~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

hey!! was off for 2 days, i was at home. weekend, no transportation (dont have a car) and i didnt go out.
tomorrow i get my computer!!

anyway, i know its off topic but i wasnt here at that time:
am i8 the only 1 here who dislikes yelina? i think that H is too good for her, i dont know why he loves her.

i saw the last episode of season 1 last night (didnt catch the name) very good ep. last time they showed s1 i didnt see it cause i wasnt obsessed yet.

gotta run,ill be back (that is a warning and a threat)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Hmmm...I think ImissSpeed would agree with you there :). It's okay if she isn't liked by everyone. We're entitled to our own opinions ;).
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

am i8 the only 1 here who dislikes yelina? i think that H is too good for her, i dont know why he loves her.
no, you're not the only one. I don't think H loves her. It's mostly guilt, because his brother is gone. Y is family and he has to tke care of her, even if she doesn't want to, like in "crime wave"
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

@ pabzi+dungeon_queen: I dislike her too...

(and very nice ava, dungeon_queen)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

thank god that im not the only one. i find her annoying. H deserves someone with more personality.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's okay if she isn't liked by everyone. :) We're entitled to our own opinions . ;)
Absolutely right Casper. I can think of 101 reasons why I like Yelina, and I think H loves her, no question about it. I have posted on it at length elsewhere, but, putting my Mod's hat on, and all bias aside, this is not the thread for that type of discussion.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

im getting a computer tomorrow!!! im gonna teach myself how to do all sorts of cool things like move H pictures around and stuff!!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's okay if she isn't liked by everyone. :) We're entitled to our own opinions . ;)
Absolutely right Casper. I can think of 101 reasons why I like Yelina, and I think H loves her, no question about it. I have posted on it at length elsewhere, but, putting my Mod's hat on, and all bias aside, this is not the thread for that type of discussion.
Seconded, 100%.....and there is so much proof of his love for her (from TPTB in the audio commentaries as well as what we see on screen), I am always perplexed when people deny it, but as has been said, we are all entitled to our opinions.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

My fave H/Frank quotes :D Just watched 'Nailed again' :D

Frank: No matter how you cut it divorce sucks.
Horatio: Frank... (puts sunglasses on, 'the pose') It's a killer.

I so love it!!!! :p
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Great quote togoholic. I love all H/Frank scenes. As Ducky would say, double asskickingness! :devil: :D

Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's gettin hot in herrrrrrre... :D Thanks for the pics!

And this is just excellent; double asskickingness!!! :lol: P-e-r-f-e-c-t for the fabulous duo :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Hello togoholic. Whoopie! Frank and H...double bonus! :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Hi Zippy :D How are ya?

Another H-quote after he hit Resden in 'Under Suspicion'

H: You okay Walter? That looked like it hurt...

The way HOW he said it... the facial expression... YEAH!!! :D

And I had to contribute 'Da Man' with 'Da God' :D

Ass kicking plans
Looks like blood...

From 'Under Suspicion'
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