showing in the Philippines on December 26 Wednesday at 6pm. I'm not sure if it true though. 6pm sounds like such an odd time.

Just thought I would share :D
Hey guys hope you are well! I was catching up on all the posts above does sees like I am the furthest behind watching the show *weeps* but its okay I don't mind to much unless I visit Talk CSI. Atleast we have other shows here on TV that's pretty much up to date like Heroes, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Jericho, Lost, Prison Break etc. etc. etc. Even the other two CSI shows are more up to date than what New York is New York is like the bastard child over here :lol: :lol: Earlier in the year they had a poll on one of the radio stations and you had to vote who your favorite CSI was the list was pretty short just the main three were up for voting Grissom, Caine and Mac sadly Mac got the least amount of votes :( some people didn't even know who he is (I know how pathetic is that) But I promise I voted I voted like mad for Mac to no avail.
^^Here, the complain I have is the fact that, in the public television where they're airing the 3rd season, htey put it just behind Miami, so when it ends is past midnight. For me is not late, but, for axample, my brother can only see it in his house in that channel and when he has the morning shift he goes to bed before he ended.

Also, of course, the ratings are lower, but I'm sure it's cause of the timing.
Here, the complain I have is the fact that, in the public television where they're airing the 3rd season, htey put it just behind Miami, so when it ends is past midnight.

poison girl that is really ridiculous timing :eek: I wouldn't be able to stay up that late I'm a really early riser so I have to catch enough zzzzz's or risk keeling over at work. Over here New York is on a Thursday night at nine thirty which is not to bad and Miami is on Tuesdays at eight thirty.
In the UK CSI miami is on at 9:00pm on tuesday and then followed by NY!

When the current seasons that are airing end LV will be put in one of the slots!

But then if you have digital there is a channel called fiveUS and there is CSI on various nights but sunday is the best- CSI Sunday!!! I love it :D- Whta an invention :lol:
^althea I think we're pretty lucky that CSI:NY is timed well on MNet. Plus I think sometimes they do extra publicity since I think it was last week that both Vegas and Miami had the logos of CSI:NY put on (with that Garmin ad) before they started :p It think it was a fluke but a nice one :D

But yeah, over here, NY is definately least known, possible due to the fact that we're already so late and the show's still young (we're only showing early season 3 whilst Vegas is already showing mid season 7)

Thank goodness MNet schedules all 3 CSIs on different days, but I'd still watch it if they were back to back :) No way am I missing NY.

^CSI Sundays, Nat? That sounds awesome :D I'd be permanently glued to the TV on Sundays. When all 3 csis aired daily here (back to back, every night), I was a fully fledged csi-couch potato :lol:

Over here New York is on a Thursday night at nine thirty which is not to bad and Miami is on Tuesdays at eight thirty.
And Vegas is at 7. I never get to catch it since I'm always doing something at that time :(
I don't think i could live without my SkyPlus :lol: most of my favourite shows are on after 10pm here in the UK (Prison Break, Studio 60 etc) and I am normally in bed by then I have to be up before 6am and a girl needs her beauty sleep ;)

So i just series link everything and watch them at a decent hour!! It is the best thing invented for TV
As of right now in Canada you can catch CSI NY at least 19-20 times in one week. The history channel plays season 1-3 over and OVER. 3 times per day, 5 days a week. Then on Saturdays it only plays it twice (but as of the new year that will all stop :p ). Them Spike plays it once on Tuesday and then we get the new episode the same as the US on Wednesdays and sometimes a rerun on Saturdays w/ the US as well.
^I wish they all aired on the same day all over the world, it would be a first for something like that (since it isn't live news) and would be great publicity. Wonder if it's even possible though.

Someone should take up a CSI channel - just CSI all day, everyday, though it might be overkill now that I think about it.

Technically, SouthAfrica has CSI sunday too, NY shows at 10am. (I'm never awake to watch it though) :eek:
^^^^It would be great if they aired at the same time....well not the same time that would be a little ridicules but maybe the same week rather than months/years later! :D

Bella I can not believe that Prison Breakwent to Sky :mad: I don't have sky but I do miss PB!!
Well maybe the same day, at the same time slot, granted that the time differences are taken into consideration. That way, the latest you can be is a day late.

Months/Years later = bad!

I never got into the hype of PB - I don't know why. I mean half my friends only watched it cos of Wentworth Miller :rolleyes:
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