'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglasses~

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Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

THOSE EYES.. yeah you are so right Leanne... and Franks was so incredibly cute when he typed... and they jost looked at each other and like "you got to be kidding me.. lol :lol: "

Fratio... never heard that.. lol.. cute
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Ryan was just impatient but Calleigh was real cute and smiled. It's a good thing that Frank isn't shy about his typing abilites. I'm quite slow myself. :p

Yup, Fratio.. 'Frank and Horatio' was too long for me so I shortened it.. :p


Fratio. Frank is typing! See that look of concentration on his face..
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

aww that is so incredibly cute.. never thought I'd cal frank cute... :D

FRatio.. hmm...that works
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I missed a lot of piccy's, I love Frank & H together! Although I think H is a lot cuter! :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Oh I'm in a great mood tonight...having some time out from working for a change....so thought I would share a pic :)

This one absolutely made me melt ;)


He is so cute :D
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Pusher, there appear to be a problem with the video. It's not showing anything but the song is on.
Casper, you will need to download a DivX Codec to view this video. :)

Aww, that picture liz - I love it when his eyes go all twinkly. Season 1 H again. *sigh*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

GREAT pic liz.. and i'm with you luce.. s 1 Horatio.. *sigh*

if only he would be by my side when I watched it... but hten I wouldn't watch it... now i'm confused.. :D
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I do? Okay..thanks Luce. I thought my computer was going nuts on me for a second there.. :)
Great pic Liz.. It's weird cos Season 1 is like all the way at the back of my head. It's very vague and I only remember bits and pieces of the episodes..Which is not fun I might add! :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Are you not able to get the dvds Casper - even online?
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Ah that's really sad Casp....I love season 1, H was absolutley adorble as usual!! I could quote most of it...it is rarely off my computer :)

I seriously recommend the DVD's
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

:DHey Pusher thanks for the music video! It's great! CSIM you MUST watch it if you can, really worth it. The video has all the faces and poses of H! :cool:Superb! It left a big grin :D on my face and I was giggling by myself...this is the symptoms when I see too much of H...too much of H??? Maaaan...what am I talkin' about! :rolleyes:

Frank with his typing was funny and cute. He gave a funny look when Ryan and Calleigh asked him to type. It's like "Ooookaaayyy...you want me to type, so here goes..." and then G...A....B....R...I.......... :lol:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

yeah it was so increbilby adorable... :D

GO FRANK....!!! lol... we should open a Frank thread.. :D:D:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I AGREE! Although each time Frank is with H, I block Frank out completely :lol:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

There is a Frank thread here! It took some searching, but I found it eventually! :D
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