~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

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Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

most sad H moment in all S :(
look so lost and helpless :(
and this hands...




ADD: it`s not fair H to suffer so much. hi is like magnet for pain or his character feed with pain so to be alive...:(
and this one Stetler when will leave H alone and stop pursue him. even S is strat to copy H manner...dullard...i know that in the show must have 'bad' guys but S just overdo it...
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

:lol: Yeah, I get your point Pabzi :D.

I love that scene Liz. All playful, playful. It's a rare time that someone questions what he does so naturally. Oh, congrats on getting that pose. :lol: I've been doing that myself and I haven't really noticed...it..
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

Oh I did that pose a few times already. No one noticed except me coz I was the one obsessed with H so I know. They don't. *phew* ;)

On Frank. I haven't watch S4 too but I think the reason Frank questioned H is just to get a clear answer from H. Frank trusts H and that's why he would ask the man himself. Just like when Frank was under suspicion in S3(or was it S2?) then Eric questioned him directly. Eric didn't believe Frank did it but he had to ask.

As for Valera :lol:, I think it was in Big Brother that H asked Valera for an urgent favor and Valera was quick as lightning. She appeared out of nowhere and it was H's turn to get a shock. An eye for an eye :lol:...
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

OK OK OK i`m so so so sorry for my stupid post form yesterday about F ...

now i delete it :mad:

*open the window and look how many floors will fly free - max 10 sek. and will be dead*

:( :( :(

i`m only human :mad:

i know that u guys clarifying the stuff for me..and i`m so thankful...

i`m not offended , i`m just piss of by my self :(

*hit head at the wall* :mad:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

Heyyy...don't be sorry. It's not stupid. We all have different interpretations and points of view. :)

Don't jump! :eek:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

We're all just clarifying Pusher :) None of the answers were offensive, everyone just points out how they see the Fratio scene :) *hugs Pusher*

It was season 2 zippy when Frank was under suspicion. Loved how bad ass like he answered Eric's questions :lol:

I so love that scene you posted Pusher! It's kind of totally romantic. How H trusts Calleigh... he showed her that he believes in that friendship between them and he totally put himself into her hands. How gentle she proceeded with the Q-Tips... awwwwwww!!!
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

Awwwwwwww.........that's true, it's romantic...Calleigh and H have deep trust between them...now I get all mushy-mushy coz of you togo :)lol: feels like I'm calling Ryan)!

Ah yeah it was S2! Bad memory, getting old... :rolleyes:

Oh, why does H stare into his hands everytime he feels down and out? He did that in After the Fall when talking about Speed's death and then in S4 when he was I suppose under suspicion? :confused:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

I love the pictures Pusher, I've not yet seen the episode, but looking forward it - although it does look quite sad.

togoholic said:
It was season 2 zippy when Frank was under suspicion. Loved how bad ass like he answered Eric's questions :lol:
I really like the moment H and Eric had towards the end, regarding H watching his back, I thought it was so sweet. :D
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

Pusher, sweety - I love how people post their point of views on a special scene or a character and you started a very nice discussion about the Fratio scene. I enjoy reading everybody's view on CSIM scenes/characters/episodes etc. It can open up the minds of the members here to look at something in a different angle. I have to confess I disliked Eric in S. 4 because I thought he could really get over it what Ryan did in S. 3. AND he could warm up to him already because clearly Ryan is someone that is looking for friends but he can't really express it that way. In my eyes he is a very sensitive and troubled character, his behaviour is often a fassade so nobody can see how sensitive he really is. Thanks to member's opinions here I changed my mind on Eric again as I finally understood what was going on with him. As a Ryan fan I 'took his side' and just started to disliking Eric... until I saw how other people look at him and opened up my mind for other thoughts regarding him :) I wanna write a 6,000 page essay about CSIM! I so love that show! I would marry it if I could :D It's so complex under the beautiful thongs/no ugly people ever/glam shots of the city-surface.

zippy said:
Awwwwwwww.........that's true, it's romantic...Calleigh and H have deep trust between them...now I get all mushy-mushy coz of you togo :)lol: feels like I'm calling Ryan)!

zipzip - I'm a hopeless romantic... no wonder such a comment came from me :lol: But it IS romantic... oh god that scene is like the most romantic ever on TV because it's so special. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! *all mushy and with little hearts in eyes right now*

Not my Togo :lol: I remembered that right now :lol:

I think the hand thing is something that has to do with his childhood. It was violent as he told Jennifer... he must have covered his eyes a lot with his hands so he wouldn't have to see his father coming towards him. Children think they're invisible when they hide their eyes behind their hands. I remember that when my cousin was young and he did that :) He always said: I'm invisible now! You can't find me!

Oh yeah, now I'm sad :( Poor Horatio :(

Tink - you are so right! :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

PUSHER! DONT JUMP! you are not stupid. dont think that you are for a second!
i will see under suspicion in a few days. whenever i think about it i want to cry, but i have to see it. its part of the whole H thing.
i like eric very much. i dislike ryan (no offence)
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

He's a bit hard to take sometimes pabzi and the writers could reveal more about him that would make people understand his behaviour. I think Ryan is totally misunderstood sometimes (not saying that because I'm a huge fan, I really try to be objective).

Under Suspicion is a great eppy! You'll love it!
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

I have to say, I didn't interpret that scene in 'Under Suspicion' as being romantic at all, not in the true sense of the word 'romantic'. Maybe we all have different views on the definition of that word, I don't know.

The scene was very moving indeed. H puts his absolute trust in Calleigh, and I love that deep sense of loyalty between them. H is so very vulnerable in that scene, emphasized by his bowed head. When I watched it though, I did think it was a touch melodramatic, because his head was so low. It looked a bit strange!

Romantic? No, not for me. Intense, poignant? Very much so. :(
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

i too agre H/C moment was`t romantic in romantic way...they only show trust and respect one toward other. for me in this show never have even a little occasion so to thing that can be H/C relationship mixed with love.

and about the H and his hands . i very much like the togoh explanation . but even this i think there have smothing more...like the hands is very important moment of H and to the reast peopels too. they show so much and we look at them often (toward ours or interlocutor). they show things for us and the rest...like when u look at someone eyes can tell what he/she think...

and define in all CSI Miami S 1 2 3 4 H do this often...i won`t get tired of him and his hands :) but when hi has blood on then i always remind his NY pass or his regret for squander wrongly life
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

I think 'Under Suspicion' could well be one of the best episode out of the rest of S4. Besides being able to see a hurt and vulnerable H, we also get to see the characters interact more than usual. I think at that point, Ann was her normal self again. For a while anyways.

The scene between H and Cal could be viewed from many different angles and therefore some get different perspective out of a single scene. Either just normal contact or something more. Behind a scene there is always a meaning so if it isn't romantic, it isn't. But if it is, then it is..

Personally, I think H is feeling a little left out so lets get back to him.. :lol:
Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brothe

'Under Suspicion' was one of season 4's better episodes, even though the plot is so full of holes! For example, H was supposed to withdraw from the case completely to avoid compromising it, but he didn't at all (not that I minded more H screentime, but it was very unrealistically portrayed).

Anyway, I loved this quote from that episode:

Ryan: So Horatio really cared about this woman.
Calleigh: I think the first one since Yelina.

Aww. :(
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