House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2

LibertyBell said:
Oh, and the medical bit. I liked the girl who played the daughter, but I got a little confused at the end. The mom had breast cancer on her leg? Was that it?

I like that girl, too. I think she was on CSI: Miami in "Recoil". Or maybe that was a different girl, but I was pretty sure it was her. But the end confused me a little bit, too. I didn't even know it was possible to get breast cancer in your leg. It seems a little implausible...Well, very implausible. And when House squirted the milk onto the girl's face... Yeah, that was gross.
Re: House # 2

Well, they have had implausible stories before. Like remember in Act Your Age when that guy was giving his kids enough hormones to make them sick just by hugging them?! I thought that was a little ridiculous.

I got the part about how the tissue was supposed to dissolve before birth, but some of it stuck behind (remember the graphic part with the baby in the womb?), but then I got lost. :confused:
Re: House # 2

Last nights episode (the one at the S. Pole) was amazing and good. I loved the banter between House and Katie(I think that was her name)and the reaction of everyone else because of that. Like the comment when House asked if she was ok and Wilson said "you have seen me fall down stairs and never asked if I was alright". There were some good lines in the show.

I have to say that while House was watching Katie and then at the end where the mechanic saves her life by doing all those things --it reminded me of a soap opera and if you think about it thats what House always watched. I think it is kinda of a paralle because he mentioned not getting cable but could see the south pole with high definition.
Re: House # 2

The banter between House and Kate in Frozen was amazing. Of course since TPTB got Mira Sorvino to guest star, they had to have an amazing part for her. I agree the 'falling down the stairs' comment by Wilson was just too hilarious. Oh what Sean the mechanic did for love...Gross! :lol: Drinking Kate's urine and drilling a hole in her skull. Ah, true love. :lol: However, I was irked that we got to see Cuddy for such a short scene. Wilson and Amber dating? Too funny. :lol: House's facial expression was so funny when he finally saw it was Amber Wilson was meeting for a date. :lol:

On the other hand, Don't Ever Change was just lovely. We finally get to see more of Cuddy. I just love her scenes with House. Just a hoot and with a touch of oozing chemistry. :lol: The scenes with House and CTB were also very good. I love the part where House figures it all out why Wilson's dating Amber and he goes 'you're sleeping with me' or something to that effect. That was just too hilarious. I love the idea of Thirteen being a bisexual. Her facial expression when Foreman brought it up was just too funny. :lol: I can't believe that this is possibly the last episode of the season. Ugh.
Re: House # 2

Expected to shoot 4 to 6 new episodes to air in April/May.

About the new ducklings, I think Kutner is funnier than Chase but on the other hand, Chase is hotter...
Right now, I find Taub less annoying than Foreman.
About Cameron and 13, they're both the same.

I agree about Frozen being a great episode, I read somewhere that it wasn't what they got in mind, that they were going to make a 2 parts episode, I wonder how it would look like.
Re: House # 2

So I finally figured out why I don't like Taub! Actually, it was my friend that figured it out, but that is beside the point. He has no charisma! It's like, with House, he's an ass, but he's an interesting ass. He's a funny ass. He's not boring. Taub is. I haven't seen anything that makes me want to learn more about Taub. Nothing that shows me he's human like the others.

Frozen is one of those episodes I hate to love. Yay for the Cameron scenes! But unfortunately, I lost what little respect I had for the new ducklings. They just looked so pathetic, sitting there in the cafeteria, when House told them all they had to do was tell him, "No," and not torture an innocent woman. Now I see them all as annoying and I want the old format back! I don't care if it's not practical! *pouts*

Don't Ever Change bored me. I guess part of it is me not liking the new team one bit anymore, but the other part was the heavy religion, I think. It was just so odd. The patient didn't grab me.

Here's hoping for a better 4 to 6 episodes.
Re: House # 2

LibertyBell said:
So I finally figured out why I don't like Taub! Actually, it was my friend that figured it out, but that is beside the point. He has no charisma! It's like, with House, he's an ass, but he's an interesting ass. He's a funny ass. He's not boring. Taub is. I haven't seen anything that makes me want to learn more about Taub. Nothing that shows me he's human like the others.

Oh my gosh, I think you just hit the nail on the head. He is so boring! That's what it is! Thank you...And you're also right when you said that he has no charisma. Taub just seems like a filler character so that they could throw in the little amusing blip and House could keep 13.

As for the rest of the team, I have to say I really likee Kutner. He cracks me up all the time. Especially when he is trying to stand up to House. That really made me laugh. 13 is pretty okay, too. The more I see of her, the more I like her. I know that a lot of people are either annoyed, or just think it's stupid that she is supposed to remain a mystery, but I really like that about her. And Foreman, well, he's just being Foreman. ANd he's driving me insane. I really miss the old Foreman from the first couple seasons. He seemed so nice and then he just got cold.
Re: House # 2

smiliee said:
As for the rest of the team, I have to say I really likee Kutner. He cracks me up all the time. Especially when he is trying to stand up to House. That really made me laugh. 13 is pretty okay, too. The more I see of her, the more I like her. I know that a lot of people are either annoyed, or just think it's stupid that she is supposed to remain a mystery, but I really like that about her. And Foreman, well, he's just being Foreman. ANd he's driving me insane. I really miss the old Foreman from the first couple seasons. He seemed so nice and then he just got cold.

