Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe
define this day for me is the day for question or i`m too asleep ..
in one epi in S4 they show H chief...did he come to the show before?
and for CSI Miami cars - Hummers i always like them but was wonder why so big one, is this conveniently. now in S4 i see that in the back of this car have a little
is this showing before or i start to watch more carefully the CSI....
and at last..for the mobil telephone...i have notice that some times the guys form the team did not open the phone but start to talk lik it`s radio...instance when R get wounded in epi. 8...!?!?
sorry guys for the trouble but when H is on the TV it make me 'absent' form the case..
i like the way hi talk to the suspect "H: my friend" hehe (irony) or when he always say :"H: excuse me" when go somewhere
so educational
some times H for me is like a fog just come form nowhere or disappear at once...i very very like this part of his characters
DaWacko thanks for this cool pics