House MD

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wow so it was a good episode. I cannot see it as im in the UK, can anyone do me a run-down of it :D like what happened between or to House and Cameron?
I admit I was glad to see Stacy go, too. I slightly ship House/Cameron, but not a whole lot. I don't like seeing House all lovely-dovey! :lol: I like the sarcasm!
I thought the "Cameron... I love you!" bit was hilarious. I don't think she will simmer long over House opening her letter. She gets fired up at him all the time, then gets over it. ;) I'm just happy to have new epis again!
I just watched it because i had to tape it, it was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry about that, but i am so giddy right now i am typing at about a million words a minute!

Stacey is leaving and i could not be happier! i hope that house turns to cameron, i doubt it will be wilson, at least for a while anyways because wilson seemed pretty upset

i watched the part where house said, "Cameron... i love you"
about a million times just to hear him say, oh man the look on her face was priceless! it made me so happy just to hear him say it, even if he did not mean it

i was so mad at the patient, she was being so stupid

the one thing i did not like about this ep was no clinic hours for house, those are always so funny, i was really disappointed, oh well, there is always next week...

speaking of which, was there previews for next week? i cant remember, if so what was going to happen?

to answer your question leannne:

1.)house said " i love you" but it was just to get her to open her mouth
2.)house, i think, cared enough about her to get the test done, and opened it up before he gave it to her
3.) cameron defened house when they were speculating about why he was late and well foreman and chase had their dirty thoughts, cameron was like "he probably walked her to her car" or something like that

i think that was all, wow that was one long post, sorry :D

Well all sort of emotions going on in that eppy, first off Wilson so rocked in that eppy and YAY that Stacy left finally, now lock the door on the way out Stacy never to return! :D

:lol: at Cuddy's impression of Stacy and House is now back in charge with Foreman's being temp boss now over. I think House is on destructive mode at the moment, doesn't know quite what is happening, but Hoora that he broke it off with Stacy, damn good thing :D

House telling Cameron he loves her, OMG ;) and knowing that he cares about her although bit of a wrong way to go about it by opining up her HIV test results
I see I'm the only one who likes House/Stacy.
I think Cameron feels pity for House,not love,and who wants to be with someone who feels pity for you?

Next ep (possible spoilers),"House is intent on proving that a former colleague from medical school's new migraine drug doesn't work.Determined to prove the ex-colleague wrong,House makes himself the guinea pig of his own unofficial tests,with painful results".

House trying to destroy himself after what have happened with Stacy?
IMO House has been in a destructive mode ever since Stacy reappeared in his life, this is probably the end result




I believe the reason House told Cameron that he 'loved her' was he wanted to say something that would leave her gaping so he could swab her mouth.

Honestly I was a little disappointed in House in this episode. I didn't like that he tried to swipe a marijuana joint that was intended for a patient, and the whole helping Stacy commit adultry thing. There's also been some talk by critics about this episode having 'bad influence'. Anyone else heard about this?

^^ i have not heard a lot about that, but i agree with you, i was pretty disappointed in some of the things that he did, the only two things that i did like was him getting the test done for cameron and breaking it off with stacey, which never should have happened in the first place. I hope now that stacey is gone house, after a little bit of slef pity as always, will return to normal.
Re: House MD: Possible Spoilers!!!!!

Ok first of all, I loved this episode, but before I could come in here and read everyone's thoughts I had to watch it agian last night.
First of all, I thought this was a great episode, and I would say that, because I havn't seen one episode I don't like. Anyway, all the House-isms in this episode where great. House's facial expressions around Stacy told the entire story. I am kind of glad she left, because now neither of them can hurt each other. Over on the Fox website there is a poll asking why we think that House made Stacy leave. I think I chose the one about House knowing he will get hurt again if he had a serious relationship with Stacy. But there are mixed feelings on that one. But I did get a little confused with this episode, now bear with me,... I have only seen about 4 episodes this season, so forgive my silly questions, but I am now getting the a feeling from the story that House was already working at the hospital when he had the infarction, because Wilson says to Stacy that he had to pick up the pieces 5 years ago when she left and he doesn't want to do it again. Cuddy seems like she knew him before too based on Stacy's question about House being a pain in the A** before she left. And Cuddy answering the question that way as House being a Pain in the A**. So I am just a little confused about that. So my opinion now after this one is that they all knew each other before House's leg got bad. Yet in three stories, it seems like Cuddy doesn't know House at all, and if Wilson was his friend back then, then where was he? This episode just poses so many questions for me? Forgive my rambling, I just am a little confused, so thanks for indulging my rambling.
:D :D :D
Bad influence?
OMG,you're so puritans...
What's the fun if everybody behaves correctly?
House being polite and politically correct,it'll be the most boring show in the world...
I hear you there, gosh if House behaved and was all correct and everything I don't think I would be watching it for very long.
Though that comment he made to Chase about not being able to say goodbye to a dying parent was harsh.

Oh, I think that was a huge low blow to Chase and very unnecessary for House to say. House does know exactly about how Chase felt so he should be the most sympathetic. I guess not
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