How do you feel about Lindsay?

Seeker - my point was, CSI produces some of the rare famale characters I DO believe in and like :D I do love Willows and Bonasera. I think they're treated like crap by the writers, but I'm fond of them. I also love Calleigh. There isn't a CSI female I don't like, except Lindsay.

Even the characters that I've seen disliked by other people - Sofia, Natalia, Peyton - I have no problem with. Lindsay however, makes me smack my head off the desk, and there's so many reasons why I find it difficult to pin them down .

You're right, Lindsay arrived pre-packaged. We have to love Lindsay! Look, Danny loves Lindsay! Everyone loves Lindsay! They've twisted her through every shape possible in the hope we'll like her. She's done tough! Hard-working! Emotional! Happy! Brave!

Oh vomit.

I just prefer to make my own mind up about a character, is all. Same with ships. If Lindsay had a personality of her own, it would be a start. But she's like... does she have multiple personality disorder? I find her incredibly hard to predict when it comes to how she'll react.
^I'm in the same boat. I love the other female leads on the CSI shows (Stella, Catherine, Sara, Calleigh, Alexx). They're strong and complex and very real (and the actresses that play them are very talented). I've liked Sofia from day one, same with Peyton. I'm indifferent to Natalia. At least Eva La Rue can act.

But Lindsay is the most godawful excuse for a character ever to darken the screen on a CSI show. The line about being able to deliver bad news to fathers all day long is a perfect example. What an idiotic and stupid thing to say.

Anna's bad acting doesn't help matters. I'd lay the blame out 50/50, but I've seen good actors/actresses rise above bad material. And I've also seen these writers produce fantastic storylines for the other characters. There's just no good to be found when it comes to Lindsay.
^Lol, I was afraid that my dislike of Lindsey's character may crossover to Anna's acting. I mean, I like her in Medical Investigation and her guestings in Law and Order. But as I was watching "All Access" this afternoon... I have to say her unconvincing acting of a hard-assed NYPD police officer has something to do with it too.

The character lacks intensity. She's like a meek lamb set loose in the jungle alongside the lionesses and tigers.

Oh vomit.

^That sums it up for me as well.

The other characters that are disliked by the shippers (Sofia, Peyton, Natalia) -- they are disliked because they were in the way of the shipping. It's kind of like a defense mechanism against them new characters of an already well-established show. Sofia got in the way of any pairing with Grissom. Peyton... hmm, SMACked (I'm guilty of that but I don't hate her lol). And Natalia -- who likes a mole anyway?

What's there to like about Lindsey anyway?
I gotta say, I wasn't sure about her at the beginning but now that
she's more defined by her background it's gonna be interesting,I think she does have what it's needed to be part of the team,even though she's different than the rest, not as cocky as the rest. :)
She's not as strong as the other characters. I hope this 'development' somehow makes her level with the others... somehow making her remotely interesting.
even though she's different than the rest, not as cocky as the rest.
Er, who on the show is cocky? :confused:

The other characters that are disliked by the shippers (Sofia, Peyton, Natalia) -- they are disliked because they were in the way of the shipping.
That may be true for some, and I'm sure a lot of people dismiss the dislike of Lindsay as being in the same boat. While I ship Danny with (several) other characters, that has nothing to do with how I feel about Lindsay. She manages to make me dislike her all on her own--it's the writing and the acting that turn me off. ;) (That wasn't me disagreeing with you, chaos, just quoting you to make a point. :))
Faylinn said:
even though she's different than the rest, not as cocky as the rest.
Er, who on the show is cocky? :confused:

The other characters that are disliked by the shippers (Sofia, Peyton, Natalia) -- they are disliked because they were in the way of the shipping.
That may be true for some, and I'm sure a lot of people dismiss the dislike of Lindsay as being in the same boat. While I ship Danny with (several) other characters, that has nothing to do with how I feel about Lindsay. She manages to make me dislike her all on her own--it's the writing and the acting that turn me off. ;) (That wasn't me disagreeing with you, chaos, just quoting you to make a point. :))

That's like saying people who are less interested in shipping (like me) shouldn't really dislike anyone, but I still don't like Lindsay. I think she's a really poorly written and acted character, is all.
That may be true for some, and I'm sure a lot of people dismiss the dislike of Lindsay as being in the same boat. While I ship Danny with (several) other characters, that has nothing to do with how I feel about Lindsay. She manages to make me dislike her all on her own--it's the writing and the acting that turn me off. (That wasn't me disagreeing with you, chaos, just quoting you to make a point. )

I agree. I don't ship Danny with anyone (but Flack ;) hahahha) and still I don't like Lindsey at all. Heck, I don't even ship him with Aiden apart from friendship. From the first interactions, I didn't feel that there is chemistry with the cast.

I'm not even sure anymore if the writers are really wanting to write better material or they're tired already.
She should come back with "surprises"? I don't exactly know what that's supposed to mean...
iwanamotoxbike said:
I really like Lindsay, the thing with Danny works great, she should definately come back from Montana with some good suprises

You lost me. What kind of surprises?? :confused:

Also, how can the Lindsay and Danny thing work great?? IMO, nothing they've done has ever been great. Oh wait, it's great when they never work together. :rolleyes:
It's also been great that she's been gone for two episodes and, from what I understand with this most recent episode (which I still have to watch) no one seems to be missing her. :rolleyes: The Danny/Lindsay thing needs to be relegated to Cocytus in the ninth circle of Dante's hell with the ice-bound souls of Brutus, Cassius, and Judas.
Faylinn said:
She should come back with "surprises"? I don't exactly know what that's supposed to mean...

She's going to come back with a shotgun, a bow and several other spiky things and lay waste to the entire department. Surprise!
^ :lol:

These past two episodes without her have been fantastic. I think that says a lot.