House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Hey all! New to the House thread.

House may be the only show I love more than CSI: Miami. I was kind of sad they switched it to Mondays, because now CSI and House are on the same day. I liked having them seperated!

Ahh well. I hope to be in this thread a lot! Happy posting!
Anywho... I'm jumping back on the House scoopwagon in a big way this week with news that Fox, in collaboration with producer NBC Universal, is quietly developing a House spin-off for next season. As I understand it, producers are introducing a new male character for a multi-episode arc and, assuming the actor they find really pops in the role, he may be spun off into his own show. But there's a twist, and it's a big one: Per multiple sources, this newbie is not a doctor, but rather a private investigator! And no, his name isn't Twitter. (TvGuide-Ausiello).
I've seen those pics a few days ago. And I just have to say:



That is all.
Thank you SO much for posting this. I just LOVE the last pic. Can't wait to see what happens, but I hope it'll be like this forever =)
yes, i am back...
and thank you for the promo pics. im a happy fangirl. i can't wait to clear those questions in mind out... -_-

anyway... ranting and flailing:
OMG~! OMFG! no, no!! AMBER!!!!!!
idk wth is happening, and frankly, im a bit confused still and worried... affair?! memory lost still?! wha?!:wtf: oh noes!:( but anyway, very nice eppie. mah shippy heart and my tickle bone was satisfied very much. Boo boo? XD but heck... Cuddles stripping was just enough jaw dropper..let alone the last freakin' 10 mins of the show. O_O some medical "stuff" were bothering me, but that will remain forgotten a bit 'cause the twist and the stuff going on were just... HUGE!

is it May 19 now? :guffaw::scream:
So you guys? I think I died...?

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. MOUTH TO MOUTH. SHE SAVED HIS LIFE. AND THE STRIPPER SCENE. "DANCE WOMAN!" I think I have a girl crush on Lisa. :lol: She is a better stripper than the actual stripper at the beginning of the episode! Honestly! LMFAO. And she slept over at his house. And he puked on her shoes! Omgomg. And Cuddy was totally all teary eyed when House's heart stopped beating. Love.

My brain can't really process right now. But that is hands down the best episode of House I have ever seen. Amber can't die! Poor Wilson. :(
Next week now, please!
can someone link me to the shippy thread? XD

but yeah, i think i died more than once within the last hour. my poor heart. too much stuff in so little time. give this eppie an Emmy! ^_^ srlsly! took my breath away not only once but.... more than once! LOL

boy, i cant wait for the next eppie. i can tell,that's gonna take my breath away too...
Wow so that episode was just....WOW. One of the best I've ever seen. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

Okay so the moment they showed Amber in the bar I knew it was her. Well, either her or House. But still, that ending was so moving. And Cuddy giving House mouth to mouth? BEST. MOMENT. EVER.
Next week's promo :eek:

I only have one thing to say about this week's episode:

Couldn't resist :D
The whole epi was amazing and I can't wait for next week. I figured out the Amber part pretty quickly. Poor Wilson :( I hate seeing his heart break like that.

Argh, why must a week contain 7 whole days? :p
I just rewatched the promo and I noticed something...

In one of the last shots of House inside the freaky medical chair (right before he seizes), they do a close up of his face...and he's clearly, CLEARLY crying. There are streams of water down his face. Seriously. OMGG. :eek:
I have to say that for most of this episode I was like WTF is going on here but boy as they heading to the end I was like no it can't be over and next Mon is not coming fast enough for me. THis has been greatly written and cannot wait to see what happens.
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