House MD

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Yay new episode tomorrow night. :D :D Whoohooo!!!! (dances around the room) Whoohoo new House episode tomorrow night. I'm just a little excited!!!! :lol: :lol: You can't tell can you??? :D :D :D
Well he didn't really have a reaction about it he guessed straight away, trust him! :lol:

They had a good conversation before hand though talking about regret ;)
Whoohoooooooo, New House tonight, whoohooo, new House episode tonight. Yeah, only 13 more hours, and there will be a new episode on. I am just soooooo excited. Yay. :)
Yea, I believe CSIFAN1985 said 13 hours. Well, now it is only 1 hour and 21 minutes. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait that long!!! I'm also suffering from House withdrawls. I started writing 'House, I LOVE HOUSE!!!! House and Cameron Forever!!!' etc. in my science folder. I was gound out too. Darn! Oh well, noo write up- this time. :)
Ok just saw this episode
Finally, Stacy is leaving. One question, who is House going to go to for support, to his best buddy Wilson (their relationship on the rocks right now), Cameron (Now positively not HIV Positive) or a mistery woman?

Did anyone else really hate the woman/patient in this episode? If you don't want anymore children stop and tell your husband, she's giving him false hope for another child as well as spending all of his money for useless fertility treatments. I can't stand her. Stella is so cute though. :lol:
That woman who was taking the pill and fertility treatments is really screwed up in the head! In the scene where House is talking to Stella about her parent's relationship and that they never fight, I was like, uh, that isn't a good relationship at all.

As far as support, this is hard. Maybe his buddy Wilson? Cameron is pretty fired up about his opening her mail esp the results of her HIV test. I was surprised that he turned Stacy down.
I was surprised that he turned Stacy down.

I was happy when he turned Stacy down. I think shes old news and would her and House probably wouldn't have a strong, long-lasting relationship now anyway. Come on, its House!!!
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