~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

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Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

I don't wanna double post but it's tumbleweedy in here and I hate to see this thread like this...so excuse me mods...

This is the weirdest, strangest pic of H I've ever seen. :eek: :lol: I think it's from the episode 'Horrible Mind'. Pic from Miami Style .

Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

woah that is really weird
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

I don't remember this image from the episode. He's in the lab, I think he's examining a lense or a piece of glass or something that caused this distortion.
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

That certainly is a little odd! :eek: It's like one of those weird distorting mirror reflections.

Here's a pic from season 1 to share...


So cute! :D
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

but dear u forgot this two so so cute pics of H :devil:

is this necessity to say why HE is so HAPPY at my pics and a little too sad at urs :D


Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Oh which episode are they from Luce and Pusher? H looks fresh there! Is that the one where he went to see Yelina??
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

They are from 'Double Cap' and yes, he was going to see Yelina. ;)
Pusher said: but dear u forgot this two so so cute pics of H :devil:
Damn, I was saving those for later! Just joking! :p
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Sometimes when it's just switching (or fading) e.g. from closeup to next scene, you can get pretty strange screencaps.
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Ah great pics :) Now that is H with his eyes twinkling ;)

I do miss Yelina cause H had a whole different set of emotions when she was around and most of them were really sweet, she brought out a great side of him :)

Love the soft expression
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Awwww love the pics everyone. Glad to see some of the old H back. ;) :)

Here's one from Deadzone.

Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

ohh guys.. all are very great pics! :) ehh.. what a man...
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Ah thanks for the pics :D

Just watched 'Hell Night' this morning, love how H looks after Ray Jr :)
H: "You're all going home, so get in the car and go..not you Ray I know where you live!"
I love that line!

H: "He's my nephew Rick..Saturady Buddy?"
Ray: "We're on Uncle Horatio"
H: "Ok"

H's scenes with Ray were always good I miss Ray, same with Maddy, H needs his little ones back to put a smile on his face ;)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

"...not you Ray. I know where you live!"
Oh, how I love that line too Liz! ;)

H's relationship with Ray Jnr was really touching and I enjoyed their scenes very much. How sweet was it that H called him 'Buddy'. I have missed that very much in Season 4, same goes for Suzie and Maddy too. Such a shame that those two failed to make an appearance as predicted in earlier spoilers. I heard that Azura Syke (actress who plays Suzie for any wondering) may have been unavailable, so hopefully, we may well see them again. :)

Nice pics L2MS - thanks for posting. :D
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother

Oh yes I'd really love to see Horatio and Suzie/Madison again. Especially with Madison, she's so cute and angelic! On the other hand, I do have a strong feeling that Yelina, Ray and Ray Jr. might appear again soon coz their part seem unresolved still.

H is coming back!! Da real H!
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