'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglasses~

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Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

that hair comment and "high five" later on

it's a low five... I didn't see it until I saw the rerun later that week and it was so incredibly cute and I just smiled for like a week after that.. :D
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

That sounds real cute.. We had 'Killer Date' on Wednesday..So 'Recoil' won't be till later..

They showed 'Lost Son' on AXN today.. Wicked but it refreshed my memory :D. Not saying that in a good way or anything..
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

that hair comment and "high five" later on

it's a low five... I didn't see it until I saw the rerun later that week and it was so incredibly cute and I just smiled for like a week after that.. :D

high five, low five... who cares... five anyways :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I dunno.. i'll go check.. I have over 350 pics of DC :lol: hmmm.... more than speed/rory... oops...

*goes and checks*

I know I have it somewhere but I can't find it...

darn.. :( it's such a cute pic..

Ducky... nvm... lol
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

does anybody know what episode it was when Horatio or David "re-arranged" himself? :D or what eppy it was when HC/DC sat on a counter in the lab - I want to cap it, only I don't know what episode it was... I think it was season one.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I haven't seen it myself, but I think someone was talking about him rearranging himself in Wet Foot/Dry Foot. I think it was that episode, anyway.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Re-arranging himself???....I don't even want to go there at this time of night :lol:

However I do know he sits on the lab counter in 'Losing Face'....it's early ish when he is discussing the bomb components with Megan and Speed and they can't find the action switch....

Oh I am a geek :rolleyes:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

He sits on the lab surface in 'Losing Face'. Here ya go! :D


Also, in 'Wet Foot, Dry Foot', I didn't really think he was re-arranging himself as such! His hand seems to fidget with something at the back of his upper thigh, maybe adjusting his boxers, who knows! He could have even had an itch! :lol: Seriously though, it's so subtle, I'm not at all surprised it was left in and not cut.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Damn, Losing Face and Wet Foot, Dry Foot are the two episodes of Season One that I haven't seen. I must remedy that.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Yeah you need to losing face is one of my favourite H eppies and he comes up with a beaming smile....I wonder if I have that cap somewhere?

Ah yes, here it is
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Oi Luce... what are you talking about :p

Anyways... I just love that scene where he sits and says "it's not here" and Megan says we collected everything ans he goes again "I say, it's not here" :lol:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Oi Luce... what are you talking about :p
Damned if I know Ducky! :lol:

Okay, there's a bit in WFDF when H and Megan are in a hanger type building and as they're walking along, H, um, does what I said in my post! ;)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

[["it's not here" and Megan says we collected everything ans he goes again "I say, it's not here]]

Now I need to see that eppy agian.. lol.. :D

Megan listen to him.. he knows best..
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