~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Never been better, with those pics you posted togoholic! :D I love the first pic, makes me wonder that if both men gotta hatch a plan, what would it be??? :rolleyes: Hmm...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

lol Zippy! :D

Felt like posting pictures... H and Frank made me do it lol Just watch them in 'Felony Flight' which had me thinking: Hey, post another picture! ;)

The Choir of Da God and Da Man - Aaaaaaaaah!

Mmmmm, what could they discuss??? I bet sarcastic well placed and dead cool one-liners :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Great H/Frank pictures everyone. Gotta love those two together! :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

taking a shower is a VERY good idea...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

togoholic, just a reminder not to post images that are larger than 480 pixels horizontally in this Forum please. We make this request as images larger than that can stretch the screen and take a long time to load if you have a slower internet connection. You can always post a larger image as a link.

Here's a link to the Forum guidelines. Thanks. :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

No worries. Often screencaps are over 600 pixels and need to be resized if you wish to post them as an image, not a link. :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

True :D Photobucket has a nice feature to resize images, that's cool. A pic to make it up:

Hands up

My fave scene in that episode! 'Under Suspicion' is one of my all time fave episodes!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh I've had a naff day, you guys have really cheered me up, great pics everyone, I love Frank and H together their banter is brilliant :)

Can't remember the exact quote but I love it when they go back and forth in interogation.

F: Are you.....?
Suspect: No
F: Do you believe him Lt?
H: No

F: Are you running girls out of your club?
Suspect: No
H: Yes, yes you are you're running girls...

It's the tone in the last quote that makes it.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

frank is ptetty funny with H. i dont like how he behaves toward delko.
i have noticed that frank and H are friends.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

The Choir of Da God and Da Man - Aaaaaaaaah!

Mmmmm, what could they discuss??? I bet sarcastic well placed and dead cool one-liners :D

:lol: I love those one-liners! And that pic's hilarious :lol: CSI Choir :lol: Oooh reminds me of last weekend, I was at Starbucks having my nice caffe mocha when I noticed the guy in front of me had a shirt on with "Crime Scene Investigation"(not Investigator though) written behind in bold letters. Oh, I SO wished that the man would turn out to be Horatio :lol: but then he doesn't have red hair so I knew it wasn't him...and some weeks ago, my office almost got burglared. There wasn't anyone when I went up to have a look. I went to check if anyone was hiding in the rooms. I was scared but the funny thing is I noticed fingerprints from where the burglar tried to break in and I thought "I'm gonna need this processed" :lol: I was also thinking that if only H is here with me, everything will be alright and I wouldn't be so scared. Ok, this has nothing to do with CSI Choir :lol:, it's just one thought trailing to another.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

The Choir of Da God and Da Man - Aaaaaaaaah!

Mmmmm, what could they discuss??? I bet sarcastic well placed and dead cool one-liners :D

:lol: I love those one-liners! And that pic's hilarious :lol: CSI Choir :lol: Oooh reminds me of last weekend, I was at Starbucks having my nice caffe mocha when I noticed the guy in front of me had a shirt on with "Crime Scene Investigation"(not Investigator though) written behind in bold letters. Oh, I SO wished that the man would turn out to be Horatio :lol: but then he doesn't have red hair so I knew it wasn't him...and some weeks ago, my office almost got burglared. There wasn't anyone when I went up to have a look. I went to check if anyone was hiding in the rooms. I was scared but the funny thing is I noticed fingerprints from where the burglar tried to break in and I thought "I'm gonna need this processed" :lol: I was also thinking that if only H is here with me, everything will be alright and I wouldn't be so scared. Ok, this has nothing to do with CSI Choir :lol:, it's just one thought trailing to another.

Yeah, the one-liners are sometimes to die for :D Esp when Horatio doesn't believe someone.

4x08 Nailed
H: Now that was a terrific story...


Whoa I wanna have such a shirt!! :eek: :( Aaaaaaand regarding the CSI Choir... we have 'The Oboes' :lol: :lol: I can't ever get over the 'The things you WON'T hear'-thread... my poor tummy :D
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