I just watched it because i had to tape it, it was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry about that, but i am so giddy right now i am typing at about a million words a minute!
Stacey is leaving and i could not be happier! i hope that house turns to cameron, i doubt it will be wilson, at least for a while anyways because wilson seemed pretty upset
i watched the part where house said, "Cameron... i love you"
about a million times just to hear him say, oh man the look on her face was priceless! it made me so happy just to hear him say it, even if he did not mean it
i was so mad at the patient, she was being so stupid
the one thing i did not like about this ep was no clinic hours for house, those are always so funny, i was really disappointed, oh well, there is always next week...
speaking of which, was there previews for next week? i cant remember, if so what was going to happen?
to answer your question
1.)house said " i love you" but it was just to get her to open her mouth
2.)house, i think, cared enough about her to get the test done, and opened it up before he gave it to her
3.) cameron defened house when they were speculating about why he was late and well foreman and chase had their dirty thoughts, cameron was like "he probably walked her to her car" or something like that
i think that was all, wow that was one long post, sorry