I actually like Kutner too. He's kind of a dork, but he's a funny dork. "You're actually gonna let us do Secret Santa?!" :lol: I seem to be the opposite of everyone else in terms of Thirteen. I liked her from Day One, but now I'm starting to dislike her, just because she IS so much like Cameron, she's not interesting. She's not her own character. And Foreman, well, I'm annoyed with the writers for what they're doing with him. He gets more screen time than the other old ducklings, but he doesn't actually DO ANYTHING!!! :rolleyes: :lol: And I've noticed the wardrobe department puts him in purple a lot, and it creeps me out.

We only get four more eps? And they're not airing on Tuesday? What's that about? I'm starting to think this show won't go past five seasons (but then maybe that's a good thing, considering the sub par stuff they've been giving us lately).
Re: House # 2


Am new to this part of the forum... and love House.

I really like his new team mainly because they still kind of seam in awe of him.
I love 13 she is just quite quirky and more than willing to tell House exactly what she thinks. Whereas Kutner is like the child and wants to impress. Taub is slightly more relaxed but he is the more experienced of the 3 in that respect that he just knows what to say when and will say what he thinks.

I have loved this season because its House/Cuddy at each other and its the best part it makes it soo much more funnier and its very much opposites attract.

Can't wait for the new eps want to know what they are going to do.

I understand why they might not go past 5 seasons i mean it does have a set way of workin that teh result is always the last thing and the build up it can seem boring. But i enjoy it more than last season this one has lightened up a tad.

I think i like it to because of House's sense of humour and me being from UK i enjoy it cos i'm sarcastic at the best of times and he has some great lines.
Re: House # 2

Hey Dawni, welcome to the House thread! :D Gosh, I can't believe I haven't posted in here in a while.:lol:

As for me, I can't stand Thirteen since she is just a mere Cameron clone/double whatever. But if what Foreman has observed about her being bisexual, that would be interesting. Other than that, I find her insignificant.

Kutner is one character I find interesting. He's such a suck up, it's hilarious. :lol:

I'm a Huddy fan so I am enjoying the current season. Yay, for those Huddy moments. I can't wait until April 28 for new episodes. Two more months before the withdrawals are gone. :lol:
Re: House # 2

To be honest, mandy9578, even Thirteen's ambiguous sexual orientation can't save the character for me. Despite the fact that I can't stand Cameron I still find it confusing as to why they thought it logical to introduce a clone of her and practically drop the original.

I really hope though they don't start introducing soapy storylines such as exploring Thirteen's possible bi-sexuality. Mind you, if it means she gets together with Cutthroat Bitch, I suppose I'd go for that, because that would be a far more plausible relationship for me than having Cutthroat dating Wilson.

I really like Kutner and I'm not convinced if he is actually sucking up to House. I think that's what the other newbies think, but Kutner does challenge House and he's even outdiagnosed House with a patient as well.

All in all, I miss 'fake' Doctor/Bosley. I think he could have added an extra chink in the Wilson/House friendship, far more than Cutthroat dating Wilson has.

Still, I am really enjoying the new season and I cannot wait for more of the good stuff.

Re: House # 2

Yeah Thirteen pretty much has nothing going for her. I don't really get it either...Why in the world did the PTB think we would want another Cameron? One is enough IMO.

As for Bosley, he was pretty interesting. I like how he's got House figured out.
Re: House # 2

mandy9578 said: As for Bosley, he was pretty interesting. I like how he's got House figured out.
Yeah, I think he was very interesting. I also liked how they shared a lot of humour together and it wasn't House's usual sarky humour, it was just jokes between the two of them - Like House telling Bosley that if he keeps doing what he's doing then he may have to get him to wear sexier clothes - chuckle. :lol:

I think House was more open with 'Bosley' than he has been with any other duckling/original newby and I think it's because House genuinely liked him and I think that was more of a danger to House than Bosley seemingly knowing what House was thinking.

I also think House would have felt threatened when it came to his friendship with Wilson, maybe because Wilson would have seen the similarities between Bosley and House, only minus House's sarky/cutting disposition.

Hmm, yeah, the more I think about it the more I honestly think it could have been very interesting if they had kept Bosley around in some sort of capacity.

Re: House # 2

Della said:

Yeah, I think he was very interesting. I also liked how they shared a lot of humour together and it wasn't House's usual sarky humour, it was just jokes between the two of them - Like House telling Bosley that if he keeps doing what he's doing then he may have to get him to wear sexier clothes - chuckle. :lol:

Hahaha...I loved that about them, sharing a private joke. They were practically on the same wavelength. :lol:

I think House was more open with 'Bosley' than he has been with any other duckling/original newby and I think it's because House genuinely liked him and I think that was more of a danger to House than Bosley seemingly knowing what House was thinking.

I've got to say I agree with this. Funny how both of them recognized that they were both cut from the same cloth. Well, minus the snark on Bosley's part.

I'm just not sure if they kept Bosley what role would he have on the show? Would he possibly be House's assistant but then I remember Bosley going on about how House didn't need another him or something to that effect. Oh well...
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