House MD

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It doesn't sound like it from some articles I have read, but let's hope so. I don't really like this storyline with Stacy as much as I thought I would. We'll see, I am not much into the Shipper stuff, but I think that Stacy isn't the one for House, I like the Cuddy/House relationship better.
Hey,I like House/Stacy because H is really in love with her.
I suppose she leaves to mend the things with her husband,but I wish they leave a door open to her to return later in the season...
Well, according to House M.D. Guide , along with the NICE pic of Stacy in Cuddy's office at all, she IS leaving.Edit: My grammar sucks today.

Ahh I see, well good, there is just something Stacy brings to the show, but with the storyline of House I picked up on, he is better off without her. Yes she is a good character, but she needs to go. I can't stand to see House like that. All in love and whatnot. And from the sounds of this site, the season will only get better, I especially like the preview of the special episode airing on the 20th. Now that one sounds interesting. Thanks for the link.
Someone said they arent lucky cos House 2nd season just began in the UK...let me say you are very lucky, cos here in Mexico we dont know when we are getting season 2...we are still getting reruns. I hope we can get new episodes soon, until that Ill watch season 1. I just love this show!, well just after CSI.
*raises hand* I said that I missed the beginning of the season, their second season just started. Hope they start soon, nickstokesgal! Maybe, sneak over the border, get a lil bit of House and return the next day, no one will know! JK.
Lol, over here in Malaysia, Season 1 just ended on Jan 10th. Damn, and I'm already talking about stuff that I won't see for at least another 6 months.
Has anyone checked out the information on the coming eps this month. I have, but I only read what I need to get excited about it. The next three (feb. 7, 14, 20) look really good. I can't wait for these episodes. House, MD has good previews to the upcoming episodes. Check it out if you want. But there are SPOILERS!!!!! for the episodes on the site, along with everthing else. I am especially interested in the episode they are airing on the 14th. It looks pretty good. So anyway, enough of my ramblings, has anyone else checked out the upcoming eps, and which one are you looking forward to if you have?

Oh yeah, me too, the one on the 14th looks great.

But once again, I'm gonna have to wait a few more months to actually see what its about.
heya, I've just beocme a new House fan, and a Cam/House shipper.
I am loving the show! :D

I have a question though , someone, I cannot remember who - but they made a video of CSI and House, of GSR and House/Cameron

The song was "It's Okay to think about ending" But I my sister delected it off my comp, and me- not knowing I cleared the recycle bin.. I can't remember where I got the video from. Does anyone here know- or is able to upload it?

Thanks in advance :D

Also I havent seen all the episodes, and I hear of great scenes and House/Cam scenes, does anyone know if there is a site that has some clips up?
all I can say is "House rules"

you know what I'm so bored waiting for the next episode. It's too long. About a months I guess.
From Previous Page:

Mmmm, Stacy leaving next week right? Woohoo!

WOOOO, hoora this day can't come soon enough ;)

i have been waiting for this day since before stacey even arrived! :D

new House next week i believe and i am so excited, life has not been the same without hugh making me laugh every week

i was kinda sad last week and i could not figure out why, and then i realized that i was having House withdrawls! anyone else getting the same feeling?

and as always i have to post: House and Cameron Forever! :D
When is House going to start up in the US, i agree with you krystalpanda, its so boring waiting for the next episode. Anyone know when the next new episode is?
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