'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglasses~

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Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

:lol: I got you Pusher.

Tink, I think there wouldn't be a problem if your knees go jelly on you. I mean, since you'll be sitting in the car and all, it's probably not visible. Faint, and he'll give you the Kiss of Life. In other words, CPR. :lol:

Sadly, I don't recall that little line about his Dad. Gotta say, it's pretty charming hearing a grown man talking of his father. Especially since the grown man is Horatio. :p

Here are some caps from 'Vengeance' which I watched yesterday.


A very swift reaction from him..


IABs swarming in..
H: Hey!!

Poor H..
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

You're welcome Lucy and Pusher.

Casper, if a cop approach me like that I'm afraid I'd get so nervous that I'd just step on the gas by accident and speed off like a mad driver...hmm...which isn't a bad idea...coz then he'll come after me and stop me, then I can tell him that I had to get away coz he's TOO HOT TO HANDLE hahahaha! :lol: :lol: :lol:

...but then I think he'll send me right into a wacko prison... :confused:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

:lol: That would be too extreme even by my level. I don't have a car, so I'll just imagine.

Hmm.. I'm driving a Lamborghini. Then I got pulled over by the cop car. I stop by the side of the road and a red head approaches, at which point he opens the door and jumps in. Then we ride into the sun set. Amazing! I love imagining! :lol: :D
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Tink, I think there wouldn't be a problem if your knees go jelly on you. I mean, since you'll be sitting in the car and all, it's probably not visible. Faint, and he'll give you the Kiss of Life. In other words, CPR.
Now CPR would be all good with me! :lol: I wonder if he would leave on the sunglasses whilst he was administrating it? :lol: *sighs*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Now, where's the fun in that! You would want the sunnies to be off and his eyes staring right back at ya! Those blue orbs so close and so clear! Don't wake up straight away though! Let him give you several more Kisses of Life. :lol: I am evil! :devil:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

:lol: that's a nice idea, won't get into trouble with the red haired cop, unlike me.

It seemed strange that H would talk about his 'old man' when he's raised single-handedly by his mom so I read his bio again on Crimelab.NL and found this...

Rising quickly through the ranks, Caine grew frustrated with departmental bureaucracy and threatened to quit. Al Humphries came to his rescue by offering to train him as his second-in-command with the Bomb Squad. Humphries became the father-figure Caine had never had.

So maybe Al Humphries is the 'old man' he's referring to.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Interesting theory. I think that's possible. Was Al Humphries the man who was killed in a bomb blast in "Losing Face'? I keep getting confused with the names here.. :confused:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Yeah that was Al killed in 'Losing Face'. That's a good theory about his 'old man'. I wish they had a proper bio that they didn't change when they feel like adding a twist.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Oh. I'm sorry I ask. That's sad. It seems everyone is taken away from him or is in a life-threatening situation. His Mom, brother[at first anyway], Suzie and Al. Al was the worst. Killed right before his very eyes. *sighs*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Imagine this cop pulling your car over like this..

If a cop pulled me over looking like that, I would go weak at the knees! :lol: :devil:

haha lmao.. same here.. lol :D

great caps casper...

here are some from me.. I know I've shown them before and that you probably have sen them many times.. but here you go anyway



lonley H
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Yeah it's sad. It seems like a paradox that H goes protecting people's lives and his loved ones were killed. He's truly a giver.

*giving H a warm hug*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

here are some from me.. I know I've shown them before and that you probably have sen them many times.. but here you go anyway



lonley H
Ohhh nice ImS - where was the warning! You just can't show bare chest without a warning! :lol: ;)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

Waaa shoot! IMS!!! You should've given us a warning! :eek: *faint*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sun

ImissSpeed i love you for the pics you post :>>> don`t often say this 3 little words, but you zippy and Lucy just succeed to compensate lack of real H.
i start see everywhere Horatio (park, tv, book). am i insane ?!?! but before the red one never take my attention and now i have a look round for "red" cop :>>
and this is again on subject
(i don`t know if this pic is post before but i like it a lot)
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