Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe
i don`t know form where to start my post. too many new replays have here
i like this, HC therad is a live again
Casp 'Innocent' is one gerat CSI miami epi. all last epi from every S is the best
i like too the way team come again in a new case - they all have sms to theirs GSM`s. well done, never importance what they have go through they must be ready for new case. for me the strong moment was when H send Y and S to theirs vacation and H tell S that Y love champagne and red rose
so sed and so magnanimous...
and for 'Crime Wave' this is too was cool epi. i like most the part where H save all peoples in the strong-room in the bank. even he take one wounded woman in his hand to carry here in the safe place. as i remember in the end they have find her husband in mine(bomb) building...i will never forget H grin when he go off the building alive
<font color="greenish">Lucy</font> this caps from 'Crime Wave' H/S is this the moment when H tell to S : "If u hit her again i will kill u ?!"
when i mention S want to say that i like his characters in the meaning he is a 'bad' guy and the writers are do his presence very well. in everyone show must have one guy like him. hi somehow supplement the rest characters. ones S say that his job is to be hate and it`s a truth. noone like the inside section. but if was`t S we never will know how much is patient H.
DaWacko thanks for this sweet pics. u make my morning
lucy, how do you take screencaps? do you have to wire your computer to the tv? or you watch an ep on your computer and freeze caps??
there have 2 ways to make screencaps. one is if u have own CD/DVD with CSI miami tie together the TV and PC after that use specially program for screencaps and ur ready
the 2 one way is to find in the net allready done caps and to likn them in ur post. but i must have permission from the author of the side .
pabzi u have ur account in when u like someone pic or cap u upload it in there and Bingo. but the size must be at less ( "<") 450/450
sorry for my repetition
<font color="greenish">Lucy</font> i see that we have post at the same time
pabzi media player screencaps?
Making a screenshot (aka screencaps, screen capture).
Some software has buildt-in tools for taking screenshots, others don't. Programs such as PowerDVD and WinDVD has this feature.
As most people use Windows Media Player, I'll base this guide on that program.
There are 3 things we have to keep in mind when creating screenshots.
1. Turn off video acceleration. Don't worry about why, just do it!
- In Media Player, click "tools -> options", then choose the tab that says "performace". Move the slider under "video acceleration" from Full to NONE. Click OK.
2. Capture the image.
-Play the video you want to make a screenshot from. When you see a good picture: press the PrtScn/Print Screen button (it's located above the Insert button on your keyboard).
If you have a hard time getting a good picture, pause the film first and then click the button.
It looks as if nothing happens when you click the button, but the computer now saves an image of your screen.
3. Save the image
-Launch your favorite photo editor and
a. open a new window (ctrl+n or file -> new)
b. paste the copied image (click ctrl+v or choose Edit -> paste).
c. Edit the image, remove whats outside the video-screen... or just save it the way it is. Always save as JPG or GIF.
4. Undo step 1.
-when you're done with the screencaps, repeat step 1, but move the slider back to "full".
This is the best setting for most computers.