~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I like when a tv show has a certain, unique style. Unlike LV or NY, Miami did manage to devolope an unique style. I love that beautiful wideshots (especially with H in it *thud*) and that "strange angle" shots (like in "Payback")
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

pabzi said:
the best voice!!!
hey togoholic, you are not old. there are at least 3 of us over 20. im 22.

Yep I'm in the over twenties group, not telling you how far though :lol: :lol: *coughes* 28!! Not that old but all my housemates are 21, so I feel old :rolleyes:

Anyway that aside, I could just listen to H all day, when everyone else is away I just have DVD's on to make noise in the house, and even when I can't see screen I will happily listen to H, I tend to forget everything else too!! Is Miami really about forensics :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

the years doesn't matter...H is 50 and if we look so sexy in that ages will be so happy :)

Liz i see that i`m not alone in this H obsession ...here show 27 in my i.d. card :)

but for me is more important the character (type) of the show not that much how he/she look like
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Footyliz said:
Is Miami really about forensics :lol:

I have NO idea... all I see is the sexy red haired God with his adorable/die hard sexy/roaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr HOTTTTTT!!!-gang :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

i like the fact that there is a topic to the show, and forensics is definately a good one, but i definately cannot ignore that adorable red head!
the fact that he distances himself from everyone just makes him more intriguing
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Well, I am... 28! 29 in October actually! But without make-up and a more casual look some people have given me... 18!!! That’s a caress for any ego!
Seriously: I believe age is a state of mind.

Back to David Caruso’s voice: it is... disarming!!!
A voice can do much for a person. In my opinion, an average good-looking man can become really interesting if he has got a great voice.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Yep I hit 29 in october too!!

And disarming is a great word to describe his voice :D I agree :)

Yeah voice can do a lot, I am a Brummie and the accent makes you sound really boring, it is funny to look at someone then get a whole different impression when they open their mouth!!

Ah H could talk to me all day long ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

dungeon_queen said:
yeah that's so true. I can't concentrate when H is on screen. Only in the dubbed version I'm able to concentrate on the case, cause H's voice can't make me all crazy :lol:

Then I wonder, why you are so keen on the dubbed version of NYPD :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

footyliz, what is a brummie?

H's voice is great. what gets me the most is the way that he expresses certain words to make a piont. i dont know really how to explain it. what i mean is, if someone else said the samr sentence, it woulld have a totally different meaning because the way that H expresses his words gives them all the meaning.
did that make sence?
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

You know I LOVE how he pronounces names, the tone in his voice is just so woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! He could read me a telephone book to me and I'd still get all excited and mushy :lol: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm H's voice really does it for me... and I totally agree on the voice can do much for a person, really do! H's voice makes him so special combined with his great looks and the way he moves and acts... whatta package of manlyness :D



pabzi said:
footyliz, what is a brummie?

H's voice is great. what gets me the most is the way that he expresses certain words to make a piont. i dont know really how to explain it. what i mean is, if someone else said the samr sentence, it woulld have a totally different meaning because the way that H expresses his words gives them all the meaning.
did that make sence?

Made total sense to me!!! I completely agree :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

pabzi said:
footyliz, what is a brummie?

Ah pabzi I'm from Birmingham, England and that makes me a Brummie!! It's like you would call a New Yorker a Yankee!!

:lol: :lol: Reading the phone book, that's good, imagine him reading poetry ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Yeah, well, I'll top that... imagine him reading a naughty book to you... *needs coooooooooold shower right now*

Oh my god, I just killed myself :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

i think that you killed many of us!!!! :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Sorry for this late post but referring to all the talk about age and being old! :lol: I, for once, would have loved to be older than 17. I mean, H would probably refer to us as 'kids' but then, he'll refer to you as 'ladies'[or gentlemen]. Now, I feel like a kid. :lol:
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